I N Ile AS VE,M INC. 0 1 20 GRAPHIC SCALE 1 -INCH = 20 FEET SURVEYOR'S NOTES 1. ALL 1/2" IRON RODS SET WITH AYELLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED "RPLS 5310". 2. BASIS OF BEARINGS IS THE EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF ADDISON ROAD, A VARIABLE WIDTH RIGHT-OF-WAY, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN INSTRUMENT NO. 200600007474, O.P.R.D.C.T. 3. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS OF THIS PLAT SHALL COMPLY WITH ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 66 AS AMENDED. 4. THE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAT IS TO MAKE TWO (2) PLATTED LOTS, INTO ONE (1) PLATTED LOTS. 5. NOTICE: SELLING A PORTION OF THIS ADDITION BY METES AND BOUNDS IS A VIOLATION OF CITY ORDINANCEAND STATE LAWAND IS SUBJECT TO FINES AND WITHHOLDING OF UTILITIESAND BUILDING PERMITS. 6. PLACEMENT OF STREET TREES SHALL NOT INTERFERE WITH THE PLACEMENT OF TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES OR VISIBILITYAT INTERSECTIONS. EXISTING AND FUTURE TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MAY REQUIRE THE REMOVAL OR PRECLUDE THE PLANTING OF STREET TREES. 7. SUBJECT PROPERTY IS ZONED AS C-1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ADD/SON WESTGROVE SUBSTATION, 1 I I VOL. 83133, PG. 3872, M.R.D.C.T. I I I I I I 15' D.P. & L. CO. EASEMENT, VOL. 71072, PG. 1988, D.R.D.C.T. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 15' D.P. & L. CO. EASEMENT, VOL. 71072, PG. 1988, D.R.D.C.T. I I I I I I ------------------------------------ PLACE OF BEGINNING 2"IRF (c.M.) S 8905523" E 191,24' 5/8" IRF (C.M.) I� BRAZOS ELECTRIC POWER I I I I COOPERATIVE, INC. EASEMENT, ---------------------- VOL. 4687, PG. 464, -------- --------------- --------------------1---�------ D.R.D.C.T. ui ti 10' DRAINAGE & UTILITY I I Z o EASEMENT, �, r--� 1-.--15' UTILITY EASEMENT >_ -' o ~ INST. NO. 200600007474, 1 I c0 0 v INST. NO. 200600007474, I O.P.R.D.C.T. O �^ ll��Q O o o O.P.R.D.C.T. LOT 1R � I I m z o BLOCK 8231 �, I �"� I � O v� I � 97,876 Sig FT. OR �'" I vs I N O o �~ I N Z 49®®F�1G1v�l(�h ,E ao U o 0 LOT 2 1 cY.) IUfZ UJ W -00 -BLOCK 8231 j o 11 LOT 3, BLOCK 8231 m LL LLN o�CL 0 o I I �--�DDISON OFFICE C NDOS, I o I ADDISON OFFICE CONDOS, z Z O 10' WATERLINE INST NO. 2006. 007474, 1 o INST. NO. 200600007474, 1"� O •� W 0 _ L2 (BY THIS PLAT) J o \ O.P.R JC.T. 1 o I O.P. R. D. C. T. CO) y M I �Ir WATERLINE EASEMENT, 24' NONEXCLUSIVE ACCESS I Q Z O Z I \ JII - J INST. NO. 200600007474, & UTILITY EASEMENT, I - Q \ _ INST. . NO. 200600007474, WATERLINE EASEMENT, L j ( \ / O.P.R.D.C.T. INST.200600007474, I I 1 WATERLINE EASEMENT, \I� O.P.R.D.C.T. INST. N0. 200600007474, (ABANDONED BY THIS PLAT) - - --O.P.R.D.C.T. 70.0' ------------------ I I -- I I I - 1 I 1/2" I RF N 90000'00" W 191.24' (C.M.) 1 ----- ----- WATERLINE EASEMENT, T INST. NO. 200600007474, I I� O.P.R.D.C.T. L - - J I k 1 /I / I S NONEXCLUSIVE ACCESS EASEMENT, INST. NO. 200600007474, O.P.R.D.C.T. WATERLINE EASEMENT -INST. NO. 200600007474, L - - J O.P.R.D.C.T. LOT 8R, BLOCK 8231 LOT 7R, BLOCK 8231 / ADDISON OFFICE CONDOS, ADDISON OFFICE CONDOS, I I INST. NO. 201100077141, INST. NO. 201100077141, z o 0. P. R. D. C. T. O. P. R. D. C. T. Z 0 I I 0S r'; J N a coZ0 N� 1 z I 1 - I I I I I I T - - 10'X25' GAS EASEMENT, T_INST. NO. 201100077141, O.P.R.D.C.T. 1 10' RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION, VOL. 72152, PG. 432, D.R.D.C.T. I LOT 2, BLOCK 8233 ADDISON OFFICE CONDOS, VOL. 94117, PG. 6125, M.R.D.C.T. "X" FOUND (C.M.) F- I I I I I I I I I I LOT 6, BLOCK 8231 ADDISON OFFICE CONDOS, INST. NO. 200600007474, O.P.R.D.C.T. 24' NONEXCLUSIVE ACCESS & UTILITY EASEMEN-, INST. NO. 200600007474, O.P.R.D.C.T. 10' INGRESS, EGRESS & UTILITY EASEMENT, VOL. 874, PG. 1101, D.R.D.C.T. LIP:-" TABLE LINE LENGTH BEARING L1 09 L2 SUNBELT DR. L3 -0.00' SO0°00'00"E Texas <_ -' o ~ INST. NO. 200600007474, 1 I c0 0 v INST. NO. 200600007474, I O.P.R.D.C.T. O �^ ll��Q O o o O.P.R.D.C.T. LOT 1R � I I m z o BLOCK 8231 �, I �"� I � O v� I � 97,876 Sig FT. OR �'" I vs I N O o �~ I N Z 49®®F�1G1v�l(�h ,E ao U o 0 LOT 2 1 cY.) IUfZ UJ W -00 -BLOCK 8231 j o 11 LOT 3, BLOCK 8231 m LL LLN o�CL 0 o I I �--�DDISON OFFICE C NDOS, I o I ADDISON OFFICE CONDOS, z Z O 10' WATERLINE INST NO. 2006. 