_ _ _ -.ii" •'ii'i~ ii'.i~ii ii"ii'ii~l'~ti'le ti ti v'u'~1 !f {~~5i'ii"ii"i~ it ii"ii ii•7 1l~t! tf tl iI If'ei'ii'ii"le A7 41 1i'1i ii'ii"v'ii'~i'ii-~~"ii"- '"i~"~•;iiti ~' •'~F ~~ it~l ~~• rC„215~~,4S~~M'~'y`~3:'.'A~,'~:~~4~.~ 9:~fl:~;~~:~,9:~~:~:~`:~;A,~~fl:4~4:c1fl:Fl~Q~~':i3:A:A:A:1~.,~"i~':3:QA:F;w,Q:~:G':."~ ", ~~ nf;+~s~Si9?9.~~"~~6.~e~4iiax~ w ~.~ .~ ;==- ~;? ~.~.; 1~11,~ 1~1~ ~~ .1.~~ ~~~ ~ KNOW ALL MEN T3Y THESE i'RESENTS: CQ•U1~TY OF oA~LAS ~'~, ~~~ {: ~~: T~iAT Wa ne H. Walker Vic Pr Y e- esident ~; of Camden 1=1 ndnci al Corporation , iri consideration of the sum of a ,~- ,,. ;. Drie -and rio 100 do71 ar // ,y and ether goad and valuable consideration ~: l~ 1.U~ U.S. ~ ~1L; _} ~- in hand paid by Camden F1 ndncl a7 Corporation receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, db by ~~~,: ~.: a: these resents rant bar ain sell and conve unto to ,the free ate,' P g g Y Tawn ei` Addison ==- and uninterrupted use, liberty and privilege of the passage in, along, upon 2nd 2cross the following r~. x~;: described prapcrty, 15' Dra7 Wage & Uti 7 i ty basement ~} ~~. owned b Situated in Count Texas, in the Ed~,~ard T~~. y Camden Fin. Cori Oa11as y, .~~• Cook Survey, Abstract No. 3~6 ,;:. . See Attached Exhibit "A° Shts 1 & ~ of ~ And it is further agreed that the Said Camden Fi nand a7 Dorporation in consideration of the benefits above set out, will remove from the property above described, such fences, buildings and other obstn~ctions as may now be found upon said property. For the purpose of Drainage & Uti 1 ~ ty Easement iri, slang, upoxl Arid across said premises, with the right and privilege at all times of the grantee herein, his or its agents, employees, workmen and representatives having ingress, egress, and regress in, aloha upon and across said premises far the purpose of making additions to, improvements on and repairs to the said Uti l i t7 es any part thereof. T~ IiAV~ AND TO HOi1D unto the said 2s aforesaid for the purposes aforesaid the premises above described. 1Vitness h2nd ,this the ~ ~,~~ day of ~ ~c~ ~c~`~ , A.D. l 9 ~ °f r Way e H. Wal deer Vice-President ~~ Camden Financial Corporation i y I ~ ~ ~ ~~ t : O 7[-7 'i ~ t; rrr'- I~ I ~ t ~ ~II~~~i O ry G, ~ L ~ I a' G ~ tjJ ~ O O •~ {"S '~ ~ n • E 3 H :,~*,~ ~ J ~ ti '~~ ~' b d ^~ q ~ O w !o C7 try :f7 _'~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m r'i~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C~ ~ = rs n ~ ~ o b ;...~. - I '~ ~ ~ b rt » . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~3 x - 7 ~ ~ ~ ~ * w ~ C'S ''I) •sexay 'h;una~ ........................-----...,............------.......x3a~~ S]uno~ -- •ua73rxn. a..agc 7sr~ sra.S pug: xep aq] ~..........--•- .... ~ ur aa~o ;c '.S]uno~ pt~s ;o ,L23f10~ A.Lttf10~ 3H,'f. 30 `I`d3$ Q+~~' Qldt'I~ {Yt SS:3fI.LIh~ •---. 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I71:U"TfCyy-- -- - pees ayz ;o aa,¢ aye sem acres a ] 3e a1.u a a$ a mou ~$ ~ ~ q y: ] p P t x pue ~uauxnx]suc u~o~aao; ~T~1 0~ paq~xasgns s= arus;v asognn xaac~o pug crasxad ayz aq o~ am a] umou ••-----------------------------------------=---------------------•--........_. ._..._ -~~~~---i-•--~~....-- {~J ~~...r---~~• -~~,.......-...pax~add~ ,c{1RUOSxad Cep s~y3 u^ J - ----------------- _ _ _ 'd]uo~~]ne pau~rssapun ayI '33Q ~2TO.~~S ~ ---r~--~~~.r..~~,.. •3~ A,L~~IIld~ r~~~i' `31i1 ~~ ~~i~~li ~~~ ~~T~I~IJCI'~`Ir4i0~~S~~'~~i t~IOI,L~?~Dd~iD~ . ..........................~.....,..... sa.rrdx~ uarssiwwo~ I4 •3^ra,I.:o o1r7g 3q7 ~oF puzr u, `5;pgn+I .vc7a ('S"I l --5t -CI-~ ... ;o ,~7:p ~ ...s,y.L '3~i3.30 .~0 'Iid3S QDIF! ~11dH .LIq 2i3~l~IA t~~AI~ ~passasdxa ura.wl{~ uu~]v,;aptsuoa pue sasodand ~y] ao; ar.ues aye pa]naaxa ... •~ay..... 7U~] aul 4] pa~paSmocryl3C pu~']u3u+n_1]SUt ~iu~oSaao~ aqa oa pagis°sgns ~ ......