Works for us. Thank you Clay, Daniel A. Tremper, P.E. Freese and Nichols, Inc. 2220 San Jacinto Blvd, Suite 330 Denton, Texas 76205 Phone: 940-220-4352 Fax: 940-387-4677 Cell: 817-933-7660 Email: From: Clay Barnett [] Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 10:47 AM To: Daniel Tremper Cc: Nancy Cline; Ron King; Ray Silva-Reyes Subject: RE: Elevated Storage Tank 60% Plans Review Daniel, To my knowledge it has not yet been filed. I recommend holding off on filing it until the end of the job incase Oncor needs easements. Under this procedure the easements can be added without having a separate instrument or replatting. Could you include the current version in the plan submittal? The filed copy could be included in the record drawings at the end of construction. Thanks, Clay Barnett, P.E. Town Engineer Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive Addison, TX 75001-2818 Office: (972) 450-2857 From: Daniel Tremper [] Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 10:41 AM To: Clay Barnett Cc: Nancy Cline; Ron King; Ray Silva-Reyes Subject: RE: Elevated Storage Tank 60% Plans Review Clay, Can you send us a copy of the filed final plat for our Surveyor Tank Site? I would like to be able to include the final filed version of the plat in our 90% plans submittal coming up on 11/19/10. Thank you, Daniel A. Tremper, P.E. Freese and Nichols, Inc. 2220 San Jacinto Blvd, Suite 330 Denton, Texas 76205 Phone: 940-220-4352 Fax: 940-387-4677 Cell: 817-933-7660 Email: From: Clay Barnett [] Sent: Friday, September 24, 2010 8:37 AM To: Ron King Cc: Daniel Tremper; Ray Silva-Reyes; Jessica Brown; Nancy Cline Subject: RE: Elevated Storage Tank 60% Plans Review Ron, Attached are the following items as requested: 1. Standard details: a. water line embedment (SD-W02 & 03), b. fire hydrant (SD-W17), c. sidewalks (SD-P26), d. sidewalk adjacent to curb (SD-P25), e. expansion joints (SD-P20), f. construction joints (SD-P18), g. longitudinal butt joint (SD-P19), h. Driveway return details (SD-P36), i. Sign post detail (SD-T02), 2. Specifications We are doing some research on butterfly valves to determine the best approach. I will forward what we decide on. I noticed on DT-08 that the typical section calls for a 2% cross slope; however the detail shows a parabolic crown. Please have a look at this when you get an opportunity. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please let me know. Thanks, Clay Barnett, P.E. Town Engineer Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive Addison, TX 75001-2818 Office: (972) 450-2857 From: Ron King [] Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 3:33 PM To: Nancy Cline; Clay Barnett Cc: Ron King; Daniel Tremper; Ray Silva-Reyes; Jessica Brown Subject: Elevated Storage Tank 60% Plans Review Nancy, Clay: I have the following notes from our meeting last week. Clay, I have highlighted the items you had discussed sending us your standards on. 1. Conform the driveway and parking to landscape architect’s proposed layout. Keep curbs and don’t use depression grading 2. Nancy indicated she will confirm what the landscape architect’s shading is on the pavement 3. Add PW #2008-02 to cover sheet 4. There are several changes in Council; FNI to look at website and adjust on cover sheet 5. Solar Bee will be a base bid item, not an alternate 6. Plumbing for chlorine analyzer will be a base bid item, and chlorine analyzer will be an additive alternate bid item 7. Show the tap for the chlorine analyzer 8. Show the double check assembly for the fire line on the plumbing sheet 9. Will need an easement for the transformer 10. Sheet G-2, update the utilities contacts list 11. Sheet G-2, Note 9 – don’t dump surplus material in Addison 12. Sheet G-2, correct references from Mansfield to Addison 13. Sheet G-2, delete note 24 14. Sheet G-2, use TCEQ EST notes instead of GST notes 15. Sheet G-2, TCEQ waterline note #9 – no deadends in lines 16. Sheet G-2, TCEQ waterline note #10 – Correct format of section reference 17. Sheet C-1, Check if there is an existing crosswalk west across Surveyor 18. Sheet C-2, show the stabilized construction entrance 19. Sheet C-3, provide an irrigation plan 20. Sheet C-3, show the sidewalk around the vault 21. Sheet C-3 and other affected sheets – Add BFV between main line and bypass line upstream of vault 22. Sheet C-3, add double check for tee off to drinking fountain 23. Sheet C-3, at fire hydrant move gate valve to other side of service tap 24. Sheet C-3, add BFV to existing 24” water main between connections 25. Sheet C-3, change meter to 1-1/2” meter with double check, per Town of Addison standards 26. Sheet C-4, provide a drainage area map and show how much runoff going to each street 27. Sheet C-5, add stabilized sand around the proposed 24” pipe where it crosses the SS service line 28. Sheet C-5, add some slope to the pipe instead of 0%, put high point closest to proposed fire hydrant 29. Sheet DT-01, the Cleanfield wind turbines will be an additive alternate bid item 30. Sheet DT-01, correct spelling Manufacturer 31. Sheet DT-01, provide stainless steel skirt around DI/stainless steel pipe interface 32. Sheet DT-01, confirm full-length seam weld for ribbing 33. Sheet DT-03, spell out “Plate” 34. Sheet DT-03, add “Plate” to title of Detail 4 35. Sheet DT-04, correct spelling Structural 36. Sheet DT-04, Bilco hatch needs to be stainless steel 37. Sheet DT-04, move the ladder over to the hatch 38. Sheet DT-04, Detail 2 has several callouts and lead lines that are not applicable 39. Sheet DT-05, Provide a full vault for the butterfly valve and vault. Clay indicated he has a detail for this he can send to us. 40. Sheet DT-05, Clay indicated he will provide us with standard details for water line embedment and fire hydrant 41. Sheet DT-07, provide an inlet protection detail 42. Sheet DT-07, delete the rock berm details 43. Sheet DT-08, Clay indicated he will provide standard details on most of the details on this sheet 44. Sheet DT-09, provide a pole detail – Clay indicated he will send us one 45. Sheet DT-09, correct spelling Handicap 46. Clay indicated he will send us Addison front-end documents for specs 47. Break out pavement markings and tank lighting – not as lump sum 48. Provide quantity for site grading – not as lump sum 49. Provide quantity for hydromulch – not as lump sum 50. Break out silt fence, construction entrance, and inlet protection from SWPPP 51. Include curbs in with driveway pavement quantity 52. Don’t use TxDot ADA ramps – look at Garland’s or Plano’s 53. Bid Item 20 – adjust the meter size 54. Bid Item 24 – include the double cleanout in with the service line 55. Geotech report will be included with the bid documents Thanks, Ron Please consider the environment before printing this message. ________________________________ This electronic mail message is intended exclusively for the individual or entity to which it is addressed. This message, together with any attachment, may contain the sender's organization's confidential and privileged information. The recipient is hereby notified to treat the information as confidential and privileged and to not disclose or use the information except as authorized by sender's organization. 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