Hello Clay, Shane and David have talked to me today about your concerns, but I need to make sure I am understanding them before I authorize Travis to do any revisions (I am trying to keep costs down as much as possible). Can you explain to me what we are looking for? My main concern, once again if I am understanding what they are saying, is that I am going to have to put another drain system in for my south side of my property. Besides the obvious reason of expense that I do not want to do this, I already have more than 1k of feet of drains,.I feel I have done my part in solving water issues and am really not prepared mentally or financially to add even more monies to this already huge project. The other major consideration is that we have 4 beautiful trees right on that line. Assuming I am understanding this correctly, we would be digging into their root system and very possibly making it difficult if not impossible for them to survive. Neither of us wants that. It is my understanding that we where going to put a concrete "Footer" at the base of my property line, the fence goes above this, would that not direct the water to where it needs to go? I am sure we thought that I had to put a fence up (because I have to by statue) so there must have been some thought on this. Could we not just put a simple hose through this "Footer" for water run off to go where it needs to go? Once again, I could be completely misunderstanding, and if I am please let me know. Also, I am not sure who I have talked to from the city, I never got her phone number, but I wanted her to know that we are going to put in a new fence, as I agreed with her via the phone, on the section of the West fence that is NOT a part of my neighbor's fence, the Judge guy sorry I do not know his name either. We are putting the guts on the inside to help the city to not have the extra expense on their part, by having to put up another fence on their side. We are also only putting in a individual gate, not a car gate as we agreed as well. If you could forward that to her I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks so much. Please let me know what we are looking at as soon as possible as I might have just sold my house and they are requesting me to be out of my current home in 3 weeks. Yikes! Thanks, Michael Hardin 214-477-2531