I have been asked by numerous folks internally and from the public about the Chinese pistache trees on Belt Line Road that we are preserving as part of the Belt Line Road Re-development Project. Here is some information on these trees. Pistachia chinensis – Yes it’s native to China not Texas, and it is in the Sumac Family. Pistacia vera – is the pistachio nut of commerce. It’s a small tree about 30 feet. high and grows in the southern states, but inferior to Chinese pistache as far as shade tolerance and ornamental features. Chinese pistache is described as “the perfect tree”, extremely tough, durable, that grows best in deep well-drained soil but tolerates a wide range of conditions, i.e. Belt Line Road medians, grows in a wide range of urban conditions regardless of soil situations, Very drought resistant, tolerates extreme heat from near desert-like atmosphere to low humidity, drying winds. Sound familiar? Pests: None serious. Slade Strickland Director of Parks and Recreation O972.450.2869 C972.489.4426 sstrickland@addisontx.gov