Nancy, Thanks for the update, I was about to e-mail you. Please let me know how I can help bring this to a conclusion. Thanks, sln Shannon L. Nave, P.E., CFM President Nave Engineering, Inc. Civil Engineers - Hydrologists Texas Registered Engineering Firm F-7457 P.O. Box 759, Weatherford, TX 76086 110 W. Josephine Ave., Weatherford, TX 76086 Off: 817-596-7575, Cell: 817-992-8031 e-mail Fax 817-887-3016 From: Nancy Cline [] Sent: Friday, March 11, 2011 3:20 PM To: SLN Cc: Clay Barnett Subject: RE: Plan comments and further discussion Shannon, We are almost done reviewing your last submittal. It seems each time you make a submittal, we have more questions. We are trying to figure out how to reach a point where the back and forth ends. It may be Wed. next week but we want to give you something that helps resolve the ongoing questions. Thank you, Nancy From: SLN [] Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 6:03 PM To: Bruce Grantham; Nancy Cline; Clay Barnett; Mathew Thomas Cc: Lea Dunn Subject: RE: Plan comments and further discussion That would be great. Thanks, and stay warm. sln Shannon L. Nave, P.E., CFM President Nave Engineering, Inc. Civil Engineers - Hydrologists Texas Registered Engineering Firm F-7457 P.O. Box 759, Weatherford, TX 76086 110 W. Josephine Ave., Weatherford, TX 76086 Off: 817-596-7575, Cell: 817-992-8031 e-mail Fax 817-887-3016 From: Bruce Grantham [] Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 5:58 PM To: SLN; Nancy Cline; Clay Barnett; Mathew Thomas Cc: Lea Dunn Subject: RE: Plan comments and further discussion Shannon: I’m sorry to have missed your recent calls but this week which has been a disrupted one for us due to the weather. I’m tied up tomorrow morning but hope to have time to call you tomorrow afternoon. Would 3 p.m. be a good time? Regards, Bruce From: SLN [] Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 5:39 PM To: Nancy Cline; Bruce Grantham; Clay Barnett; Mathew Thomas Cc: Lea Dunn Subject: RE: Plan comments and further discussion All, I haven’t heard back from you and my Friday February 4th trip to Dallas has been canceled. I recommend the following course of action. 1. Bruce please give me a call at your earliest convenience 817-992-8031. Perhaps we can find some common ground. 2. My meeting for Dallas will take place next week. If Bruce and I can’t see eye to eye over the phone I think we will need to get together. Perhapse the same day I am in Dallas. Thanks, sln Shannon L. Nave, P.E., CFM President Nave Engineering, Inc. Civil Engineers - Hydrologists Texas Registered Engineering Firm F-7457 P.O. Box 759, Weatherford, TX 76086 110 W. Josephine Ave., Weatherford, TX 76086 Off: 