WIE .0.B. -X SET J I QCi .� 0 Q sp WI 01 4' R.O.W. DEDICATION 693 SQ.FT. 0.016 ACRES ..... BY THIS PLAT CV W 00 O O 1/2' IRF D=29'8'14" R=20. 0' L=10. 5' CB=N 5 '05'45"W LC= 10.23' I I I I 589.55'22"E 153.00 I \\— 25' BUILDING UNE VOL. 95100, PG. 3275 ABANDONED By THIS PLAT // \\ LOT 2R, BLOCK 1 \ s FELT LINE - MARSH BUSINESS PARK VOL. 95100, PG. 3275 7920-3939 B ELT LINE PROPERTIES, L.P. 15' FlRE LANE ESML - \ v'6 DOC. NO. 200600465660 von 95100. PG. 3275 N' / \ O.P.R.D.C.T. L.0-1- 31-R, 131.-OCK 1 BELT LINE — MARSH BUSINESS PARK VOL. 95100, PG. 3275 D=90000'00" 24' FIRE LANE ESMT. R=38.00' VOL. 84172, PG. 1984 VOL 84176, PG. 38 L=59.69 ' VOL 95100, PG. 3275 - --- — — - __ ---- - — CB = S44'55' 2 2" E LC -53.74 'X' FND. c.M. t 'X' SET I 24' FIRE LANE ESML ✓OL. 84172, PG. 1984 vol.. 84176. PG. 38 I W O D I oZ Dc REIMAINDER OF LO -i1 2R, F3 -OCK -I BEL TI LINE -- P,JARSI-I UU-SINESS PARK VOL_. �f)5100, PG. 3275 ADDISOf NATIONAL BANK VOL-. 97213, PG. 481'1- �— --- -- 1/2'�IRFAL .. SRF N89.55'22"W 9.76' LOT 1, E3LOCK -1 BELT LINE — MARSH BUSINESS 1='AFK VOL. 84186, PG. 1,-,57 F 10�D AND RECORD -0 t_,t�t=TGI+1L F�t�Ha_it; Fi�4�t1;�`: Jo1%n F Dal1at3 County C TEXAS €..y 11) - 2f0a FEE- $33-00 20 SURVEYOR'S CER TiFICAIE i, WILLIAM P. PRICE, a Registered Professional Land Surveyor in the State of Texas, do hereby certify that I prepared this plat from an actual ora the ground survey of the land and that the morlurnents shown thereon weir; found acid/or placed under my personal supervision in accordance with Platting Rules and regulations of the City Planning Cotrimision of the Town of Addison, Texas. WILLIAM P PRICE Date Registered Professional Land Surveyor, No. 3047""' '"" WlLL.iAM P PRPCE ... ............1..I• • 3a47 • `QF ss1o`% STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF DALLAS - BEFORE BEFURE rne, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this doy personally oppaared WILLIAM P. PRICE, known to rile to be the person or persons whose narne is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that tie executed the same in the capacity herein stated and the act arid deed of said company. GIVEN U R MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this _l_ day of 2008. Jokary Pub c in arad-for Dallas County, 'Texas _ _ oaF'v`p�;e. RUDY JOE MARTINEZ ° Notary Public, State of Texas My Commission Expires February 07, 2009 HOTES: 1. FND. - Found 2. IRS - Iron RoJ Set ;3. IRF - Iron RoJ Found 4. C.M. - C,ontrojing MonurTaent 5. Basis of Beari g - Based on Lot 2.R, Block 1, Belt Line Marsh Business Park Addition as recorded In Volur e 95100, Page 3275, of the Mop Records of Dallas County, Texas. D. MEYERS SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 923 T.L. CHENOWETH SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 273 I I I 9' FIRE LANE ESML Vol.. 84186, PG. 137 I � I i I I I 'X' FND. Approved by City(;Oun .it of the loom of Addison, Texas on the 200t3 payor - CIty Seg rekary LOT 1, HOCK 1 DELT LINE - (MARSH 13U SI1,,1ES�\ PARK VOL. 841 6, PG. 137 \ 24 FIRE LANE E VOL 84186, PG. 10 20 40 ( IN MEET ) I incl, = 210 ft. DETEN TION AREA ASEMEN T Tlais plat. is appeved by the Toon of Addison and accepted by the owner(s), subject to tire following condition; which shall be bidding upon the owner(s), his heirs, grantees and successors, and assigns: The proposed detrition area eases ent(s) within the limits of this addition, will rernoin as detention areas) to the lie and grade shown on the plans at all tinier and will be maintained by the individual owner(s of the lot or lots that are traversed by or adjacent to the detention areo(s), The Town of Adct;on will riot be responsible for the maintenance and operation of sold detention area(s) or any dmage or injury to private property or person that results from the flow of water along, into or ouiof said detention area(s), or for the control of erosion. No obstruction i the natural flow of