Farmers Branch Fire Department
Prefire Analysis Report
Address: 4055 Valley View Inspection Date: May 8, 2008
Bus. Name: Granite Tower at the Centre Occupancy: Business Office
Index By AddressIndex by Business Name

Running Route
Building Info
Water Supply
Unique Hazards
Special Information


Front Elevation
Satelite View
Photo #3
Photo #4


Lobby Floor Plan
Site Plan
Floors 2 - 10


N - None
E - 4099 Valley View
S - None
W - None

Building Information

Floors: 10
Sub-floors: None
Churn Pressure: 125 psi
Square Feet: 25,000
Fire Flow/floor: 8,300 gpm
Construction Type: Type I, Fire Resistive
Exterior Walls: Glass Curtain Wall
Roof: Concrete with tar & gravel
Interior Walls: sheetrock on metal studs
Emerg Power: Northeast corner of bldg
Year Constructed: 1998
Fire Protection

Knox Box: North side on loading dock
Fire Command Room: Yes - North entrance through pump room
Alarm Panel: Yes - Fire Control Room
Elevators: Yes - 6 cars
Stairwells: Yes - 2
Roof Access: Yes - each stairwell
Auto-Unlock: Yes
Auto-Suppression: Yes - Full Coverage
Standpipes: Yes - Each Stairwell
FD Connection: Freestanding on Northeast corner
Fire Pump: Yes - 750 gpm; North side, entrance next to Knox Box
Smoke Control: Yes - Automatic
Fire Communications: Yes

Water Supply
First 4055 Valley View - East side of building 100 feet 1593
Second 4055 Valley View - North side of building 300 feet 1592
Third 4055 Valley View - South side of building 350 feet 1591
Fourth 13300 Alpha Link - West side of building 500 feet 1588

Electricity There is an emergency generator on the north side of the building on the loading dock. Access keys are in the keybox in the fire command room. Each floor has independent breaker panels in a room next to the freight elevator.
Gas No gas service to the building

Unique Hazards

Fire Command Room

The fire command room is best accessed from the loading dock on the north end of the building, through the fire pump room. Features include: Fire Alarm Panel, Automatic smoke control panel, Elevator Annunciator and selector switch, Communications for fire phones and building PA, Key box, Magnetic lock overrides, and a direct dial telephone. There is a master key in the Knox box that will allow access to the pump room and fire command room. The key to access the fireman's key box is also in the Knox box.

Alarm Panel

The fire alarm panel is in the fire command room. Each device is addressed on the fire alarm panel.


There are 6 elevator cars, all of which operate on Phase 1 / Phase 2 fireman service. Elevator keys are located in the key box in the fire command room. Every floor and car has a lunar key opening and a firefighter communication jack. Each shaft is pressurized when the building is in alarm. There is an elevator car selector switch in the elevator annunciator panel, which is accessed using an elevator key. When the building is operating on emergency power, one passenger car is selected at random to operate when the selector switch is set to "AU" (Auxillary Unit). The car selection can be manually overridden by choosing cars 1 - 5 with the elevator selector switch. The freight elevator car is always operating when the building is on emergency power.

Car 1 - Car 5 are passenger cars accessed in the center core lobby. Car 6 is the freight elelvator has a separate lobby just north of the passenger elevator lobby. Cars 1, 2, and 3 share a shaft, as do cars 4 and 5. All cars service floors 1 through 10. Elevator equipment for all cars is in the penthouse and is best accessed using Stair 2 (south stairwell). The equipment room for cars 1 through 5 are in a common room of the penthouse, while the equipment for car 6 is in a separate room.


There are two stairwells in the building, both of which are pressurized when the building is in alarm or when manually activated at the smoke control panel. Both stairwells have vestibules to access each floor, and contains a Class 1 standpipe. Each vestibule contains a fire phone jack, or in the case of the 3rd and 8th floors, a full fire phone handset. Floor 5 through 10 are locked and require a magnetic key card to access the vestibule from the stairwell. Key cards are on each set of keys in the key box in the Fire Control Room. Stairwell locks can be manually over-ridden by means of a switch in the Fire Control Room.

Stair 1 is located in the north end of the center core and contains the floor isolation valves for the sprinkler system. The valves are located between 10 and 12 feet off the floor in the stairwell vestibule, depending which floor you are on. Stair 1 allows access to the roof by means of a roof hatch that is accessed by a wall ladder. The key to the lock on the hatch is on each set of keys in the key box in the Fire Control Room.

Stair 2 is located in the south end of the center core and is the best choice to use for roof access. The stairwell continues all the way up to the roof to allow access to the penthouse. If the door to the roof is locked, it can be opened using the master key on each set of keys in the key box in the Fire Control Room. This stairwell's standpipe continues all the way up to the roof level and there is an additional fireman's phone jack at the roof level.

Automatic Unlocking

Floors 5 through 10 require a keycard to access each stairwell vestibule, unless the panel is in alarm. There are switches in the Fire Control Room to over-ride the stairwell locks and the lock for Suite 110.

Automatic Suppression

The building is fully covered by automatic sprinklers. Floor isolation valves are in the stairwell vestibules of Stair 1 (north stairwell). Floor isolation valves are 10 to 12 feet above the floor and will require a short ladder to access.


Class 1 standpipes are located in each stairwell in the vestibule area with hook-ups on floors 1 through 10. Stair 2 also has 2 standpipe connections at roof level.

Smoke Control

The automatic smoke removal system will pressurize the floor above and below while venting the fire floor as reported by the alarm panel. Each stairwell, vestibule, and elevator shaft pressurize automatically. The smoke control panel is in the Fire Control Room.

Fire Communications

Communication with the Fire Control Room is made possible by Fireman phone Jacks that are located in each vestibule of both stairwells, each elevator lobby on each floor of the building, each elevator car, on the roof level of Stair 2, and in the penthouse elevator equipment rooms. On the 3rd and 8th floors of each stairwell, a full fireman phone handset is present instead of a handset jack.

There is also a public address system located in the Fire Control Room that can be used to address individual floors, or the entire building.