817-596-7575, Cell: 817-992-8031 e-mail Fax 817-887-3016 From: Nancy Cline [] Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2011 3:55 PM To: SLN; Bruce Grantham; Clay Barnett; Mathew Thomas Cc: Lea Dunn Subject: RE: Plan comments and further discussion Shannon, I hope your trip went well last week. It appears there are some disagreements on the analysis of the modeling of the impact of the proposed fill for the Bankston site. Would you prefer to meet (this Thursday at 3:00 pm works for me and I can check with the others) or would you rather we send a formal, specific comment letter detailing our requirements on the modeling for this site? It does not seem productive at this time to continue the e-mailing back and forth. Please let me know your preference. Thank you, Nancy Cline From: SLN [] Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2011 10:07 AM To: Bruce Grantham; Nancy Cline; Clay Barnett; Mathew Thomas Cc: Molly Pierson Subject: RE: Plan comments and further discussion Bruce, I understand this stream and its flooding are a particularly sensitive subject with City of Addison. I appreciate the care in which you have reviewed my work. I hope the following will convey the thought processes that went into modeling the stream as I have. I contend that the area of the Bankston parking lot is flooded on a regular basis. There are two primary flow paths in the area 1) the main channel which flows east to west from the east Lindbergh culverts to Midway and 2) north to south from the west Lindbergh culvert to the main channel. I believe that as flow and depth increases in the channel, there is a back water effect from the main channel that inundates the Bankston parking lot. There may be some minimal north-south flow in the parking lot when the 100-year flood event is peaking, but I contend that the only truly active conveyance in the parking lot and just south of it is from the east to the west in the main channel. During the 100-year storm event peak, the majority of the north-south flow would transpire in the north-south channel east of the parking lot. Further the buildings along the right (north) overbank, along with debris, vehicles, and shallow ponding conditions in the right overbank limits the active conveyance of the right overbank in either westerly or southerly direction in the parking lot and westerly west of the parking lot. In short, when the channel is experiencing the 100-year peak flow the right overbank is acting as a pond. During the 100-year storm event the area east of the Bankston parking lot is currently inundated. This is due to the backwater of the main channel. This is not helped by the fact that Bankston parking