storm water run-off shall be perrrlitted by filling or construction of ay type of darn, building, bridge, fence, walkway or any other structure within the designated detenbn area(s) unless approved by the Director of Public Works, provided; however, it is understood the in the event it becomes necessary for the Town of Addison to erect any type of drainage strucure in order to improve tie storril drainage that may be occasioned by the streets and alley in or adjacent to the subdivisions, them!, in such event, the Town of Addison shall have the ght to enter upon the detention area(s) at any point, or points, to erect, construct and rnatain any drainage facility deemed necessary for drainage purposes. Each property owner shall keepthe detention areas) traversing or adjacent to his property clean arid free of debris, silt and ny substance which would reSLllt in unsanitary conditions or blockage of the drainage. The Ton of Addison shall have the right of !tigress and egress for the purpose of inspection and 9per-vislon of maintenance work by the property owner(s), or to alleviate any undesirable coradibns, which may ec..cur. -The detention arKs) as in the case of all detention areas are subject to stoma water overflow(s) to an extent will( cannot be cleody defined. Tile Town of Addison slaoll riot be held liable for any damages of any ature resulting frorn the occur-rences of these natural phenorneria, nor resulting Rote tire failure f any structure or structures, within the detention area(s) or subdivision storm) drainage system. The detention are easement line identified on this pleat shows the detention areo(s) serving this addition. UNERS: ;20-39,-719 EIE L 1 r. 1,1E PROPER1IES, L,P 1440 NOR111 CE1111RAL EXPO SSWAY, SIE 500 LLLAS, Texas 75225 (INTACT NAME-: FAHDY iRLBECK A-363--6237 OWNER'S CERTIFICAIE STALE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DAL1_AS Whereas, 7920--,59,39 CELT LINE PI OPER lli_S, LP. is the owner's of a 0.93 acre troch of land situated in the D. MeY erg Survey, Abstract Flo. 923, and the i.L. Ctierioweth purvey, Abstract No. 2.73, in the Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, and being a portion of Lot 2R, E31ock 1, of the Belt Line -- ltlarsh Business Park, an addition to the Town of Addison, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 95100, Page 3275, of tale Map Records of Dallas County, Texas, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at an "X" trot in concrete set for corner, said point being the northwest corner of said Lot 2R, Block 1, and being [lie southwest corner of Lot 3R, Block 1, of said Belt Line Marsh Business Park, and being ion the east right -of --way line of Commercial Drive (a 60.00 foot right-of-way); THENCE South 89'55.? -2 East, along the cornrnon line of said Lot 2R, and Lot 3R, Block 1, a distance of 153.00 feet to Oil "X" cut in concrete found for corner, said point being in a curve to the right having a radius of 38.00, and a delta angle of 90' 00`00"; THENCE continr.aing along the common line of said Lot 2R, and Lot 3R, Block 1, arid said curve to the right, an arc distance of 59.69 feet, arid a chord bearing and distance of South 44"55'22" East, 53.74 feet to an "X" cut in concrete found for corner, said point beim i:he westerly southeast corder of said Lot 3R, and being the northerly northwest corner of I-ot 1, Block, of Belt Line - Marsh Business Park, an addition to the Town of Addison, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 84186, Page 137, of the Plat Records of Dallas County, Texas; IFIEhJCE South 00`04':38" West, along the common line of said Lot 2R, and said Lot 1, Block 1, a distance of 140.00 feet to an 'Y' cut in concrete found for corner; THENCE South 44`40'55" West, continuing along the cornrnon Title of said Lot 2R, and said Lot 1, Block 1, a distance of 1512.80 feet to a 1/2" inch iron rod found for corner; THENCE Not th 139`55'24" West, continuing