Clay, In addition to what we discussed today, here are our comments on the plans: 1. Sheet C2.1 – Grout or chute may be needed at the three 5' curb openings to prevent flows from dislodging the recycled concrete riprap. Also, fix arrows for "Prop. Grate Inlet" label. 2. Sheet C3.1 – Need to check first floor elevations vs. drainage HGL elevations in parking lot. Also, would be good to put 100-year flood elevation info on the plans/plat. 3. Sheet C3.2 – Show existing ground on sections. Sections indicate excavation below OHWM. 4. Sheet C4.2 – 10" less than min pipe size. Need storm sewer profiles and discharge calcs. Add 3' toewall at end of energy dissipater. Looking at the drainage west of the site right now. Walter