lot acts more like a pond that means of conveyance during the 100-year storm event. I believe the parking lot is inundated before the 100-year peak arrives and has become an area of ineffective flow when the 100-year storm event does arrive. Therefore there the filling of the parking lot would cause no loss of conveyance during the peak of the 100-year storm event and the loss of valley storage, in this case, would be very, very minor. If the volume were larger, or had a more controlled release and or held up, to one degree or another, the entire flow in the basin I could see how that might affect the flow downstream, but not at the parking lot or east of the parking lot. However, the area of ineffective flow (and volume of proposed fill) is small, is off channel, and really is a condition of backwater rather than detention. Therefore I see the filing of the parking lot as not effecting flow or water surface. With this in mind I don’t believe the loss of the valley storage at Bankston effects the west or east culverts or channels east of Bankston since there is no loss of conveyance. The stream itself is in a subcritical flow regime so the filling does not impact downstream. Because the area of proposed fill is currently inundated before the 100-year peak arrives it is filled with water at the time of the peak and its filling with another material should have little to know impact on the downstream flows. The proposed fill will not, in my mind, impact either upstream or downstream. If I had a larger basin to model with an area of minimal incoming lateral flows beside and partly through an area of ineffective flow, I would model as I have this one, with the exception that if it was over 200 ac I would Unit Hydrograph method to generate the peak flows rather than the Rational Method. I don’t believe the use of the Unit Hydrograph method on a basin less than 200 ac is well founded or in this case well suited. I also don’t believe a 2-D model would provide a level accuracy that would compensate for its cost. There is a law of diminishing returns that provides that doubling, tripling, or quadrupling time and cost does not double the level of accuracy. I don’t expect the filling of the Bankston parking lot to have any impact, either in a model or in the field. I don’t believe that a 2-D model will show a much different answer. If the right overbank had been free of buildings, not been a parking lot of cars which impede flow, and or had deeper depths it would not be an area of ineffective flow. However, the building on the west property line prevents water from flow west. The building on the south property line limits the flow to the south. And the