Nancy and Clay, Attached is the summary through 2/28/11 for all of the 2008 capital projects. Please review and let me know if you see anything that needs to be revised. I have not included the SECO funds, so you can see the project balance for the Elevated Storage Tank is negative. Where are we at on that grant? Does the $472,400 include our local match or is that separate? For Vitruvian, the Payables tab shows the breakdown by vendor and phase. If you look at the By Fund tab, you’ll see that Vitruvian has overspent the Utility Fund portion that was allocated. In the original issuance, we allocated $1,278,000 to the Utility Fund, and to date we have spent $1,370,354. Clay if you can please provide me an estimate of total expenses to hit the Utility Fund for Vitruvian, we can include that portion when we calculate the amount to transfer over from the Capital Projects Fund for the tank. Let me know if you have any questions or if I can help with anything. Have a good afternoon! Marisa Marisa Perry, CPA Financial Services Manager Town of Addison (972) 450-7064