007474, 1 o INST. NO. 200600007474, 1"� O •� W 0 _ L2 (BY THIS PLAT) J o \ O.P.R JC.T. 1 o I O.P. R. D. C. T. CO) y M I �Ir WATERLINE EASEMENT, 24' NONEXCLUSIVE ACCESS I Q Z O Z I \ JII - J INST. NO. 200600007474, & UTILITY EASEMENT, I - Q \ _ INST. . NO. 200600007474, WATERLINE EASEMENT, L j ( \ / O.P.R.D.C.T. INST.200600007474, I I 1 WATERLINE EASEMENT, \I� O.P.R.D.C.T. INST. N0. 200600007474, (ABANDONED BY THIS PLAT) - - --O.P.R.D.C.T. 70.0' ------------------ I I -- I I I - 1 I 1/2" I RF N 90000'00" W 191.24' (C.M.) 1 ----- ----- WATERLINE EASEMENT, T INST. NO. 200600007474, I I� O.P.R.D.C.T. L - - J I k 1 /I / I S NONEXCLUSIVE ACCESS EASEMENT, INST. NO. 200600007474, O.P.R.D.C.T. WATERLINE EASEMENT -INST. NO. 200600007474, L - - J O.P.R.D.C.T. LOT 8R, BLOCK 8231 LOT 7R, BLOCK 8231 / ADDISON OFFICE CONDOS, ADDISON OFFICE CONDOS, I I INST. NO. 201100077141, INST. NO. 201100077141, z o 0. P. R. D. C. T. O. P. R. D. C. T. Z 0 I I 0S r'; J N a coZ0 N� 1 z I 1 - I I I I I I T - - 10'X25' GAS EASEMENT, T_INST. NO. 201100077141, O.P.R.D.C.T. 1 10' RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION, VOL. 72152, PG. 432, D.R.D.C.T. I LOT 2, BLOCK 8233 ADDISON OFFICE CONDOS, VOL. 94117, PG. 6125, M.R.D.C.T. "X" FOUND (C.M.) F- I I I I I I I I I I LOT 6, BLOCK 8231 ADDISON OFFICE CONDOS, INST. NO. 200600007474, O.P.R.D.C.T. 24' NONEXCLUSIVE ACCESS & UTILITY EASEMEN-, INST. NO. 200600007474, O.P.R.D.C.T. 10' INGRESS, EGRESS & UTILITY EASEMENT, VOL. 874, PG. 1101, D.R.D.C.T. LIP:-" TABLE LINE LENGTH BEARING L1 •0.00' N00°00'00"E L2 1.75' N90°00'00"E L3 -0.00' SO0°00'00"E l FLOOD This is to certify that no porion of the subject property shown hereon lies within the 100 Year Flood Hazard Area as shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Map, Community Panel No. 48113C 0180K, dated 07-07-2014. the property is located in Zone "X". OWNER'S CERTIFICATE WHEREAS 16420 Addison Road, LTD. is the sole owner of a tract of land located in the WILLIAM LOMAX SURVEY, Abstract No. 792, the Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, and being Lots 1 and 2, Block 8231, of Addison Office Condos, an Addition to the Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, according to the plat thereof recorded in Instrument No. 200600007474, Official Public Records, Dallas County, Texas, and being the same tract of land described in deed to 16420 Addison Road, LTD., recorded in Volume 2005002, Page 7425, Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a 2" iron rod found in the East line of Addison Road, a variable width right-of-way, at the Southwest corner of Addison Westgrove Substation, an addition to the Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 83133, Page 3872, Map Records, Dallas County, Texas, same being the Northwest corner of said Lot 2, Block 8231; Thence South 89°55'23" East, a distance of 191.24' to a 1/2" iron rod found in the South line of said Addison Westgrove Substation, at the Northwest corner of Lot 3, Block 8231, of said Addison Office Condos, same being the Northeast corner of said Lot 2, Block 8231; Thence South, a distance of 93.34' to an "X" found in the North line of Lot 6, Block 8231, of said Addison Office Condos, at the Southwest corner of said Lot 3, same being the Southeast corner of said Lot 2, Block 8231; Thence West, a distance of 191.24' to a 1/2" iron rod found in the said East line of Addison Road, at the Northwest corner of Lot 8R, Block 8231, of Addison Office Condos, an addition to the Town of Addison, Dallas County, Texas, according to the plat thereof recorded in Instrument No. 201100077141, Official Public Records, Dallas County, Texas, same being the Southwest corner of said Lot 1, Block 8231; Thence North, along said East line, a distance of 93.60' to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 17,876 square feet or 0.410 of an acre of land. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS THAT I, John S. Turner, do hereby certify that I prepared this amending plat from an actual survey on the land and that the corner monuments shown thereon actualy exist and that their location, size and material are correctly shown, were found and/or rroperly placed under my personal supervision in accordance with the Platting Rules anc Regulations of the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Addison, Texas. Witness my ftand at Mesquite, Texas, This ati Tk day of /4th Q.V S , 2018. S. Turner tered Professional Land Surveyor #5310 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS P�E Oj T JOHNS. TURNER 631.0 U R� BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the said County and State on this day personally appeared John S. Turner, R.P.L.S. NO. 5310, State of Texas, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. Given under my hand and seal of office, This ' day of, 1_t , 2018. Notary Oublic in and for the State of Te as GIVNENDA LYNN OVERKAMP ��RY•PV6'�•� Z ;' 1 '•.