For your reference in case I need your help. :) -----Original Message----- From: Clay Harris [] Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 4:03 PM To: Nancy Cline Cc: Lisa Elledge; Mary-Jo Rowan; Julie Rabeux; Pamela Smith; Vickie Mathews; Marlene Bonilla Subject: Additional Clarification Required-City's Renewable Energy Grant Application Dear Ms. Cline: Attached please find an additional questionnaire and environmental assessment form relative to the renewable energy grant application submitted by the City of Addison. Please complete the questionnaire and other information and submit to my attention via e-mail no later than close-of-business on Friday, March 26, 2010. Please note: this is not an award. This is a request for further clarification and action relative to the City's application. Thank You! --Clay-- William Clay Harris Assistant General Counsel, Contracts Comptroller of Public Accounts Phone: (512) 936-5854 Fax: (512) 463-3669 Legal Notice: This e-mail and any and all attachments included with it are confidential and privileged under law, and not subject to disclosure, production, or to discovery under law, including under the Texas Rules of Civil Evidence and other statutory, quasi-statutory and common law of the State of Texas and United States of America. The foregoing confidential and privileged status applies to public information requests under Chapter 552, Texas Government Code ("Texas Public Information Act"), excepting from public disclosure confidential attorney-client communications, work-product, and other privileged information provided in that law.