south building coupled with the west building and the other downstream buildings prevents westerly flow in the right overbank. This, together with a parking lot that is routinely packed tight with cars and flow depths of less than a foot indicates to me an area of ineffective flow. I believe the cross sections should run north to south as the flow is in the east to west direction. The existing parking lot is an area of inundation, but also ineffective flow. The area is small and filled with water before the peak 100-year discharge arrives. Therefore I believe I have modeled the pre- and post project correctly and the proposed filling of the parking lot will have no describable impact on the adjacent property owners. I am sorry but I am leaving after I send this e-mail. I hope it was some small help into conveying my thoughts and modeling practices in this case. Thank you, sln Shannon L. Nave, P.E., CFM President Nave Engineering, Inc. Civil Engineers - Hydrologists Texas Registered Engineering Firm F-7457 P.O. Box 759, Weatherford, TX 76086 110 W. Josephine Ave., Weatherford, TX 76086 Off: 817-596-7575, Cell: 817-992-8031 e-mail Fax 817-887-3016 From: Bruce Grantham [] Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2011 3:39 PM To: SLN; Nancy Cline; Clay Barnett; Mathew Thomas Cc: Molly Pierson Subject: RE: Plan comments and further discussion Shannon: Unfortunately, I missed your call yesterday. However, I have made some additional comments below in black that may help to clarify our respective points of view. If you have an opportunity to respond via e-mail, I will talk to Nancy while you are out of town next week. Regards, Bruce From: SLN [] Sent: Friday, January 21, 2011 3:45 PM To: Bruce Grantham; Nancy Cline; Clay Barnett; Mathew Thomas Subject: RE: Plan comments and further discussion Please see below Shannon L. Nave, P.E., CFM President Nave Engineering, Inc. Civil Engineers - Hydrologists Texas Registered Engineering Firm F-7457 P.O. Box 759, Weatherford, TX 76086 110 W. Josephine Ave., Weatherford, TX 76086 Off: 817-596-7575, Cell: 817-992-8031 e-mail Fax 817-887-3016 From: Bruce Grantham [] Sent: Friday, January 21, 2011 11:13 AM To: Nancy Cline; SLN Subject: RE: Plan comments and further discussion Shannon & Nancy: I have attached a plan sheet from our Lindbergh channel project which includes the topo survey. Below are some conceptual comments related to the Bankston flood study: 1. Two FS cross sections are marked on the plan and they confirm that the 100-year water surface elevation is higher than the parking lot high point. 2. Consequently, stormwater that is flowing from east to west overtops this high point in a 100-year storm and flows between the two buildings to the channel. 