`� s Notafy Public, State of Texas ,s :r`. P corm. Expires 02-29-2020 Noiafy ID 128901009 F Dit OWNER'S DEDICATION STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That 16420 Addison Road, LTD., acting by and through its duly authorized agent, James R. Feagin does hereby adopt this plat designating the herein above property as LOT 1R, BLOCK 8231, ADDISON OFFICE CONDOS, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas, and subject to the conditions, restrictions and reservations stated hereinafter, owner dedicates to the public use forever the streets and alleys shown thereon. The easement shown on this plat are hereby reserved for the purposes as indicated, including, but not limited to, the installation and maintenance of water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, drainage, election, telephone, gas and cable television. Owner shall have the right to use these easements, provided, however, that it does not unreasonably interfere or impede with the provision of the services to others. Said utility easements are hereby being reserved by mutual use and accommodation of all public utilities using or desiring to use the same. An express easement of ingress and egress is hereby expressly granted on, over and across all such easements for the benefit of the provider of services for which easements are granted. Any drainage and floodway easement shown hereon is hereby dedicated to the public's use forever, but including the following covenants with regards to maintenance responsibilities. The existing channels or creeks traversing the drainage and floodway easement will remain as an open channel, unless required to be enclosed by ordinance, at all times and shall be maintained by the individual owners of the lot or lots that are traversed by or adjacent to the drainage and floodway easement. The town will not be responsible for the maintenance and operation of said creek or creeks or for any damage or injury of private property or person that results from the flow of water along said creek, or for the control of erosion. No obstruction to the natural flow of water runoff shall be permitted by construction of any type building, fence or any other structure within the drainage and floodway easement. Provided, however, it is understood that in the event it becomes necessary for the town to channelize or consider erecting any type of drainage structure in order to improve the storm drainage, then in such event, the town shall have the right, but not the obligation, to enter upon the drainage and floodway easement at any point, or points, with all rights of ingress and egress to investigate, survey, erect, construct or maintain any drainage facility deemed necessary by the town for maintenance or efficiency of its respective system or service. Water main and sanitary sewer easements shall also include additional area of working space for construction and maintenance of the systems. Additional easement area is also conveyed for installation and maintenance of manholes, cleanouts, fire hydrants, water service and sewer services from the main to curb or pavement line, and the descriptions of such additional easements herein granted shall be determined by their locations as installed. This plat is approved subject to all platting ordinances, rules, regulations and resolutions of the Town of Addison, Texas. The construction plans shall be prepared by or under the supervision of a registered professional engineer in the State of Texas and shall bear his seal on each sheet. The plans shall contain all necessary information for construction of the project, including screening walls. All materials specified shall conform to the standard specifications of the Town of Addison. Each sheet of the plans shall contain a title block incliuding space for the notation of revisions. This space is to be completed with each revision to the plan sheet and shall clearly note the nature of the revision and the date