V U U U U U " D. \�� .L�^��� . X' SETV U , K " � , �~ _J C; l� L°8 , -0- Q _- 4' R.O.W. DEDICATION 693 SO.FT. 0.016 ACRES_ BY THIS PLAT � " |0T �� A�0(,� 1 ^--' -''' ~`-~~.` . BELT LINE _ k����U �U��|N��� ���K ~--^-' ~''`- '^''`^`^'' ^~~`~...^_`'`~ PARK VOL.��100 [}/� �77� ._-- __.__/ ^ ~, ~._'. c* nnc LANE cnwr VOL. 84172. VOL 84176, PC. 38 VOL 95100, PG. 3275 «����*��v��"� �c���lO' �^~� �=�� � .~~�,"" F�����^����"M��w �� ��� " ' ` '~`~` - ^^ |=59^69« �`�,����°��"���� ~ �� �,.���� � 1 ��=�� �» �� `-�, ' . X" SET �^ � � \ \ | | 25' BUILDING UNE| | --VOL 95100, PG. 3275 | ABANDONED | | BY THIS PLAT' � . ' | ' / \ LOT 2R. BLOCK | | | BELT UNE -WARSH BUSINESS PARK | \ |lb " VOL 95100' P0' 3275 / 7920-3939 B ELT UNE PROPERTIES. LP.n; nRE LANE cmMr DOC. NO. 200600465660 VOL mnv0,PG. oz/» .m 00 \ � _ r- | _. '/ �1-� )co. \ | |P | / .'. | P \ \ (5 o SCALE: 1 20' I/ / 4-00 S. INDUSTRIAL BLVD. COMMERCIAL .' 2. || ncnENnov AREA sxSoxENr || a,nompuT -0n | ry ' r� \ SUITE 228 RESIDENTIAL DRAWN 8 Y: R.M. ' EULESS, TEXAS 76040 BOUNDARIES 817-354--1445 (0) TOPOGRAPHY | 00 N89 -55'22"W 66.00' UJ 00 RE I MAINDER, OF BU SINESS PARK I VOL. P7213, PG. 4-814 � � ��w ~/. / " |[lT 1 A�0(`K 1 `_`'. '/ ~^_~~.. � ��iT ||N� - kJ�D�W �U�|N��� ["ARK �/�-`-' u'"^- '~'^`-�� BUSINESS VOL.L1R� �(�, 1�7 ,".-`' ' .~-' . _ �_� CONFORMED COP- ' up�/c�m- pua��c ns�000� � -�� john F ua.,°" c=""tv cz~,^ Dallas tvun+, Tsxm, z°mAa,V zg, cuno my:su.zo An FEE. $32.00 10N9ob8755 5 10�. 24' nRE LANE ESMT. /OL 84172, PG. 1954 VOL 84176, PG. 38 SURVEYOR'S CERDF|CATE |' WILLIAM P. PRICE, o Registered Professional [nod Surveyor in the State of Texas, do hereby certify that ! prepared this plat frorn on ocfuo| on the ground survey of the land and that the nnonunnents shown thereon were hound and/or- placed under my personal supervision in oonu[donno with Platting Rules and regulations of the City Planning 0onnrn|oion of the Tnvvo of Addison, Texas. wHLL|Ak4 P PRICE' Dote Registered Professional Land Surveyor, No. 3047 3047 STATE OF TEXAS: COUNTY OF DALLAS: BEFORE rne^ the undersigned ouihority. a Notary Public in and for said County and Stote, on this day personally oppmnrmd WILLIAM P. PRICE, known to rne to be the person or persons vvh000 name is subscribed to the foregoing |notrunoen[, and acknowledged to r�(h that he executed the mone in the capacity herein atohad and the act and deed of said company. GIVEN UNDER Y HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this _�^[_��doy of 2008' ' x-�1 X- and- P�bUo`. ond for DoUon County, Texas UDY JOE MARTI EZ Notary Public, State f Texas MY Commission E pires February 07 2009 NOTES: 1. FNO. - Found 2. IRS - Iron Rod Set 3. IRF -- h0n Rod Found 4. C.M. - Coob/d||hg kJoournmnt 5. 8oaio of Bearing - Booed on Lot 2R, Block 1, Bm|L Line Marsh Business Park Addition as recorded in Vn|un`a 95100. Page 3275, of the Map [Records of DoUoo County, 'Texas. | | | | . . | | | | ~ ( C0 | D. ������� S0���� �������� ����, ��� ____ _ -.____________. _.___.__. .__ ____ � -_-- ___ __- � -__ _--' � --_ � _-_- � ---_ - _-_ ___ T.L.��������� �N����� ���7��K�� ��K� ��� "~`~" .~-""~°,,"_ ., , SURVEY , ".^~= w...~~ . ..~,. °.. ~~ i | . 411 . P } / ' | U0 ! Appioved by City C-uricil of the 1oral of Addison, VOL B4186, PG. 137 City Seecietary | [lT 1 �| 0(`K \ '_`/ / ./ �+.-`'`'.` / \ \ BELT\ \ LINE - MARSH BUS|'"ESS :ARK .� � \ VA_. 