3. This is consistent with what we have been told by Bankston representatives. 4. Bankston reps have also confirmed that prior to overtopping the high point, stormwater drains south across the parking lot to the channel on the east side of the small building. Eventually, this building floods. 5. As the parking lot conveys flow during a 100-year storm, we do not believe that modeling it as an ineffective flow area is an accurate representation of the field conditions. 1 – 5 It is recognized that the parking lot floods, but the flow there is typically from north to south. Therefore the HEC-RAS model that depicts channel flow from east to west should not consider it as active flow since the flows are perpendicular. Additionally the buildings as well as cars (in the parking lot) along the north bank also give reason not to count the north portion of the overbank as active flow. Therefore the HEC-RAS model was set up with the right (north) overbank as ineffective flow . · Your position is that the sheet flow in the parking lot, which is primarily north-south, should dictate the orientation of the main channel cross sections. · Our position is that the parking lot is part of the channel overbank; consequently, the cross sections should be orientated at right angles to the main east-west channel flow starting at the four elliptical pipes under Lindbergh to the east. · Your position is that the east-west 100-year flow that overtops the north-south parking lot high point and spills between the two buildings into the channel can be ignored because the parking lot slopes from north to south, and the buildings and cars in the parking lot completely block the flow. · Our position is that the parking lot flow is only north-south until the high point (which acts as a weir) is overtopped during the 100-year storm, at which time, the flow is west across the parking lot and south between the two buildings. We would also contend that parked cars do not completely block the channel flow. 6. The plan also shows two stormwater discharge points on the south side of Lindbergh. The eastern point shows four elliptical pipes that convey most of the flow from the southern airport. The western point shows one RCP which conveys a smaller airport drainage area. 7. The FS cross sections are oriented as if the RCP conveys all the airport runoff. In reality, it acts as a small tributary to the main channel with originates at the elliptical pipes. 