along the common line of said Lot 2R, and said Lot 1, Block 1, a distance of 9.76 feet to a 1/2 incl iron rod set for corner, said point being the southeast corner of a called 0.190 acre of land conveyed to Addison rational Bank, by deed recorded in Volurne 97213, Page 4814, of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; IIIENCE North 00'04'351" East, through the interior of said Lot 2R, and along the Past line of said called 0.190 acre tract, a distance of 111.96 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for corner, said point being the northeast corner of said called 0.190 acre tract; TIiENCE North 89'55'24" West, continuing through the interior of said Lot 2R, and along the north line of said called 0.190 acre tract, a distance of 64.05 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for corner, said point being in a curve to the right having a radius of .20.)0) feet, and a delta angle of 29'313'14"; THENCE continuing clog through the interior of said Lot: 2R, arid along the north line of said called 0.190 acre tract, and said curve to the Fiat, an arc distance of 10.35 feet, and a chord bearing and distance of North 75"05'45" West, 10.23 feet to a '1/2" iron rr'I found for corner, said point being the northwest corner of said called 0.190 acre tract, and being in the west line of scii Lot 2R, and being the east right-of-way line of said Commercial Drive; THENCE Noi th 00'01'',11" East, along the west line of said Lot 2R, and the east right-of-way line of said Commercial Drive, a distance of 172,21 (set to the POINT OF BE:G114NING and containing 40,344 square feet or 0.93 acre of computed land. NOW, THEREFORE, K ,104' ALL MEN BY II IESE PRESENTS: - -- - That 7920-3939 BEL' UNE PROPERTIES, LP. ("Owners") do hereby adopt this plot designating the hereinabove property as 7920-3939 BELT UNE ADDITION, art addition to the 'Town of Addison, Texas, and, subject to the conditions, restrictions and reservations stated heeida(ter, owner dedicates to the public use forever the streets arid alleys shown thereon. The easements shover on this plat are hereby reserved for- the purposes as indicated, including, but not limited to, the installation and rrlointenance of water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, drainage, electric, telephone, gas and cable television. Owners shall hove thj right to use these easements, provided, however, that it does not unreasonably interfere or impede Witt) the provision of the services to others. Said utility easements are hereby being reserved by mutual use and acc«Innlcdotion of allpublic utilities using or desiring to use the same. An express easement of ingress and egress is hereby expressly grunaed on, over and across all such easements for the benefit of the provider of services for which easernents are granted. Any cli alringe and flooc'Y+ay easement shown hereon is Hereby dedicated to the public's use forever, but including the following covenants vita regards to maintenance responsibilities. The existing channels or creeks traversing the drainage and floodway easement will 'ernain as an open channel, unless required to bre enclosed by ordinance, at all times arid shall be maintained by the indigdual owners of the lot or lots that are traversed by or adjacent to the drainage and floodway easertient. 11he to\vn w1 riot be responsible for the 17) 0111 tell arice and operation of said creek or creeks or for any damage or Injury of private property or person that results from the flow of water along said creek, or for the control of erosion. No obstruction to thenaturcal flow of water runoff shall be permitted by construction of any type building, fence or any Other- structure within !tae drainage arid floodway easement. Provided, however, it is understood that in the event it becomes necessary for the town to channelize or consider- erecting any type of drainage structure in order to