84186, u. 137 \ ` \ \ \ \ � 24nRE LANE VOL 84186, PG. \ \ \ -\ ` w^"`^^+^C SCALE � n m 20 40 ( DW YQQ7 ) 1 1111 = 20 f L no DETENDON AREA E/SEWENT 'This p|oi is appro�ed by the Town of Addison and oconpiad by the ovYoer(y), subject to the following Coll diLinoswhick ahoU be binding upon the owner(s), his hehe, grantees and successors, and onaigon: The proposed deten|oo area eosernmnt(e) within the limits of this addition, will renno|n as detention ornn/n\ to the Un"ond grade shown on the plans at all t|rnen and will be n\o|Oto|ned by the individual own .f the lot or |oLo that are traversed by or adjacent to the detention The |nvvn of Addien will not be responsible for the maintenance and operation of said detention area(s) or any don]ge or injury to private property or person that results from the flow of water along, into or out � said detention orno/s\. or for the control of erosion. No obstruction to the natural UovY of atonn water run-off nhnU be penniMed by filling or construction of on}[ype of dnrn, building, bridge, fence, vvo|kvvuy or any other structure within the designated 6n(ooUo oren/n\ unless approved by the Director of Public Works, provided; however, it is understood that the event it bmrorneo necessary for the Town of Addison to erect any type of drainage s(rucLco in order to improve (he o[0rrn dro|oogm that may be occasioned by the streets and o{\eyn i or adjacent to the subdivisions, then, in such event, the Town of Addison shall have the rigt to enter upon the detention nrao(n) at any point. nr points, to ereci, construct and rnohmin any drainage facility deemed necessary for drainage purposes. Each property owner shall keep to detention ) bnware)ng or- adjacent to his property clean arid free of debris, silt and uV submtooce v;h|oh would result in unsanitary conditions or blockage of the drainage. The Tow, of Addison ShnU have the right of !tigress and egress for the put -pose of inspection and nuprvimiop of maintenance work by the property owne'/n\, or to oUeWoLo any undesirable cnodiHnp' which may occur. The detention nrno() as in the cone of (311 detention o/eoa are subjectto storm water overflow(s)to no extent wh|ch�onnot be o!eody defined, The Town of Addison ohoU noL be field liable for any do/noqeS of any nlure resulting from the occurrences of these natural phenomena, nor resulting from the failure o/ony structure or abuc[urey, vv|t|l|n the detention area(s) or subdivision ntmrrn dro\noge oyo[ern. The detention orooeonarnent Uom identified vn this plat nhuvvn the dmLenUno oreo/s\ serving this addition. 79}-3939 HE[TI]N[ PR0PERl|EFi L.P. 10�O NORlH CENDRA[ EXPESSWAY, SIE 500 DA`A8, Texas 75225 C{TACTNAk4E: RANDY|RLBECK 21^363-6287 OWNER'S CERTIFICATE STA -IE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS Whereas, 7920-3939 BELT []NE PROPEROES. LP. in the owner's of o 0i93 acre tract of land situated in the Dk4e`--- Survey, Abstract Nn. y2�, und the `[L Chenovve[h Burvmy, Abstract No. 273, in the T*wn of Add|non Dallas County,� Texas, and being o portion o( Lot '2R, Block 1, of the Belt Line - Marsh Business Pork, on addition to the Town of Addison,- according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 85100, Page 3275, of the Map Records of Dallas County, Texas, and being rno/e particularly described by rnoten and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at oil ^X^ cut in concrete set for corner, said point being the northwest corner of said Lo( 2R, Block 1, arid being the southwest corner of Lot 3R, Block 1, of said Belt Line - Marsh Business Park, and being ion the east right -of --way line of Cornnnert/ml Drive (o 60.00 hoot right-of-way); THENCE South 88T55'22" East, along the oonnnnoo line of said Lot 2R, arid Lot JR. Block 1, o