Clay, The 1-A Certification Letters for the Addison Road light poles should have arrived at your office. I meant to send this email out earlier. There are several issues to note. 1. There were 24 light poles on the FAA list provided. I contacted Linda Steele with the FAA and she provided data on all 24 poles which included approximate coordinates and structure height of 39 feet. We plotted the location of the poles based on the FAA coordinates and then compared them with actual light pole locations. 2. We only located fifteen 39-foot light poles and they all generally corresponded with a FAA coordinate. We provided certifications for these poles. 3. There are not light poles at the 9 remaining FAA coordinate locations. A list of those FAA pole numbers is below. I believe these poles need to be deleted from the FAA data base. 4. There are five 20 to 25-foot tall light poles grouped together on the east side of Addison Road near Arapaho. None of the FAA coordinates provided are near these lights. Am I correct in assuming that certifications are not required for these poles given there shorter height and lack of corresponding FAA coordinate? If certifications are required, a FAA pole number will need to be provided. 5. No FAA coordinate locations fell near the railroad arms. Linda was also not aware of any railroad arms requiring certifications. Do you know how the need to survey the railroad arms arose? Poles listed on FAA site not found in field: 5471 5474 5476 5477 5478 5481 5484 5485 5486 Chris Robinson, P.E. Grantham & Associates 1919 S. Shiloh Suite #440, LB 8 Garland, TX 75042 972-864-2333 ext. 121 214-869-8912 cell 972-864-2334 fax