6 -7 The channel from the west RCP and the east-west channel south and west of the project area are the major concerns to this project. Therefore the channel from the west RCP south to the east-west channel and then west to Midway are what was modeled. The upstream of the channel starting at the west RCP is modeled with 25.0 cfs at X-Section 1755 and 27.09 cfs at X-Section 1631. When the flow from the east pipes join the flow from the west RCP at X-Section 1584 the flow is increased to 385.01. I believe we have this modeled correctly. · Your major concerns are the 24” RCP (25 cfs) and the main channel west of and along the south Bankston property line. As a result, your position is that a wall can be constructed along the east and south Bankston property lines under proposed conditions with no impact on the 100-year water surface elevation anywhere. · Our major concern is that the existing condition model represent actual field conditions which include the primary flow (300+cfs) originating at the four elliptical pipes to the east, valley storage occurring on and east of the parking lot prior to the high point being overtopped, and east-west flow across the parking once it is. It seems to us that coming to terms with these conceptual issues is important before a detailed analysis of the hydrology and hydraulics is performed. I’m curious if you were dealing with a similar situation to Bankston on a much larger scale (add zeros to the respective flows), like the Rowlett Creek hydraulic model that our team in currently working on for Garland, would you take the same approach? Another way to think about Bankston is to visualize how the flow would be represented if it were modeled in 2D. What are your thoughts in this regard, and would you still block off the whole Bankston property to the 100-year flow? Shannon, if you would like to discuss these comments, please call my cell at 214-869-8856. Regards, Bruce From: Nancy Cline [] Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 4:28 PM To: Bruce Grantham Subject: FW: Plan comments and further discussion Bruce, I am ok if you want to call him and discuss your concerns. Please call me if you want. Nancy From: SLN [] Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 8:18 AM To: Nancy Cline Cc: Clay Barnett; Bruce Grantham Subject: Re: Plan comments and further discussion Nancy, I would be glad to come, but I am going out off town next week and my schedule is very tight for this week. I can not make it today, but maybe Friday. Is there any way I can get your questions, could we do a conference call, or if it is your consultant that has questions maybe he and I can talk and work this out. Shannon L. Nave, P.E., CFM Nave Engineering, Inc. 817-596-7575 (O) 817-992-8031 (C) Sent from my iPhone On Jan 18, 2011, at 5:02 PM, "Nancy Cline" wrote: Shannon, If possible, we would like to