the revision was made. After review of the plat and plans by the public works department and town engineer, the plat and plans shall be submitted to the planning and zoning commission and the city council for their consideration. If approved by those bodies subject tro changes, the engineer for the owner shall make all changes required. The director of public works or his designated agent will approve all plans and return sufficient approved sets of the plans to the engineer for the owner for use by the contractors. Each contractor shall maintain one set of plans, stamped with town approval, on the project at all times during construction. Name: James R. Feagin Title: =er STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the said County and State, on this day personally appeared, James R. Feagin, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UND R MY HAN AN SEAL OF OFFICE, this the day of f , 2018. �7 �1 Public in and Approved and a this LI day of City Ing a State of Texas CERTIFICATE OFAPPROVAL BRUCE D BROWNE Notary ID #124Commission Ex545 pires My Commission Expires January 17, 2022 the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Addison 2018. FILED: DOCUMENT NO. , O.P.R.D.C.T. I A&W SURVEYORS, INC. Professional Land Surveyors TEXAS REGISTRATION NO. 100174-00 P.O. BOX 870029, MESQUITE, TX. 75187 PHONE: (972) 681-4975 FAX: (972) 681-4954 i014, WWW.AWSURVEY.COM PROPERTY ADDRESS: 16420 Addison Rd., Addison, TX Owner: 16420 Addison Road, LTD. 16660 N. Dallas Parkway, Suite 2900, Dallas, TX 75248 972-380-5900 Job No.: 18-1621 Drawn by: 517Date: 07-25-2018 Revised: "A professional company operating in your best interest" Conformed Copy Official Public Records John F. Warren, County Clerk Dallas County, TEXAS 10/01/2018 12:55:40 PM $68.00 201800262763 FINAL PLAT OF LOT 1R, BLOCK 8231 ADDISON OFFICE CONDOS BEING A REPLAT OF LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK 8231, ADDISON OFFICE CONDOS INSTRUMENT NO. 200600007474, O.P.R.D.C.T. IN THE TOWN OF ADDISON, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS WILLIAM LOMAX SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 792 17,876 SQUARE FEET OR 0.410 OF AN ACRE / 1 LOT LEGEND D. R. D.C.T. Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas M.R.D.C.T. Map Records, Dallas County, Texas O.P.R.D.C.T. Official Public Records, Dallas County, Texas C.M. Controlling Monument VOL. Volume PG. Page INST. NO. Instrument Number IRF iron rod found IRS 1/2" iron rod with a yellow cap stamped "RPLS 5310" set GIVNENDA LYNN OVERKAMP ��RY•PV6'�•� Z ;' 1 '•.`� s Notafy Public, State of Texas ,s :r`. P corm. Expires 02-29-2020 Noiafy ID 128901009 F Dit OWNER'S DEDICATION STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That 16420 Addison Road, LTD., acting by and through its duly authorized agent, James R. Feagin does hereby adopt this plat designating the herein above property as LOT 1R, BLOCK 8231, ADDISON OFFICE CONDOS, an addition to the Town of Addison, Texas, and subject to the conditions, restrictions and reservations stated hereinafter, owner dedicates to the public use forever the streets and alleys shown thereon. The easement shown on this plat are hereby reserved for the purposes as indicated, including, but not limited to, the installation and maintenance of water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, drainage, election, telephone, gas and cable television. Owner shall have the right to use these easements, provided, however, that it does not unreasonably interfere or impede with the provision of the services to others. Said utility easements are hereby being reserved by mutual use and accommodation of all public utilities using or desiring to use the same. An express easement of ingress and egress is hereby expressly granted on, over and across all such easements for the benefit of the provider of services for which easements are granted. Any drainage and floodway easement shown hereon is hereby dedicated to the public's use forever, but including the following covenants with regards to maintenance responsibilities. The existing channels or creeks traversing the drainage and floodway easement will remain as an open channel, unless required to be enclosed by ordinance, at all times and shall be maintained by the individual owners of the lot or lots that are traversed by or adjacent to the drainage and floodway easement. The