To help with our meeting tomorrow morning, here are the status' on the items we discussed at the 90% review meeting: 1. TAS review/submittal to TDLR - will submit this week 2. TCEQ review - awaiting review letter but it is off the review list, so should receive shortly 3. Irrigation comments - completed 4. Cover Sheet, alphabetize council members - done 5. Cover Sheet vicinity map, make roads easier to see and read - done 6. Size pedestrian wall to allow for future 2nd floor storage - requirement included in plans/specs 7. Building inspection comments - Com-Check completed; remaining comments to be complete by EOD Tuesday, and will e-mail appropriate sheets 8. Sheet G-2, Note 9 corrected per Clay's comment 9. Sheet C-1, Telephone riser "relocate by others" note - done 10. Sheet C-1, existing firelane easement and note - removed. 11. Stainless steel bowl bid alternate - will add by Tuesday 12. Sheet C-2, confirm adequate pad area for A/C unit - will finalize by Tuesday 13. Sheet C-4, check if need detention - don't recommend provide detention since only approx. 2 cfs difference. 14. Sheet C-5, confirm SDR-26 SS service line - callout added 15. Sheet C-5, move FH to within 2' - 4' of b/c - done 16. Sheet DT-01, confirm hydraulics of tank - see e-mail responses, and revision of control valve to allow intermediate opening settings 17. Sheet DT-05, replace FH, BFV, and cleanout details with Addison revised details - done 18. Sheet DT-06, replace pavers details with Addison details - done 19. Sheet DT-08, specify pavement crown height - done 20. Sheet A501, confirmed swivel panel detail 21. Sheet A201, provide sensored faucets - WRA working on, to be done Tuesday 22. Sheet A201, provide sound dampening and odor control for restrooms - WRA working on, to be done Tuesday; will have wall insulation and commercial vent/fan 23. Sheet A201, can stairs be provided from equipment room up to mezzanine level - confirmed not enough room, see e-mail response 24. Provide security alarm design - WRA working on, to be done Tuesday 25. Provide street lamps per Clay's e-mailed information - working on, to be done Tuesday 26. Confirm location of irrigation control - plan to put between north fence and overflow outlet structure. Thanks, Ron Please consider the environment before printing this message. ________________________________ This electronic mail message is intended exclusively for the individual or entity to which it is addressed. This message, together with any attachment, may contain the sender's organization's confidential and privileged information. The recipient is hereby notified to treat the information as confidential and privileged and to not disclose or use the information except as authorized by sender's organization. Any unauthorized review, printing, retention, copying, disclosure, distribution, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this message in error, please immediately contact the sender by reply email and delete all copies of the material from any computer. Thank you for your cooperation.