improve the storm drainage, then i such event, the town shall have the right, but not the obligation, to enter upon the drainage and floodway easenient at 7ny point, or points, with all lights of ingress anti egress to investigate, survey, erect, construct or maintain any drainage facility deemed necessary by the town for maintenance or efficiency of its respective system or service. Water IT30111 and sarlitcy sewer easements shall also include additional area of working space for construction and maintenance of the s�.tems. Additional easement area is also conveyed for installation and maintenance of manholes, clearaouts, fire hydrant, water service and sewer services from the main to curb or pavement line, and the descriptions of such additional easenvits herein granted sholl be determined by their locations as installed. This plat is approved .abject to all pkIlUnq ordinances, rules, regulations and resolutions of the Town of Addison, Texas. WITNESS my hand at ddison, this the _ day of �,� 200€x. &___ - - --- - ---- -- - AUTi-1U 7_ED-ADEN T STATE OF: COUN TY OF B= -ORE rrie, the unde,igned authority, a lJotary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared kawn to the to be the person or persons whose narne is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowl .dged to me tat. he executed the same in the capacity herein stated and the act arid deed of said company. GIVEN UNDER MY HAId AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this "day of 200f3.izf�rr r� �I1 �opRY :�B�4r EVI GISELL VEL1Z a -- \--- _-� -_-�g Notary Public, State of Texas -_ - f=Mata }' Public ! and r _- (.5( aunty = My Commission Expires y - - - 1 December 13, 2009 t .'_ T O W N O F FINAL PLAT ADI)NON 7920-3939 BELT LINE ADDITION LOT 1, BLOCK A 1.3:ING A REPL-A"l- OF i-0-1-' 2I-�, BLOCK 1 OFA ALYSSA DENT UE -1 LINE—MAf�SI--I DU511\IESS PARK ADDITION Secretary ! ` rl `A1 O U -( Gr(� Rd E � 7 rt 1. L. I_l l' '1 Y V 1 l 1 l U f� �� L �7�, ADS 1 i'� A (-, - N O. 2/ 3 AND THE E 16801 Westgrove Drive P.O. Box 9010 yE`ERS SURVEY, ABSTRACr NO. 9/j Addison, Texas 75001-9010 _ (972) 450-2881 11' ,1 1 F- I E TOWN O l \ D l_) I S O N, DALLAS C� O U N 1 I�/ , TEXAS Fax: (972) 450-2837 -1-1-115 F'LA FILED IN VOLUME IMAGE w \ I0 0' 1 i 0 II I 4- . — . I — — 11 � THIS Pu N DETENTION BAREA y THIS rl li r W Q Ir- IIw I Co � o � IiQ ��I I II z II Ii I li L=4.37' II I I II 15.95' I N89'55'22"W 66.00' J -- -- — 1/2- IRF N 9.55'22"W 64.05, 1/2- IRF 24' FIRE LANE ESML ✓OL. 84172, PG. 1984 vol.. 84176. PG. 38 I W O D I oZ Dc REIMAINDER OF LO -i1 2R, F3 -OCK -I BEL TI LINE -- P,JARSI-I UU-SINESS PARK VOL_. �f)5100, PG. 3275 ADDISOf NATIONAL BANK VOL-. 97213, PG. 481'1- �— --- -- 1/2'�IRFAL .. SRF N89.55'22"W 9.76' LOT 1, E3LOCK -1 BELT LINE — MARSH BUSINESS 1='AFK VOL. 84186, PG. 1,-,57 F 10�D AND RECORD -0 t_,t�t=TGI+1L F�t�Ha_it; Fi�4�t1;�`: Jo1%n F Dal1at3 County C TEXAS €..y 11) - 2f0a FEE- $33-00 20 SURVEYOR'S CER TiFICAIE i, WILLIAM P. PRICE, a Registered Professional Land Surveyor in the State of Texas, do hereby certify that I prepared this plat from an actual ora the ground survey of the land and that the morlurnents shown thereon weir; found acid/or placed under my personal supervision in accordance with Platting Rules and regulations of the City Planning Cotrimision of the Town of Addison, Texas. WILLIAM P PRICE Date Registered Professional Land Surveyor, No. 3047""' '"" WlLL.iAM P PRPCE ... ............1..I• • 3a47 • `QF ss1o`% STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF DALLAS - BEFORE BEFURE rne, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this doy personally oppaared WILLIAM P. PRICE, known to rile to be the person or persons whose narne is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that tie executed the same in the capacity herein stated and the act arid deed of said company. GIVEN U R MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this _l_ day of 2008. Jokary Pub c in arad-for Dallas County, 'Texas _ _ oaF'v`p�;e. RUDY JOE MARTINEZ ° Notary Public, State of Texas My Commission Expires February 07, 2009 HOTES: 1. FND. - Found 2. IRS - Iron RoJ Set ;3. IRF - Iron RoJ Found 4. C.M. - C,ontrojing MonurTaent 5. Basis of Beari g - Based on Lot 2.R, Block 1, Belt Line Marsh Business Park Addition as recorded In Volur e 95100, Page 3275, of the Mop Records of Dallas County, Texas. D. MEYERS SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 923 T.L. CHENOWETH SURVEY ABSTRACT NO. 273 I I I 9' FIRE LANE ESML Vol.. 84186, PG. 137 I � I i I I I 'X' FND. Approved by City(;Oun .it of the loom of Addison, Texas on the 200t3 payor - CIty Seg rekary LOT 1, HOCK 1 DELT LINE - (MARSH 13U SI1,,1ES�\ PARK VOL. 841 6, PG. 137 \ 24 FIRE LANE E VOL 84186, PG. 10 20 40 ( IN MEET ) I incl, = 210 ft. DETEN TION AREA ASEMEN T Tlais plat. is appeved by the Toon of Addison and accepted by the owner(s), subject to tire following condition; which shall be bidding upon the owner(s), his heirs, grantees and successors, and assigns: The proposed detrition area eases ent(s) within the limits of this addition, will rernoin as detention areas) to the lie and grade shown on the plans at all tinier and will be maintained by the individual owner(s of the lot or lots that are traversed by or adjacent to the detention areo(s), The Town of Adct;on will riot be responsible for the maintenance and operation of sold detention area(s) or any dmage or injury to private property or person that results from the flow of water along, into or ouiof said detention area(s), or for the control of erosion. No obstruction i the natural flow of storm water run-off shall be perrrlitted by filling or construction of ay type of darn, building, bridge, fence, walkway or any other structure within the designated detenbn area(s) unless approved by the Director of Public Works, provided; however, it is understood the in the event it becomes necessary for the Town of Addison to erect any type of drainage strucure in order to improve tie storril drainage that may be occasioned by the streets and alley in or adjacent to the subdivisions, them!, in such event, the Town of Addison shall have the ght to enter upon the detention area(s) at any point, or points, to erect, construct and rnatain any drainage facility deemed necessary for drainage purposes. Each property owner shall keepthe detention areas) traversing or adjacent to his property clean arid free of debris, silt and ny substance which would reSLllt in unsanitary conditions or blockage of the drainage. The Ton of Addison shall have the right of !tigress and egress for the purpose of inspection and 9per-vislon of maintenance work by the property owner(s), or to alleviate any undesirable coradibns, which may ec..cur. -The detention arKs) as in the case of all detention areas are subject to stoma water overflow(s) to an extent will( cannot be cleody defined. Tile Town of Addison slaoll riot be held liable for any damages of any ature resulting frorn the occur-rences of these natural phenorneria, nor resulting Rote tire failure f any structure or structures, within the detention area(s) or subdivision storm) drainage system. The detention are easement line identified on this pleat shows the detention areo(s) serving this addition. UNERS: ;20-39,-719 EIE L 1 r. 1,1E PROPER1IES, L,P 1440 NOR111 CE1111RAL EXPO SSWAY, SIE 500 LLLAS, Texas 75225 (INTACT NAME-: FAHDY iRLBECK A-363--6237 OWNER'S CERTIFICAIE STALE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DAL1_AS Whereas, 7920--,59,39 CELT LINE PI OPER lli_S, LP. is the owner's of a 0.93 acre troch of land situated in the D. MeY erg Survey, Abstract Flo. 923, and the i.L. Ctierioweth purvey, Abstract No. 2.73, in the Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, and being a portion of Lot 2R, E31ock 1, of the Belt Line -- ltlarsh Business Park, an