discuss some questions on the submittal you made. We are available to meet either tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon at 2:00 pm or 3:00 pm or on Friday afternoon at 3:00 pm. Do either one of these times work for you? Thank you, Nancy Nancy Straub Cline, P.E. Director of Public Works Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive Addison, TX 75001-2818 Office: (972) 450-2878 P Please consider the environment before printing this email. ****************************************************************************************************************** This e-mail and any files or attachments transmitted with it contains Information that is confidential and privileged. This document may contain Protected Health Information (PHI) or other information that is intended only for the use of the individual(s) and entity(ies) to whom it is addressed. If you are the intended recipient, further disclosures are prohibited without proper authorization. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, printing, or use of this information is strictly prohibited and possibly a violation of federal or state law and regulations. If you have received this information in error, please delete it and notify Hamid Khaleghipour at 972-450-2868 immediately. 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኏˥�켰칀꓀睴�躰罐苮ვ傎샥び쇭傏魷郝偰獸攠죠敒핧搐驳踀3꿎뿏뾽쾾�⿕㿖����󯲏��﾿쿟��忶ῐ⿑㿒紐﫟ﯯ﷿ฏマO㽮缉⼖콮�アཱི᧿ᨏǏ⇟댿뒿●_缄꾉뾊쾋⼤休弒⻿랿㆏⠏⦯⪿⯏ⳟ毯ꦣ䂴ꃤ䃧來ꂖ⹧ꆹ쾐㾱侲漥⛿陿ㄟ㊿꿏⸲ᵠ駀騱㓇鬵㵿㹿㾏゚꽀쾠c徤澥羦䟿䣏䧟䫯뗿똟䴯룟o徹澺羻켋뼏�᏿ᗿ唏៟젯拟죿椿ソ轪ἢ⼣伹켊轟-࿿팏擯斿痏板滯潿マ齰ἴ⼵뼅켆�汾峽敀ၽ㇨샴퓩齱꽲 惿憯抿描磟礟缯笏o彼潽罾轿龀꾁뾂쾃蓿铟蝿珿琏生褯詟ッ羋辌龍꾎⾠쾐鼚ᾛꟿ鋏鍯ꭿ镯隟鞯颿﯏�넻魹꼏鸯龟뚯゚꾷뾸쾹�ᄐ྾᾿샿섯숿썏쑟앯왿잏゚꿈뿉쿊�ᅪ࿏ῐ턿툯팿푏핟ₖཌ끐䃧å⹐⹅䌀䝆ꌬ洟꼿낿ᅬ�麙珪㾵㿝⾝ᾡꋿ�꓏ꕏꙟ꠯겏_侭鿣翝连༶꿠뿡뾴홿흿璘ﯿﰏﴟO㿾俿开漁缂較鼄꼅ۿ޿࣏য়૯೿ഏฟO㼏伐弑漒缓輔鼕꼖៿ᢿ᧏᫟ᯯ᷿ḏ἟O㼠伡弢漣缤輥鼦꼧⣿⦿⫏⯟寯ⶳ⸿ⱏソ缰輱鼲꼳뼴켵�㣿㫿㬏㰟㴯㸿㽏䁟 ッ罁轂齃Ῠ⿩⿳翟蕯犟䱥搀峿䟑䠯䤿䩏䭟䱯䵿マ俢齏s翥迦鿧轒뿩嫟娟呟㜿何彖桗塁材ₐb퉙罘὏㽨罄轅ー狿猏弟协楿橏歟坯﾿콭�潸��ཷὸ秇稯㎡㔮콫�紏纏薟�⃢湅㡧湩饥跑�䤠ﱮ⹣ツ྄ᾅ⾆罺轻糿妟謏邯峟崿幏轟ッ罠轡齢쾗뽤콥�㾗釿鈟錯鐿镏譟ꔯ耟o征辬龭꾮뾯쾰�돿⿿뙯뜏딟륏멏뭟Ὧ羼辽龾꾿飘楃Ͷ傩垍⁳‭祈擜ꭲ贑Ꞁ獐徛澜샿ꚯꝯ꡿ꦏ閟꯯좯ソᾙ⾚㾛࿇徝澞羟濏ꇿꊟꎯ캿죟즿쭟￯ᅩ⾫뿜翁迂⿤㿥俦렑呓 硥惛删፥싅胍摥媍䘠荩䃬㜭㔴퀷/ῑ⿒㿓俔忕濖翗忧������/ῢ⿣Ὼ⿨㿩輁鼂꼃ӿֿۏߟ࣯૿ଏట㼯㼍伎式漐缑⚸⹐伄褮澰⁸㔷㤜ሬᓿሏ场慥瓌쵨ﶀ牰ᙤឯ㦿⬒塔弚漛㨒㘷ヸ㘸࿭΅⿯㿰俱ቿ¿￯�࿾῿⼀阭䃋ᦓᙱ䨐㉯炰赨䄠ろᨮṏᡟ᧏￟⼷㼸༝Z༼㼠㼤⻿⼿쭏ㄟ㉯칿ⵏ￯A༣ཁὂ㼦伧弨漩⫿⭿ⲏ功䎯⿏䗏䛯￿R뽖콗⼾ἒ㽟你ࢸ伀晦›ㄸ娷ᘭ㚀냬踵䌐攨汬ѥ丹ⴐ㌰䴱乏慟塏䑟ᆵ罚轛�齝轩ཋὌ⽍棿伟偏兟灯卿 咏喟ᆵ콩�ャ཮Ὕ콽拿挟蔯蘿蝏衟襯詿マ龋꾌뾍쾎�ムྒྷ鐿锟阯霿顏롟攗Mၽ‚レ⾙彴潵쾟缟歯膿芏莟⎥䘱㑰㜹葄ꉟꍿ憄⁄晐∽⥴끳桓ェꕮ䃀靎₄킜釄茮涰ꠢ퓋楦ၦ煤昲炮샄ꐁ笰奈䕐䱒䤰䭎ꬠ겯綺ཽ↮炮Å끻捜ㅦ峼쑵ꥰꎏ聏ꔯꡢ﾿㒳羰ㆭᾠ⾡⽶ྻ�맽愯ྺ龽ᄡ侥꛿湟潿솏燯犯쪿샏ソ㾼カླྀό⽺㽻佼俈틿쌟耿얏왟药횿鴯o從쫩俞忟徟迡鿢꿣O㿭修忯濰翱迲鿳꿴璘ﯿﰏﴟO㿾俿开漁缂較鼄꼅ۿ޿࣏য়૯೿ഏฟ 术㼏伐ஜ慆倖≥攸㍀㄰彀迍뿁퟿�쒟�잿젏᠟쩟_俋忌翎迏鿐꿑뿒⃗�풐⾁⑶⡏ッ濔翕⼬㼙会弛漜辧ꣿ⾟⃏኏ፏ㝟ℏ⋯翿༤ἥ⼦㼧缻弩옽弶⁄㰫阱⹢撐ᶧ�㎀攰䠻ⷤ䂰瀌⸺㑠搐⌠쁂䌵䐴⁆쐲끀搢㩧㈳⃒P¯晌⼶콆缭輮ꤰ拺뭐뉢ワㆯ�㎯慔굨慀水⽍摔䛴굲㩀漽缾⽔叿崪喏嘯圿塏奟兯i䈠畲散䜠犊ꀴ띴淠嬠ְ扔杧䂥녨札⹠䧹瑰㝝㊌䖰㑡攰绉㑜䤐䉰剿卯띿斓㌟孀彯ᐿ㑸摀祡Ⱘ䨠ꀴ䁵秀吠ㄲsᔲ㇐⁋ꀲ″䵁ཪὫ⽬混渿睏呔ွ཰ά嚜격溠 獣䎀뉶뜻ﳀ乌뽴콵�ク疷痠橢捥轻㢜勠㩅倠큏bㆭ洲셯⁳ꀴ遊畦㨕检瀝긠珰畣俽槰〳鼷꼸鼼뽛콜㿿䃏䇟胯䓿⨏躟椟�羔辕�ས輷辊꼹㫿㮿诏迧逿酏鉟퍯マྚᾛྥ潡Q༳ἴ⼵ꢷ럯ꪊ☿肭䪟簦릎₇⁉炸ႈ鵴䘰衣䪠憐瀠劇佳ꂈ쁩傈ㅛ漠炈鈠䭌擐ᵢ杰Ꝩ㧠ꊱ汥䂶せኄ眠梴땩⃠큋䥵ˆ醈Ⴚ⁊꭯袐땰䱰⹹⁧肸睯ႈ�灧您삇膇偽걥珰邸鞇ꂻ¨뙴栁며娓깂殠ꂫ�潐䫿ꮐ릠귐鳀鶟讯貯﾿쾍�ᾣ⾤ྪ侦徧澨꧿ꩿꮏ겟궯꺿꿏쳟マ࿀ᾲᾟ⾠濁翂迃鿄엿욯�젿 