Farmers Branch Fire Department
Prefire Analysis Report
Address: 4720 Alpha Inspection Date: August 8, 2003
Bus. Name: Eurway Furniture Occupancy: Furniture Warehouse with Store Front
Index By AddressIndex by Business Name

Running Route
Building Info
Water Supply
Unique Hazards
Special Information


Front Elevation
Satelite View
West Fire Lane
Photo #4


Floor Plan
Site Plan


N - 4849 Alpha
E - 4800 Alpha
S - 4721 Simonton
W - 4700 Alpha

Building Information

Floors: 1 @ 30' Height
Sub-floors: No
Churn Pressure: N/A
Square Feet: 36,000
Fire Flow/floor: 12,000 gpm
Construction Type: Type 2, Non-Combustible
Exterior Walls: Halite block with brick vaneer
Roof: Light weight metal truss; Flat
Interior Walls: Sheetrock
Emerg Power: No
Year Constructed: Remodeled in 1980
Fire Protection

Knox Box: No
Fire Command Room: No
Alarm Panel: Yes - Employee Break Room
Elevators: No
Stairwells: No
Roof Access: No
Auto-Unlock: No
Auto-Suppression: Yes - Full Coverage
Standpipes: No
FD Connection: (2) 2 1/2" on NW corner facing Alpha
Fire Pump: No
Smoke Control: Manual
Fire Communications: No

Water Supply
First 4705 Alpha - Across Alpha, west of the building 225 feet 1680
Second 4849 Alpha - Across Alpha, east of the building 330 feet 1683

Electricity Breaker panels are in employee break room next to service entrance on the East side of the building
Gas Gas meter is on the north wall in the center of the building

Unique Hazards
High Rack Storage The warehouse area contains high rack storage of household combustables (furniture).

Fire Command Room

There is no designated Fire command room, but the employee break room contains alarm reset switch, breaker panels, and ventilation control.

Alarm Panel

The panel has a single button to silence/reset the fire alarm. It is found in the employee break room on the east wall, just inside the service entrance.


Automatic Unlocking

Automatic Suppression

Full sprinkler coverage in both warehouse and showroom/office areas. Two sprinkler risers are in the northwest corner of the building, just inside emergency exit door. Sprinklers can be shut off and drained at this location. Replacement sprinkler heads are available.



Smoke Control

There is a large exhaust ventilation fan in the warehouse area, on the southwest corner of the building's roof. The switch to activate it is in the employee break room, on the east wall, just inside the service entrance.

Fire Communications