addition to the Town of Addison, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 95100, Page 3275, of tale Map Records of Dallas County, Texas, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at an "X" trot in concrete set for corner, said point being the northwest corner of said Lot 2R, Block 1, and being [lie southwest corner of Lot 3R, Block 1, of said Belt Line Marsh Business Park, and being ion the east right -of --way line of Commercial Drive (a 60.00 foot right-of-way); THENCE South 89'55.? -2 East, along the cornrnon line of said Lot 2R, and Lot 3R, Block 1, a distance of 153.00 feet to Oil "X" cut in concrete found for corner, said point being in a curve to the right having a radius of 38.00, and a delta angle of 90' 00`00"; THENCE continr.aing along the common line of said Lot 2R, and Lot 3R, Block 1, arid said curve to the right, an arc distance of 59.69 feet, arid a chord bearing and distance of South 44"55'22" East, 53.74 feet to an "X" cut in concrete found for corner, said point beim i:he westerly southeast corder of said Lot 3R, and being the northerly northwest corner of I-ot 1, Block, of Belt Line - Marsh Business Park, an addition to the Town of Addison, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 84186, Page 137, of the Plat Records of Dallas County, Texas; IFIEhJCE South 00`04':38" West, along the common line of said Lot 2R, and said Lot 1, Block 1, a distance of 140.00 feet to an 'Y' cut in concrete found for corner; THENCE South 44`40'55" West, continuing along the cornrnon Title of said Lot 2R, and said Lot 1, Block 1, a distance of 1512.80 feet to a 1/2" inch iron rod found for corner; THENCE Not th 139`55'24" West, continuing along the common line of said Lot 2R, and said Lot 1, Block 1, a distance of 9.76 feet to a 1/2 incl iron rod set for corner, said point being the southeast corner of a called 0.190 acre of land conveyed to Addison rational Bank, by deed recorded in Volurne 97213, Page 4814, of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas; IIIENCE North 00'04'351" East, through the interior of said Lot 2R, and along the Past line of said called 0.190 acre tract, a distance of 111.96 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for corner, said point being the northeast corner of said called 0.190 acre tract; TIiENCE North 89'55'24" West, continuing through the interior of said Lot 2R, and along the north line of said called 0.190 acre tract, a distance of 64.05 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for corner, said point being in a curve to the right having a radius of .20.)0) feet, and a delta angle of 29'313'14"; THENCE continuing clog through the interior of said Lot: 2R, arid along the north line of said called 0.190 acre tract, and said curve to the Fiat, an arc distance of 10.35 feet, and a chord bearing and distance of North 75"05'45" West, 10.23 feet to a '1/2" iron rr'I found for corner, said point being the northwest corner of said called 0.190 acre tract, and being in the west line of scii Lot 2R, and being the east right-of-way line of said Commercial Drive; THENCE Noi th 00'01'',11" East, along the west line of said Lot 2R, and the east right-of-way line of said Commercial Drive, a distance of 172,21 (set to the POINT OF BE:G114NING and containing 40,344 square feet or 0.93 acre of computed land. NOW, THEREFORE, K ,104' ALL MEN BY II IESE PRESENTS: - -- - That 7920-3939 BEL' UNE PROPERTIES, LP. ("Owners") do hereby adopt this plot designating the hereinabove property as 7920-3939 BELT UNE ADDITION, art addition to the 'Town of Addison, Texas, and, subject to the conditions, restrictions and reservations stated heeida(ter, owner dedicates to the public use forever the streets arid alleys shown thereon. The easements shover on this plat are hereby reserved for- the purposes as indicated, including, but not limited to, the installation and rrlointenance of