d|ntonoo of 153'00 feet to on "�" cut h� ooncr�te found for oorner. mo�d po)nt be|ng in o curve to the right having o radius of 38'00and o delta angle of QO^ OO'VO"; ' THENCE continuing along the common line of said Lot 213, and Lot JR' Block 1, and said curve to the right, an arc distance of 50.59 haet, and o chord bearing and distance of South 44755'22-~ East, 53'74 feet to on 'Y' Cut in concrete found for corner, said point being the westerly southeast corner of said Lot 3R, and being the northerly northwest corner - of Lot 1, Block, of Belt Line - >Wornh Business Pork, on addition to the Town of /\6d/non, onoc*d/ng to the plat thereof recorded in Yu|urne 84186, Page 137, of the P{oL Records of DoUom County, Texas; THENCE South 00l04'38" YYeat, along the common line of said Lot 2R, and said Lot 1, Block 1, o distance of 140'00 feet to on "X° nut in opnora(o found for corner; THENCE South 44'4(]'55" YYeot, continuing along the cnn\nnon line of said Lot 2R. and said Lot 1, Block 1° o distance of 152.08 feet to o 1/2^ inch iron rod found [or corner; THENCE North 09?55'22° West, continuing o|uog the oun>rnon line of said Lot 2R, and said Lot 1, Block 1' m distance of 8.70 feet to o 1/2 Inch |ron rod set for corner, eo|J point being the southeast corner of o called 0.190 oorm o. land conveyed to Addison National Bonk, by deed recorded in Volume 97213, Page 4814, of the Deed Records of DoUom County, Texas; THEMOE North 00l04'38^ Eos[, through the interior of said Lot 2R, and along the east line of said called 0.190 acre tract, o d|oLonoe of 111.96 [net to o 1/2 inch iron rod found for corner, said point being the northeast corner of said nuDe6 0]90 acre tract; ' THENCE North 89?5522~ YYeat. continuing through the interior- of said Lot 2R, and along the north line of said ooUnd 0L180 utne troci, o distance of 84.05 feet to o 1/2 inch !ran rod found for corner, said point being in u curve to the right having o roomm of 20-00 /se[, and o delta ong|a of 29'3814'| THENCE continuing along through the Interior of said Lot 2R' and along the north lhlm of said called 0.190 acre tract, and said curve to the right an arc distance of 10-35 hmeL arid o chord bearing and distance of North 75l05'45" YYent. 10.23 feet to o 1/2" iron /od [nuod for onrnmr, said point being the northwest corner of sold called 0'190 acre tract, and being in the vvms( line of aoid Lot 2R, and being the east right--of-way line of said Cnrnrnw[n7o| Drive; THENCE North 00\04'38" EOmL o|om] the vYnnt line of said Lot 2R, and the east right-of-way line of said 0ornrneno}o| Drive, o distance of 172.21 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and, containing 40.344 square fee[ or 0.93 acre of computed |uUd' NOYI, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL NEN BY THESE PRESENTS., Thot 79210�-3939 BELT LINE PROPERTIES' UP. /^Orvnmrn"\ do hereby adopt this plat designating -�-''` ng �hm hereinabove t as 7920-3939�-����� BELT LINE ADDITION,ADDITION,(-in addition to the T'o n of Addison, Twxn�. and, subject to the conditions, restrictions arid rmae/vot|ono niotod hn/�ino[ter, owner dedicates to the public use forever the streets arid alleys shown [hnrnnn, - The ennmrnen(o shown m/ this plat are hereby reserved for the purposes as indicated, }Vo|Ud|ng, but not limited to, the installation and rnointerooce of wuter' sanitary oewer^ aiVrrn sewer, drainage, electric, telephone, gas and noble Lo|ov;n/oU' Owners shall have the JghL to use these noeonnenLn, provided, however-, that it dnoo not unreasonably interfere or inped- with the prnv|n|nn