IOWA. 49& -10, 0 L d 1 b i e 0 (=,a., t. L 0 t.-L:T 0 t.-A 4C_-, -P Z 4 A I A .4= A 0 CWP'35 el eV. .1e = 4 1 R "to. 00 re 3 ?. 6?' 4 1A17 OF 5,6►1A1A11AJCv 77Z4 2�, 3 9 ILA=, o a� h polAj 7 OF BL 1AIAIN6 7*R4e.r Z _ , o, � r t T _ �... s ��o s y, , 4? .114,0546 4P /,y es. e4r 7 a - 32 000,4.30 " , � 0S' Q � 1k 4 0 % - Ic 1 -e o r- - A- t, Cat S 0 N4 V ) 4= 32 °00 00 Ile= /22.3.2¢ T = 350. ?� I R AC-7- 0 cc 1� lo 0 IX Lq NOTE .' EXIV_IAIV 4 11V ZAAIZ rc" 4FZ IL Z49OA72-7,0 1A1A1,6AV IVEN7 AA1010,e srA /3,/ 0 C & -.w-- TZAC-r / N D. M YZR SURVEY 4,3577 1723 a� � (moo) % M� �r /3G 0C 14 - h� 5& /00 THENCE S 44 W a distance of 42.17 feet to a point for corner` the North line of Belt Line Ro',ad" R. 0. W.) Vol 0 � � ¢ 53. C3 THENCE N 89 °49' 34" W along the said North line of Belt Line, Po-ad, 6 A1cqq*4q 7 90 3e' 0 cc 1� lo 0 IX Lq NOTE .' EXIV_IAIV 4 11V ZAAIZ rc" 4FZ IL Z49OA72-7,0 1A1A1,6AV IVEN7 AA1010,e srA /3,/ 0 C & -.w-- TZAC-r / N D. M YZR SURVEY 4,3577 1723 a� � (moo) % M� o - h� —20 I A9RA1N,46',E S'145"EM /00 .6 9 1 ffef BED TL-IAIE ROAD e0l /00 " R-.01 W. AO ~ I Oki � Z7 4 z /4 0 7'23 R = 60.00' rz 74•Z6' C4 30 '30 1 — 2_1 A STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF DALLAS] THAT I, JACK R. DAVIS, do hereby certify thatmAl prepared this plat from an actual and accurate survey of the land and that the cornet monuments shown Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, thereon were properly placed under. my personal supervision, in accordance with on this day personally appeared Jack R. Davis.. known 'to me to be person oth•e p'latting rules and regulations of the City Plan CKmissi,on of the City df whose name, is subscribed to the foregoing ins,trument and acknowledged to me -Addison, Texas. therein `V%% that he executed the same for the purposes and considerations expressed, and in the capacity therein stated. _DaVis, P.E.' GIVEN under my hand ap -ooitt 1, ,,pffice, this the day of �, ...••.••.• "4 JACK R. DAVIS to o*.. . j oo- 1978. 'O 24312 .4 /$X 4S&­#oo•0009 .. 0 * � q 0 P60e-Mr z G " 4, NOX'ary Pub c in and for Dallas County, Texas lHtNLt b U t along - CrIe SCIIU We5L I 111C 01U.. FICIVZ>11 L011U, Ct U1b#,Cj1tk;t: A I 145 30 feet to a poInt for corner; THENCE S 44 W a distance of 42.17 feet to a point for corner` the North line of Belt Line Ro',ad" R. 0. W.) �w THENCE N 89 °49' 34" W along the said North line of Belt Line, Po-ad, 6 7 90 3e' of 51.8i54' feet to a point for corner; 54f p I THENCE N 0'06'34" W a distance of 200.00 feet to a point said pq(, n 4 b,eginning of a curve to the right, havinq a radi -of 1973.24 feet,'.Iand' a angle of central 7— THEN'CE around said carve in a Northeasterly direction, and a 4 6 = al. -.551 - 711-.11 feet to end of curve; THENCE N 31 Ea distance of 369.31 feet to a point,- s a fd pol , nt b ei ng the beginning of a curve to the left having a radius 1273-24 fe et a hd central angle of 14 °56'45 "; THENCE around said curve, in a Northeasterly direction, an arc distance of NJ, a f 'n ' one d 332.13. feet, to end of said curve, said point being in the or e me f I Southwest line of the St. Louis and Southwestern Railwa N THENCE S 77 °46 36" E along the said Southwest line of Ra il way, a d" ta' 11 0 Ca 3 i of 26.39 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 12-540 acres, of -1 A nid more or l ess : NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW. ALL YMEN -Y THESE PR , THAT, Belt - Line- Marsh, Ltd beIng the.Owntr does hereby adopt, this, p le t ddesignating the herein described property as Belt " Line '- -Marshl 80sihes's d Park, an addition to the City o,f,,-Addi"s'oft,'�Da.11as County, Tex - as , an d k hereby dedicate to the,publi us� fote'ver streets An'd 1' shown' thereon. The eas eme n,tsl, own thereon -are eserve ereon are hereby' d fet the pur 'ose as indfcated4 The ufilitY and.. e lane easements shall b e o t baoe and ru on a g e n.,-,,o , p u b lic " fi re r h c o 11 e c t i d' re and -uni s, 9 On R ;A e n a n c e all public and private �u t'i I i t or each pA t u1a use.. The t d' lab easements s is. the - te_t - poiv of paving on the utility an e easem 4) f of the property owne' No b.ui 4 ngs,, fences trees, shrub*, '6r ot her td improvements or growths shall be constructed, reconstructed ota",pl ced cc , ­A_­ nry S a - id utiti -v.-e _�"e -ncc tha vj+41it'v PA4z,AmPnfq as shown. -a- STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF DALLAS] THAT I, JACK R. DAVIS, do hereby certify thatmAl prepared this plat from an actual and accurate survey of the land and that the cornet monuments shown Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, thereon were properly placed under. my personal supervision, in accordance with on this day personally appeared Jack R. Davis.. known 'to me to be person oth•e p'latting rules and regulations of the City Plan CKmissi,on of the City df whose name, is subscribed to the foregoing ins,trument and acknowledged to me -Addison, Texas. therein `V%% that he executed the same for the purposes and considerations expressed, and in the capacity therein stated. _DaVis, P.E.' GIVEN under my hand ap -ooitt 1, ,,pffice, this the day of �, ...••.••.• "4 JACK R. DAVIS to o*.. . j oo- 1978. 'O 24312 .4 /$X 4S&­#oo•0009 .. 0 * � q 0 P60e-Mr z G " 4, NOX'ary Pub c in and for Dallas County, Texas