water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, drainage, electric, telephone, gas and cable television. Owners shall hove thj right to use these easements, provided, however, that it does not unreasonably interfere or impede Witt) the provision of the services to others. Said utility easements are hereby being reserved by mutual use and acc«Innlcdotion of allpublic utilities using or desiring to use the same. An express easement of ingress and egress is hereby expressly grunaed on, over and across all such easements for the benefit of the provider of services for which easernents are granted. Any cli alringe and flooc'Y+ay easement shown hereon is Hereby dedicated to the public's use forever, but including the following covenants vita regards to maintenance responsibilities. The existing channels or creeks traversing the drainage and floodway easement will 'ernain as an open channel, unless required to bre enclosed by ordinance, at all times arid shall be maintained by the indigdual owners of the lot or lots that are traversed by or adjacent to the drainage and floodway easertient. 11he to\vn w1 riot be responsible for the 17) 0111 tell arice and operation of said creek or creeks or for any damage or Injury of private property or person that results from the flow of water along said creek, or for the control of erosion. No obstruction to thenaturcal flow of water runoff shall be permitted by construction of any type building, fence or any Other- structure within !tae drainage arid floodway easement. Provided, however, it is understood that in the event it becomes necessary for the town to channelize or consider- erecting any type of drainage structure in order to improve the storm drainage, then i such event, the town shall have the right, but not the obligation, to enter upon the drainage and floodway easenient at 7ny point, or points, with all lights of ingress anti egress to investigate, survey, erect, construct or maintain any drainage facility deemed necessary by the town for maintenance or efficiency of its respective system or service. Water IT30111 and sarlitcy sewer easements shall also include additional area of working space for construction and maintenance of the s�.tems. Additional easement area is also conveyed for installation and maintenance of manholes, clearaouts, fire hydrant, water service and sewer services from the main to curb or pavement line, and the descriptions of such additional easenvits herein granted sholl be determined by their locations as installed. This plat is approved .abject to all pkIlUnq ordinances, rules, regulations and resolutions of the Town of Addison, Texas. WITNESS my hand at ddison, this the _ day of �,� 200€x. &___ - - --- - ---- -- - AUTi-1U 7_ED-ADEN T STATE OF: COUN TY OF B= -ORE rrie, the unde,igned authority, a lJotary Public in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared kawn to the to be the person or persons whose narne is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowl .dged to me tat. he executed the same in the capacity herein stated and the act arid deed of said company. GIVEN UNDER MY HAId AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this "day of 200f3.izf�rr r� �I1 �opRY :�B�4r EVI GISELL VEL1Z a -- \--- _-� -_-�g Notary Public, State of Texas -_ - f=Mata }' Public ! and r _- (.5( aunty = My Commission Expires y - - - 1 December 13, 2009 t .'_ T O W N O F FINAL PLAT ADI)NON 7920-3939 BELT LINE ADDITION LOT 1, BLOCK A 1.3:ING A REPL-A"l- OF i-0-1-' 2I-�, BLOCK 1 OFA ALYSSA DENT UE -1 LINE—MAf�SI--I DU511\IESS PARK ADDITION Secretary ! ` rl `A1 O U -( Gr(� Rd E � 7 rt 1. L. I_l l' '1 Y V 1 l 1 l U f� �� L �7�, ADS 1 i'� A (-, - N O. 2/ 3 AND THE E 16801 Westgrove Drive P.O. Box 9010 yE`ERS SURVEY, ABSTRACr NO. 9/j Addison, Texas 75001-9010 _ (972) 450-2881 11' ,1 1 F- I E TOWN O l \ D l_) I S O N, DALLAS C� O U N 1 I�/ , TEXAS Fax: (972) 450-2837 -1-1-115 F'LA FILED IN VOLUME IMAGE