Farmers Branch Fire Department
Prefire Analysis Report
Address: 14185 Dallas Parkway Inspection Date: 02/22/2007
Bus. Name: Centura Occupancy: Business Office
Index By AddressIndex by Business Name

Running Route
Building Info
Water Supply
Unique Hazards
Special Information


Rear Elevation
Satelite View
Photo #3
Photo #4


Lobby Floor Plan
Site Plan
Lower Level
Floors 2 - 15


N - 5001 Spring Valley
E -
S -
W -

Building Information

Floors: 15 in Building; 8 in Parking Garage
Sub-floors: (1) Building (Lower Level); (3) Parking Garage
Churn Pressure: 160 psi
Square Feet/floor: 26,500
Fire Flow/floor: 8,800 gpm
Construction Type: Type I - Fire Resistive
Exterior Walls: Steel beams with masonry
Roof: Steel Beams with membrane covering
Interior Walls: Metal studs with sheetrock
Emerg Power: Yes - SW corner of bldg in Mech room
Year Constructed: 1999
Fire Protection

Knox Box: 2 - Main Entrance and Loading Dock
Fire Command Room: Yes - NE corner of center core
Alarm Panel: Yes - In Fire Control Room
Elevators: Yes - 12 cars
Stairwells: Yes - 2 in Building; 3 in Parking Garage
Roof Access: Yes - North Stairwell (Stair 2)
Auto-Unlock: Yes
Auto-Suppression: Yes - Full Coverage
Standpipes: Yes - Both Stairwells
FD Connection: SE and NW corners; freestanding/redundant
Fire Pump: Yes - 750 gpm; Lower Level Mech Room
Smoke Control: Yes - Automatic
Fire Communications: Yes

Water Supply
First 5060 Spring Valley - NW corner of the building 100 feet to NW FDC 1665
Second 5070 Spring Valley - NE corner of the building 140 feet to NW FDC 1667
Third 14185 Dallas Parkway - SE corner of building 60 feet to SE FDC 1913
Fourth 14185 Dallas Parkway - SW corner of building at parking garage entrance 180 feet to SE FDC 1914

Electricity The main electrical panels, along with the emergency generator, are located in the southwest corner of the building. This room, however, is accessed through the mechanical room in the southeast corner of the building on the Lower Level. Each floor has independant breaker panels which are located in the room just east of the center core restrooms.
Gas No gas connection to the building

Unique Hazards
Loading Dock Location The loading dock on the Lower Level is underneath the atrium of the main building. A vehicle fire at the loading dock or a fire in the trash compactor on the loading dock could compromise the building. The building entrances on the lower level are isolated from the loading dock by a fire door with a fusible link, but inventory and supplies unloaded onto the dock could interfere with the operation of the door.

Fire Command Room

Fire Command Room is located in the northeast corner of the center core, next to Stair 2. Features include: Fire Alarm Panel, Automatic Smoke Control Panel, Generator Annunciator, Fire Pump Annunciator, Elevator Annunciator and selection switch, Communications Panel for Firefighter phones and Building PA (addressable by floor), Key box, Magnetic Lock Override and reset, and a direct dial telephone. The key to access the Fire Command Room is located in both knox boxes. 24-hour on-site security also may have the room unlocked for you on arrival.

Fire Command Room Telephone Number: (972) 233-6845

Alarm Panel

The fire alarm panel is located in the Fire Command Room. Each detection device is addressed and can be identified by the panel. Additional Fire Alarm Panel Annunciators can be found on the Lower Level just inside the loading dock and on the 1st floor next to the restrooms.


There are 12 elevator cars, all of which operate on Phase 1 / Phase 2 fireman service. Elevator keys and Lunar Keys are located in the key box of the Fire Command Room. Every floor and every car has a lunar key opening and a firefighter communication jack. All shafts are pressurized when the building is in alarm. While the building is operating under emergency power, only one car from bank "P" and one car from bank "G" can be used. The car to be used in each of these banks is selected from a switch on the elevator annunciator panel in the Fire Command Room.

P1 - P7: Passenger cars in the middle of the center core that serve floors 1 - 15. The elevator equipment is in the penthouse of the building and best accessed by Stair 2.

G1 - G3: Passenger cars on the west side of the atrium adjacent to the parking garage. These cars serve the lobby of the building and all floors (B3 - L7) of the parking garage. The elevator equipment is in the Penthouse of the parking garage and is accessed by Stair 3.

S1: Passenger/mail shuttle elevator located on the west side of the center core and opens only on the Lower Level and the 1st floor. The equipment room is on the Lower Level in a closet just behind the shuttle car.

S8: Service Elevator which is accessed on the west side of the center core and serves all floors of the building (LL - 15). The elevator equipment is in the Penthouse of the building and best accessed by Stair 2.

Cars are grouped in the following common shafts:
Shaft 1: P1 - P4
Shaft 2: P5 - P7, S8
Shaft 3: S1
Shaft 4: G1, G2
Shaft 5: G3


Two stairwells in the building, both of which are pressurized while the building is in alarm.

Stair 1 is accessed in the southwest corner of the center core and opens on every floor of the building (LL - 15). Stair 1 contains a class 1 standpipe, an access ladder with hatch to the roof, and firefighter communication jacks on each floor. On inspection, the roof hatch was not locked. The stairwell pressurization fan is located in the mechanical room on the Lower Level.

Stair 2 is accessed in the northeast corner of the center core and opens on every floor of the building (LL - 15). Stair 2 contains a class 1 standpipe, stair access to the roof, firefighter communications jacks on each floor, and sprinkler floor isolation valves. On inspection, the door to the roof could be unlocked with a master key. Isolation valves are approxiamately 8 feet off the landing, requiring a short ladder to reach safely. The stairwell pressurization fan is located in the Northeast storage room on the Lower Level.

Stair 3 serves only the parking garage and allows access to the roof of the parking garage and the elevator equipment room for elevator bank "G".

Automatic Unlocking

All floors of the building except the Lower Level and 1st floor are magnetically locked and require one of three magnetic key cards to access under normal building conditions. Key rings in the key box in the Fire Command Room include magnetic key cards. Magnetic locks are released when the fire alarm panel is in alarm, or when the override key in the Fire Command Room is manually activated.

Automatic Suppression

The building and parking garage are both fully covered by sprinklers. Floor isolation valves for the building are located in Stair 2 and are approximately 8 feet above the landing. Pressure can be boosted by pressurizing either of the two fire department connections. Both FDC's include (3) 2-1/2" and (1) 5" connections. The automatic suppression system is designed to flow a number of sprinkler heads to cover 2070 square feet of space. The fire pump is located in the mechanical room in the Lower Level and is rated at 750 gpm. Fire Department Connections for the parking garage are next to the north vehicle entrance.


Class 1 standpipes are located in both Stair 1 and Stair 2. Pressure can be boosted by pressurizing either of the two fire department connections.

Smoke Control

Smoke control panel is in the Fire Command Room. On alarm, the HVAC pressurizes the floors above and below the alarm and exhausts the floor in alarm. Each fan and damper can also be controlled manually. Stairwells are pressurized on alarm by fans in the Lower Level mechanical room and northeast storage room. Elevator shafts are pressurized by fans on top of the elevator penthouses. Each can be manually controlled from the smoke control panel in the Fire Command Room.

Fire Communications

Handsets are located in the Fire Command Room. Communication jacks are located in each elevator lobby, in each elevator car, on each floor of both stairwells, in elevator penthouse, in Fire Pump room, and in the emergency generator room.