of Un set -vices to others. Said utility eoserQenfs are hereby being reserved by mutual use and dorbrnmoda[|on of nU |'ub||o utilities uoh`g or desiring to use the Same. An express easement of ingress and egress is hereby expressly grm}(o] oil, over and ocr000 nU such mosernenio for the benefit of the provider of services for which easnrnentS are gronted. Andrainage and <)oody moennt shown hereon is hereby dedicated the public's use forever, but including the following cmvenoota w|H regards to maintenance responsibilities, The existing channels or creeks traversing the dro''n'o- e and d Ooodwny easement will remain as on open channel, unless required to be enclosed by ordinance, at all times and shall be maintained by the indivduo| owners of the lot or |oLo that are traversed by or adjacent to the drainage and O'oodwoy easement. The tomo vi( riot be responsible for the maintenance and operation of said creek or creeks or for any damage or |n of private p'oonrty or pet -son that results from the flow of water along said creek, or for the control oferosion.nno|oD'Nn obstruction to the ooiuro| 8o* of voter runof[ shall be perrn|f(ad by construction of any type building, fence or any other- structure Y|Udn he drainage arid Unudwny eoeernpnt. Provided, however, it is understood that in the eve' (� becomes necessary for the town to chonneUzm or consider- erecting any tm')n of drainage | rd to improve the sturon drainage, then h`euoh event, tile town shall have the right, but not U)o obUgot."n, to enter upon thedrainage and Ooodwuy easement o[ oiy point, or pointn, with all rights of ingress and egress to nveeUgute, survey, e»a~_ construct or nnointu|U any drainage oni|ity deemed necessary by the town for maintenance or efficiency of its respective syofmn or service. Water main and sanitary sewer easements ehoU also include odd|(kznoi area of working space for construction and rnn|niannnoe of the systems. Ad6|tim`o| e000nneot area is alsoconveyed for installation arid maintenance of manholes,, n|eonoute, fire hydrants, water service an,-] sewer services fronn the main to curb or pavement line, and the descriptions of such additional eooe/nenio herein granted shall be determined by their locations as installed. This plot is approved Subject to all p|otUng ordinances, rules, regulations and resolutions of the Town of Addison, Texas. ESS my hand at, � �ddisVn� . this �h� �q�_ clay of __- 2008L STATE OF: COUNTY OF BEFORE trie, the under3igned outhor|[y, o Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this doy'oUY oppmonn� kn��n to nne �u b� �ha pereon nor-pmr000a whose nornn is / subnor|be� �o the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to rne til: lie executed the oorne in the capacity herein stated and the act ond deed of said company. 0Y[N UNDER MY HANL AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this day 0f 2008. Notary Public, S�ate of Texas /vvty�y Public xH�nu /� CountyExpires FINAL PLAT 7920-3939 BELT UNE ADDITION OT 1v BLOCK A � [� �O | � T (\[ � � T 2R, [) [J ! 0���/ 1 /�� / ` ' `�-' �-' ` ` `�' `_�/ / z�/ x, ���_�/�//� � ��/ LINE--MAR(-SI--I [� uUS|NESS PARK ADDITION OUT �l[ THE ���� � ��� � � ��� T ,-. [WE]`(U!T/.W/ SURVEY", ABSTRACT N/. 273 AND THE r m[YuI--�./� SUI--` VEY, ABSTRACT NO. 023 |.N T11[ TOWN OF A F[|SDN/ DALLAS PlUNTY, TEXAS THI'S') PLA -1 [| [U IN VOLUME Ac[ BUENA TIERRA GROUP SHEET 08­ 134 PLAT SCALE: 1 20' I/ / 4-00 S. INDUSTRIAL BLVD. COMMERCIAL 2. T SUITE 228 RESIDENTIAL DRAWN 8 Y: R.M. 1, EULESS, TEXAS 76040 BOUNDARIES 817-354--1445 (0) TOPOGRAPHY OF