Why do they ask me about this? Jerry Jerry _____ From: Linda Jones To: Jerry Davis Sent: Thu Sep 24 11:19:50 2009 Subject: Fairfield Addison Circle ( 15777 Quorum) Can you please give me an update to our request for release of the attached surety bond which was issued as a security deposit for the water/sewer account on the above referenced account? We mailed you a check on 7/22/09 and sent a replacement check on 8/28/09 since you showed no record of receiving the first one. (copy of letter attached) We asked that you replace the surety bond with the cash deposit and return the bond to us. As of today, we not seen the bond and have received no correspondence regarding the release of the bond. Please check into this and let me know when we can expect the bond to be returned. It renews this month and we obviously do not want to renew since you now have the cash. I appreciate your help with this matter. Linda Jones Fairfield Residential LLC 2045 N. Hwy. 360, suite 250 Grand Prairie, TX 75050 phone 214-574-1522 fax 214-574-1322 ljones@ffres.com