Clay, Noelle and Eric have been digging thru the Addison data and we have solved some of the mystery in the drainage systems west of the Bankston site. At this point, it appears that you are correct, more area than is shown in the PK study is draining to the south outfalling at the channel. Accompanying this email are: · Lindbergh Channel (the channel along the DART ROW) plans by Grantham dated April 2003. I don't think these were built but they have good background info and show a 33" outfall from the north about 600 feet east of Midway · Lindbergh water plans by GSW dated Sept 2001 showing a 30" RCP draining Lindbergh to the south towards the channel · Lindbergh Road Extension by Ginn dated 4/9/85 showing drainage at and east of Bankston site. · As-built Airport DA Map by URS dated 1999 We also found some drainage locators prepared using the 1980 topo mapping as a base. While they don't show the 30/33", they do have Midway DA's sketched in. These do not show any storm sewer extending to the east past the Midway ROW in this area. What we have not yet found is actual drainage plans for Lindbergh between the Bankston site and Midway nor any drainage plans connecting the inlets found in Wiley Post down to Lindbergh and plans showing the connection from Lindberg to the channel. We continue to search, Walter From: Gaspard, Noelle Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 3:10 PM To: Skipwith, Walter; Hajek, Eric Subject: Lindberg Plans Helpful plan sets in the Lindberg/Bankston area. Show existence of 33”line about 550ft east of Midway and Arapaho intersection. N:\27000s\27717\DataIn\Plans\Plan Room Plans\B08_01-16\B8-04 LINDBERG RD EXT RECORD SET STREET DEPT 11-3-80\1980_LindbergExt_Plans.pdf N:\27000s\27717\DataIn\Plans\Plan Room Plans\B25_01-16\B25-2 Lindberg WA Line December 2001\Lindberg_Water2001.pdf N:\27000s\27717\DataIn\Plans\Plan Room Plans\CAPITAL PROJECTS\Storm Drainage\Lindbergh Drainage 3-1-2005\Lindberg_Drainage_2005.pdf Noelle Gaspard, PE, GISP, CFM Project Manager HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC. 1201 North Bowser Road Richardson, Texas 75081 Phone 214-346-6200 Direct 214-346-6313 Fax 214-739-0095