town will not be responsible for the maintenance and operation of said creek or creeks or for any damage or injury of private property or person that results from the flow of water along said creek, or for the control of erosion. No obstruction to the natural flow of water runoff shall be permitted by construction of any type building, fence or any other structure within the drainage and floodway easement. Provided, however, it is understood that in the event it becomes necessary for the town to channelize or consider erecting any type of drainage structure in order to improve the storm drainage, then in such event, the town shall have the right, but not the obligation, to enter upon the drainage and floodway easement at any point, or points, with all rights of ingress and egress to investigate, survey, erect, construct or maintain any drainage facility deemed necessary by the town for maintenance or efficiency of its respective system or service. Water main and sanitary sewer easements shall also include additional area of working space for construction and maintenance of the systems. Additional easement area is also conveyed for installation and maintenance of manholes, cleanouts, fire hydrants, water service and sewer services from the main to curb or pavement line, and the descriptions of such additional easements herein granted shall be determined by their locations as installed. This plat is approved subject to all platting ordinances, rules, regulations and resolutions of the Town of Addison, Texas. The construction plans shall be prepared by or under the supervision of a registered professional engineer in the State of Texas and shall bear his seal on each sheet. The plans shall contain all necessary information for construction of the project, including screening walls. All materials specified shall conform to the standard specifications of the Town of Addison. Each sheet of the plans shall contain a title block incliuding space for the notation of revisions. This space is to be completed with each revision to the plan sheet and shall clearly note the nature of the revision and the date the revision was made. After review of the plat and plans by the public works department and town engineer, the plat and plans shall be submitted to the planning and zoning commission and the city council for their consideration. If approved by those bodies subject tro changes, the engineer for the owner shall make all changes required. The director of public works or his designated agent will approve all plans and return sufficient approved sets of the plans to the engineer for the owner for use by the contractors. Each contractor shall maintain one set of plans, stamped with town approval, on the project at all times during construction. Name: James R. Feagin Title: =er STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the said County and State, on this day personally appeared, James R. Feagin, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and considerations therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UND R MY HAN AN SEAL OF OFFICE, this the day of f , 2018. �7 �1 Public in and Approved and a this LI day of City Ing a State of Texas CERTIFICATE OFAPPROVAL BRUCE D BROWNE Notary ID #124Commission Ex545 pires My Commission Expires January 17, 2022 the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Addison 2018. FILED: DOCUMENT NO. , O.P.R.D.C.T. I A&W SURVEYORS, INC. Professional Land Surveyors TEXAS REGISTRATION NO. 100174-00 P.O. BOX 870029, MESQUITE, TX. 75187 PHONE: (972) 681-4975 FAX: (972) 681-4954 i014, WWW.AWSURVEY.COM PROPERTY ADDRESS: 16420 Addison Rd., Addison, TX Owner: 16420 Addison Road, LTD. 16660 N. Dallas Parkway, Suite 2900, Dallas, TX 75248 972-380-5900 Job No.: 18-1621 Drawn by: 517Date: 07-25-2018 Revised: "A professional company operating in your best interest" Conformed Copy Official Public Records John F. Warren, County Clerk Dallas County, TEXAS 10/01/2018 12:55:40 PM $68.00 201800262763 FINAL PLAT OF LOT 1R, BLOCK 8231 ADDISON OFFICE CONDOS BEING A REPLAT OF LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK 8231, ADDISON OFFICE CONDOS INSTRUMENT NO. 200600007474, O.P.R.D.C.T. IN THE TOWN OF ADDISON, DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS WILLIAM LOMAX SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 792 17,876 SQUARE FEET OR 0.410 OF AN ACRE / 1 LOT