~..~ ~auieSS asay.,~.......~uosxad aye aq o~ dux o~ u_MOU~ ~~paxeadde xtleuas.~ad ,Cep soya uo '~7?xogans p~u3tssapun aq7 '~j~ ~730,3~~ •-------~-'.~0 ~C,LAIIIO~ `s~x~~ ~o ~~~s ~~s ,L1~I~I1I~Q~'~h44AI}I~~ ------------------------------------------- sas~dx~ uarssr ur'•ua~ ~IQ -seiay ~° ~ie't$ ati-7 ao; pue ut `~r{gnd .Sis~ph (S•'I) 3t -CI-t' ' .. 3a dLp si41. '3~I,~,~O d0 '1'~'~S Qh1' QAIYH XI4 2I:3I7hf] t~~~I~ 'pa55a3daa utasay; uutaL'.:apcsuos pore sasadsttd a~{~ so,I aiur;s ayI paanaaaa .....ay a1.'t{7 a~.r ^i p~Ypat~.ouy{3e pur;';uarun,.~7su1 $ura53a.rof ayl as paq~iasgns~ ~ awsr2 asogm ~-~--~uassad ari] aq o] aw o} ux.ou7[ ~~~~~ ~ ' p3.Ieadd4 .CI~CU953ad !C{:I} s{y~ U4 -.S;~,r,~.{:^:: ~ au5~ssapun ayz ';lIti 3?3Q~~f; ~ ,3'0 A.I.!v!10~ `s~~~rx .~o ~s~,~ ~~,~ .~~~~z~~a~•7~o~~±~~b Exhi b-i t "A" FIELD NOTES 15' DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT State of Texas~~ ) County of Dallas ) Being a Q.3429 acre tract of land situated in the Edward Caok Survey, Abstract Na. 326, Aa11as County, Texas, ss.id 0.3429 acre tract of land being a partian of that certain. 12.586 acre tract of land as conveyed to Camden Financi.a~ Cargaratian as recorded. in Volume 86170, Page 2523, and Va7.ume, 84.$9, Page 1651, Dallas Caunty Deed Records, said Q.3429 acre tract of land being mare particul~.rly described by 1vetes anal bounds as fallaws Commencing at a 1/2 inch iron rod, found, the southwest corner of said 12.5$6 acre tract and the southeast career of that certain tract of land as described in deed to Radeway Inn Cozparatian as recorded in Volume 81052, page 775, Dallas Caunty Deed Records, and hexz~g in the northerly right-af-way line of Eeltline Rand, a 100 foot wide public right-of-tr~.y; THENCE N00°08'59"E 453.00 feet slang the camman line of said 12.5$6 acre tract and said RodeT,ray Inn tract, to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the tract herein described; THENCE N00°0$'59"E, 220.99 feet continuing along sa~.d coon line to a paint a.n the south right of way line of Arapaho Raad as described in Val. $8066, p~.ge 4219, ballas County Deed Records; THENCE N86°2Q'Q0"E, 15.03 feet slang said south right-of-gray ].i.ne; THENCE S00°0$'59"W, 206.99 feet; THENCE S89°51'01"E, 300.00 feet; THENCE S00°08'59"W, 92.34 feet; TRENCE S89°51'Q1"E, 382.09 feet; to a paint in the east line of the afores~.id 12.5$G acre tract; THENCE S00°4.3'QQ"W, 15.00 feet; slang said east line; THENCE N$9°5~'O1"W, 396.94 feet; THENCE N00°0$'59"E, 92.34 feet; THENCE N89°51'01"W, 300.00 feet to the point of BEGINNING and containing Q.3429 acres or x.4,93$ square feet of .and, mare ar less. 1 of 2 -~ : ~O~t h ~, ,~ ~~~~~ ~` ~, ~` ~ ~• ~~~ ~ `' P.O.B. NOO°08'59"E 220.99 Ia.03'. Q h100°0869°E ~ 453.00 ~ r S00°OB' 59"W 206.99 ~~ i ° ° ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ f~ ' 15` DRAINAGE AND ~^ L7TILIrY EASEMENT ~ q.34~9 ACRES ~ ~ w ~ ~ a I a ~ ~ cQ 0 ~ ~ I a ~ Im c0 ~~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ I N00° ~ ~ ~~~' c~ o ca c? d 0.~ 08 59~ 9 2.34 ~ ~ r ' ~ E ~ I ~~, ~` ~~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ W \~ Cj '~, S00°08 59 G~ ~ ~ l 9 2.34 ~ ~C G~~C+~~• ~~O ~~~'''```yyy ~]' ~ V ~~~~~.- ~ ~, o• ~o Im ~~ EDWARD COOK SURVEY ABSTRACT N0. ~~6 ~I ~~ f~ ~ I--° Oy ~ I ° ~ ~ ~~ ~ 1 saaa4s'o~"w 15.Op D ~~-~- AS C~T~ t~9 ~, ~~• ~~9 v~~ p R D-C• !~' DRAINAGE AND aAfi~ 7-~1-89 BHT. N0. N~~~ s~~iAn~;~E~ IJTiLI"f`Y ~AEMEN D~Aw`N c.T.c.` ^~J~r~/ 1147 WC4w iTRFET/P,O. WY'N]'l1Ff wORTM.TE%~i X4117 ~E ~ I ri N ED R.S« ~/ W6i d~v6y DNIrErR~~TE 560iH0~9T8N. TEXAS 77474 Sbd! axwhE wT i~IYT~E dEEK Stv6.iOwuwi. TExwi 7dtiF J08 N0. 01850010 CHECKED R.D.