Interesting. From: Ron King [] Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2011 2:08 PM To: Nancy Cline Cc: Ron King Subject: Nancy, Landmark would like to not brush blast the pedestal - concerned it would do more aesthetic harm than good. I am speaking internally with our architects and engineers and will formulate a recommendation for you on this. Thanks, Ron King, P.E. Associate, Denton Office Manager Freese and Nichols, Inc 2220 San Jacinto Blvd, Suite 330 Denton, Texas 76205 940-220-4350 Office From: Wiatrek, Matt [] Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2011 10:17 AM To: Ron King Cc: Wiatrek, Matt Subject: RE: Addison - pedestal non-blast Ron, To address your 4 questions. 1. Pedestal blast has been deleted on several projects with no known long-term impact. Attached are pictures from 3 projects completed back in 2007: two in San Antonio and one in Rhome. 2. Yes, we have seen aesthetics worsen due to pedestal blast. See attached pictures of Parker, Texas; pre and post blast. It is true blasting creates a more uniform look in general and certainly within a single lift. However, it is Landmark’s opinion that we already have a uniform appearance. We gain nothing by taking the risk of trading a known for an unknown (aesthetically speaking). Furthermore, we risk increasing the color contrast between all lifts if we blast. 3. The project in Rhome is located about 10 to 15 minutes northwest of our Fort Worth office. 4. Blasting the bottom 2 lifts does not cover the potential color differential (increased contrast) that may be seen from lift to lift for the remaining lifts. Regards, Matthew Wiatrek From: Ron King [] Sent: Monday, June 27, 2011 4:29 PM To: Wiatrek, Matt Cc: Ron King Subject: RE: Addison - pedestal non-blast Matt: I would need feedback from you on the items I had in response during our phone conversation, before going and discussing with the Town about this. I hesitate to delete the brush blast, because this is something that has been a Landmark standard on every tank I’ve worked on, and I don’t know the long-term impact of not doing the blast. Here are my questions: 1. Have you deleted the blast on other projects, and what have been the long-term impacts? Since there is a powder-like coating from the concrete placement, I have concern with this weathering off over time in a non-uniform manner. 2. Have there been issues on projects with the blasting creating aesthetic issues? My general impression has been that the blasting has created a more uniform look. 3. Do you have a comparison that the Town can look at to see which one they would like to pursue? 4. If items 1 – 3 above are addressed, can you blast the bottom 2 lifts to see if your concerns are coming to fruition, since we will cover them with the cladding? Is there more concern about still being able to see the concrete in the cladding joints? We are not planning on having weekly site visits with me there anymore. Thanks, Ron King, P.E. Associate, Denton Office Manager Freese and Nichols, Inc 2220 San Jacinto Blvd, Suite 330 Denton, Texas 76205 940-220-4350 Office From: Wiatrek, Matt [] Sent: Monday, June 27, 2011 4:13 PM To: Ron King Cc: Wiatrek, Matt Subject: Addison - pedestal non-blast Ron, As discussed briefly over the phone last week, Landmark recommends proceeding with a “non-blast” pedestal. Our recommendation is based on the fact that we currently have a known (non-blast) aesthetic outcome. Blasting introduces an unknown outcome that has no potential positive upside better that what we already have. Our concern is that any blast might have slight positive effects on the aesthetics of individual lifts, but could have negative effects on overall aesthetics of the pedestal as it may increase the contrast from lift to lift. In our opinion, the aesthetics of the pedestal as it stands now are of very high-quality. We can discuss in more detail during this week’s onsite meeting. Regards, Matthew Wiatrek Landmark Structures Office 817.439.8888, x1204 • Fax 817.230.2082 Direct 817.230.8818 • Mobile 817.296.5583 Please consider the environment before printing this message. ________________________________ This electronic mail message is intended exclusively for the individual or entity to which it is addressed. This message, together with any attachment, may contain the sender's organization's confidential and privileged information. The recipient is hereby notified to treat the information as confidential and privileged and to not disclose or use the information except as authorized by sender's organization. Any unauthorized review, printing, retention, copying, disclosure, distribution, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this message in error, please immediately contact the sender by reply email and delete all copies of the material from any computer. Thank you for your cooperation.