짟쫯럶캐�햰朰炠Ⴘ闎ꂽ磎䃐ꆷ쉯⸭ꃙ큋㬴쭭ⵐÑ郎氺瓟츐뗀큂㐐ΐ쿟핉ℵᵛₐ먡炰뫧힀猲핝컟켯缿俐忑濒迧࿫᫬럥﹉녧믐氞㜺⍌恤蝩裀一旪炻摒溡꽥鿖퟿ﮯﲏﶟﺯ﾿Ïǟ￯"༄ἅ⼆㼇伈䨔忚�९൯๯ཿႏᆟﯞ쁯霟⿰迺偺멷䚐쩓￐せ჋䀘ↄ冉ƈꆻꃋ狼뙫넁뫡똢術蠢聳↼楦郋ᆺꂵᎺ握〰礭�린봠ム삈놺‚慧肸胦ꂵ冉맿袀뤀례蠀枱⃑ὥ믱텋惦䱯⑐뛲潀큋瓾鳶忕俙缒輓翜违�ᒟ/ῧ뼯㿩俪众弘漙缚᭿᲏㞟 㯿䇯㋇㲟樂䇏એ୏䭟O㽌位彎潏罐轑齒꽓哿喿囏域壯ዿ⭯ᑟマ彝潞罟轠齡켸编㽇㲿㶯㺿㿏䫟搿䏔感旸畱셯恪쁳醾郋⏯≄␣뻁矡㈦η#棛뵐矒恉땯孰￀為ʺ씤膹↶뜢⍯裯묔衑뜀瓐ꁱ5ᒺỹ扑橵衐⛠멀봁￴㖸弧漨缩꽢뽣꼬뼭⻿擏ワ㇯㏿㐏㔟㘯_ャ羀漹缺罧轨齩꽪歿沿裏貿䐿鄏鉿㎄䛿貟䢟䦿鋏娟孏魟﾿쾜�゚ྡᾢ⾣㾤ꗿꙏꝟꡯ꥿抏筯擯マᆴྰᾱ⾲徉罦쾗跿踿轏遟驯᷏狥⒒�ꄡꂹ醅〣Ⅹ⍐ꁱ쁲蝡甠畑벲햠Ⅲ䊀瑫롡緀뀟ὰ벰먠⒀蝡 猠矿磯竿댏됿絏縿罏⦅羵羁辂龃꾄뾅쾆辽쳿褏诿렏뤏먟묯밿뽏徽俔쿗龔࿝ᓞ霴O⿘侙徚꿝�俧忨￟￲࿴῵ᄇ翇᾵翹﫿ﮏﲟﶯ풿럯�ᅬ�ᅴ忦贈턤ۿ쿐ℰₖ∡숣⒠▀筁怞灰疒狢濘搋쿧➰Ḡ濱쁵⌡Ỡᅢ븥౷䘠⍱々ბ⃵电珢ღቬ盠⹦퉅ڰ甐ꄔ荲晶烹潂썤쑯앿ﺏ﾿ᅬ뿈쿉�＀ᅩ࿎῏⿐퇿툿ॏ‏픏홿Ώҏ゚꼅뼆켇�伨켫ῠ⿡㋽㔕뿢㼬�뼱濶㭿㱟㵯㹿㾏䂟䆯﾿콂�eཇὈ⽉迾᯿䶯亏侟傯冿⣏￿鼂漷�N༰漺ѕ䅮 0툋怋灹༴痀察ᄠ玡澾쀀撡䁶5珟畠婠⛰澱淄倗녢ᄿ삡琐疰塀║新敦썣怢ᴔᏠ灰﬒兘ꀐ恣澀슁쉻ᑑ5ဌ쁷冿쁖艧紗罓呿垏塟奯婿宏玟䋠へ〵ཝ때耦偉㘶₠捉빐㗱尠P䅮攌ḑ␗‖䑵悿ጣ㔱뼠洒඀提棻ူ淀兢逎ㄍ䌐ᔿ빠矐滑矰Ꮱ䠲ⵃ䅒捓捤└@慸眒⍠猓ㄍbᏽ梒倐釁扢县‥灡擧搅滹渰穣悴搢絁孰苐噐暱≰狠ᗹ䅠桤磔᎓ᐲ擦彁瀖b넔ㅤ聸ᙲ⡰╻疰⥞脋oЎ㑹ﭢǂ萋敧攒⎱浀扐ﭢㄍぜ뽵蟑⪨杲඙뽢䒈㮀ὺ⭻瀏ℐ捥뽐倪㈓ၰ耎偣礨S ₇ઌ齤佩彪潫罬轭滿澟宯峏䳟䪏䮯閿ᅬ弘漙缚徔鼜꼝뼞쾟 ⇟⋯⓿㨉爠ョဦ끤倥醘넥뼤쨥⛽㚨ロ뾨缩輪羖辗飁㪟祓扭゛ᾛ넿镯㏯㑯멿ꔿ⟡﹢묷㝯㣯㫿먏鶯黏￟濄翅迆鿇꿈뿉쿊�쳿췯쿿퀏턟툯팿푏⦅濕翖迗ྜྷᄂᅵ��눯噿쁏똏띟羙螚濃쓣ၙ慐๰�è荧ቸ♵끾轥悡ﬣ྆๷በ璀ఢ귑ア䇩⑹刐ď쑾놂慧軿됔扠某썝ኡႆᄡ낚ቩ⾹⿫࿤ꇿꉏ烈ﶯﺯꖿ￿ྦྷᾨ⾩㾪侫徬澭羮꿿낏烈隷댿듏ᅬྸᾹ-쿘侼徽켖羿᣿솯슟ᮯᜏ��ℯᆵ뼢켣 �F༨Ἡ⼪⯿ⰿⵏ⹟⽯み㆏㊟ᆵ뼳Ίἀ⼁⼵⼹㼺伻㳿㵟ᆯᵿፏﯿἠ牀畿琿̓挡ᝐ핧왼ڌ缻敓畱௿䖡懠䯠縫抦䅣钐炚䑧襁ﯰߴ縭籣绋䬀恱շ括ㆅ䕩砠譲唀p℟り뉿뀈耋ꁢ 獹棿紂鏢ᗯ䟏䃏ﮯO㿼⼾㼿齛齟꽠鼂꼃ӿֿۏߟ࣯૿ଏటO㼍Ὓ�漐佂彃潄꼔姿濏㗯ᡯ᧯磿Ჿ稟゚㼞伟シ輵鼶켴龃꾄藿蚿蟏裟觯诿谏负O㾎侏徐澑羒输龔꾕㟿抿挏霟鬟鰟鴯鸿o徟佁潳㽿轵轅齆ྂ䤯劺ㅨ〰礭势ꩠ䥓䳣垢瀰䋭䳿䨙埰爁滀儀뜒ヲ邘낧䭬 噀瓐끒淏咀늃圀所ꝵꎰ￰ご䁋䑗韴膥셏粷佒喢疐쁎⽊睳书浰ӱ≗痱㊱哯늒뇨唲犐抳ᄉ遷浜ꕰ淠拡끷﹣呫坡壯矿苟屟O뽞佞㾠価῁῅齣꽤旿暿柏棟槯毿氏洟O㽮佯鿀潱署侽澥羦盿뾿핏�端糿紏縟O쿙侀征俞龗꾘࿨Ῡ゚꿲뿳쿴�￷࿹Ὼﯿ餯쟏좏욟ïƟʯ﾿켃�徣꿣￙࿛龧꾨䢏䧯䯿匁䮃ఱ벐㼡યざ逐恓鉔覰眨낿뒀倐亐맠링⃁끒楸⥲ꌒ䒮傱뽤‐뉊鉔ޭ聒⃘롭ᄀ運吕逐䃦ю昒덒뀕丿䩳넾꼳녳닯⻶︠䱗눀侰ං콠䷀툲�편ꅐ牊 煐⎺坤ᅠ辻钼੓뿼쿽)뻿�⚏셯싟⳯ԯۯ￿Ἦ⼯俉忊濋弰迍鿎쾿ય틶퍟푪풑㑗鼩㛿휯�✯ୟటയ฿罄�뼽켦࿠ῡ轇怶V㾽潂꿥뿦弤漥轑勿原咯喿囏域壯嫿/Ὓ⽜㽝佞彟꼰뼱༰揿撿族曟柯㿿य䴯뾟གྷὄ⽅㽆齐㑫뙔္遮錟桳낭놫놲᣽矓倎怡ꂫᆴ僑뫿냁ዢᓂ꽃潤㭰ᙐ�恟逹䀻倝僑Ṩ瓠ᄁ抬倎遮풰葵ばℐ烔燿瀠ᔀ煰တ筀俠ᇁ惔ゼၭ깠弑᩠玷᝸扺ᙡ䁰禢계잲湺䁰䂬䍒ᥐ絥ﴔሖ偳념皠羡↵큠ー僓뀫䂬ဴ悬ﱌ�棿槟㋯㏟㓯毿㜟㠟O㼹伺弻漼缽 羍鼿꽀淿溯澿烏營狯闿馿_㽊佋螟⁏ᾠ὎⽏㽐鿿恟憿꣏꫿꬏갟괯_侮徯澰羱農龳꾴뾵拿衏褟뜯묯밯봿빏⦅澿�ྥ羚辛龜꾝ꣳ琏䙗⍓ᬠ๣ᕀ￀ꄐ낢퀖怎솒Ė靿ᒑ艒舂箧ᓀ荃狆Ꮻ称昀앉蓰죡タ⃆ယ耐ꤕ䎃怎倞藽狀恽‗䌔낧炄✣矮耐쀔ꇍ葧鉱ᕀ£䐑빻ﴣ࿁ῂᅤ࿇좇줟ᠯ䉐㔰쨰蕌ⴠ琷⎓縷᪦ʂ눜Ꮦㅺᨭ⏳砶흔눜핽繰檠쎄췛퍓櫔႘툟穣ၡ￱닓뗦썹낢ო闧ῢ砧퍔�ᩰ폳ﺡ硍盀絰쵠ᕢᥐᙂ聽낒샛흤���マ鿛꿜뿝俉忊翳龅꾆蟿褏 諟误跿踏輟O㾐䚑࿺��￶࿸�࠿쬯韕ꋠ葀绡緀ᅰퟤ凓Í䄜⟣섚연퐯﷔஠⏰映쏕ⵘ卆〘㔷ᰵ㊣ꛍ㦁伕倖㌶绂稏簓퐠ᤱﴙꬕ렵ᮑ葁챰穰댡ꇓ㠳ᄕ鄘≉䃮샍䁽ᇣ⁀ﬣ㘔⃹ꉲఀꓐ|O㿳鼉꼊뼋켌�鿹꼈ﯿﲿ﷏⏟␿ŏȏ̟O㼄伅弆⾑킡ⅷ炄Ⴂ鉀⟠鏡鉁鍏㍚⦔㣾伫ἵྗᾘ켥�㫠祓扭耪漪켽┟ꀿꋿ䘏㊟❁㝢䟿ꗏꙿꞏ䞟렏뤟倯ᅬ�sཕὖ⽗㽘余嫿孟屯嵿序徟悯憿ᅬ�侺估弱佨彩潪毿汿㺏쏟䳟䉯䎿⣏휩콏⑰筙ⶆ涀灤昹舰 ⠂䈗I꟣᳔צ닣vふ䊄灳䥫ᛰힱ�큀胓ၶ⃫ꀘ荁䨂聀倷냑硹䃂環ᙠ3䇩凰胒胰ꇏ샖聳⃷켰ᄂ甑çˎ흽㌚纲罯탐㮠腠罁罡郌팡텱Ӎ댔䁊샑⽭ǧㄖัⷠ뽹僭胰聀畲뽰部䇖䂔僰爝灳P⇪徤䭳轅轷潰꼭뼮淿滯郿鑟镟㉯㍟㑯ソ輵鼶꼷뼸켹�\迿郟䃯䄯猿琟䐯䕯ソ꾤⽥꽈뽉羭�徯m俿넏꺿暟摟뢏륟멯ソ辻龼꾽뾾쾿�ᅡ쓿씏옟윯젿쥏쩟杯ソ쾖���￑࿓῔燿ꠏ댯꫿畏癏뙟ퟏ硏臞砓솰숒ឈ肴떰ꋐ᱑甀�᧠ₐ池ﲇラ 눞泼ꉵ땰馰槐猛㌨笫ꝣ榠ꃿ诡ዑ�砀��翐䃥萚삋낂轥탯鄇〙捯硣翐‎턒Ό큻㌚蔑톙罫숒肬愚‎ㅹ䗪䀡ァ₠邧쀞怚〠揬낧翛ᩰ撠훬紭ᬃウ炉퀛Ÿ语特ら怚산᣿�贯곟랿鄿鈏錟O῕⿖翔㿼羘辙龚꾛鳿鶿黏鿟ꃯϿ/ᅴ࿝弪缉輊㿹꿌췿ᆿ𢡊ﺟッƏʟ枯뼃켄�乯ꂧ悶ャ뼐漝輋鼌꼍뼎켏伡ᵭ䦁烮‧끥甲苿✅▐緐❑⨰蠱ᅢ‧呹〥틣산悧통臿觱ꝁ⎡◲穠舁ー䂢뀒èꀤ‡桥摹恿뀧罧﯀뉻툰聡ⵀ翃⺁﷑삵ᠽﶿ∿⎿ Ⓩ쿟鿝酺洲灼큸诿⫰ꞑ脡簑竱ꈁ㥀￁퇡쎈炂‸儹膊膁탣诿蕁碢菰ް㾰轑탫ꇩ샨愨筤뿐䀸臲㛪醀ê肉ꍩ濠돦聻퀹뛤着㞕璐烮穃攀ㅫᄄ闢⎂쉸킡䀹燥툼z㥿㤀籰꟰磑䟠᯿ـꉰ耰䣰胐節㷐メ뀒필퀦삵惨肧恿炉棼耿넰笠諱羒ףּ₢F걡蔠蕠膘觲︠끶㣑ᅭ告Ↄߣ↧팽ꏢ凓㞢㉀聄圠㎂ź臿笓磰ꢀ䜀䷲蝡紀z᭧䨅芡抱⟽掰F惭瓭悌ꀧ샨藯訶㿂ἒ⼓἗㏿㒏᪟᭏ᱟ㕯ỏᾏ゚꼠뼡伶強漸缹༧Ἠ柿宿ጿᒏᖟ岯嶟庯﾿콟�潳ཤ ὥ⽦轮桿楏機歯汿涏羟匟叵満₱㷰䩦䑣뾴逫샘B逪돲錬땭₃烰낁耆ꄬ⇫噠叱㊑㐱ⴐ㘸谹㡰㘵⻾뽯콰뽴콵�ク竿缏糯累縿罏聟腯ソ辂龃꾄뾅ル羍⽱㽲珿蹏迟郯鋿錏鐟ꔯᆵ侖得澘쾠辚龛꾜뾝鸷鿏뇟剟獕ꆊ牂䇽敐ᄀྣᆭྨᾩ⾪꯿갿뉏긯꽯끿놏늟ᆵ뾳쾴�ᄋ翇ᄎ澣꓿ꕿ벏뵟빯뽿삏솟랯⿓쿃秕�褀癐῎򿷏줦䵶嗐철㫐놇旔ⷄ뇰غ쯐ǰV䈣䌵䐴齆돊郘聂㇨㌺닊⃾℉䛤࿎꿞必濆쿥죵抉鯨흢짟쨟쨰⊿慔끏䀈⼺�䛡L㩭俕忖 匿俱䧩丠탹ㅣ䍐㻻佑宐䀈胋끘⃡怆=䂑苣퀆⃋⹸癯콝쩬�챁ﴐﺩ|�蝟儳魏ῷ蟾㍗獐䵤ⴀ₺壘ⷐ爰倱㤱먉㈠쨰ₐ㨴‸䵐뼁켂�׻࿿吤뼇켈雾䎺䧯䚰쭐匠涀輌鼍꼎࿇Ⴟ蟏甕橢셃弒Ꮳ﹯䚇㩗倌➊嗽曓聇ꍌ喉翏运퓿힯��ᣏ�猖擄⾁糝￷꼫뼬ⷿたℿ톿툏㌟ᆵἣG༩Ἢ迄뼱켲㳿樂쥏쫟쯯췿䀏䆟ﶣ䎺㐬㕏⍟⑟╯♿マ켺�뽁]༿ὀ⽁㽂䏿䑏䕟䙯䝿嚏䪏㔏﾿켶�潋罌轍齎꽏뽐拿刿叟哯巿坟堟夯⼿佚彛潜豉洀㰠歯脕኉䎋楨盿 ὰ角衖‱瑰＀猰ᅠýྍ轟罣轤齥꽦뽧棿滏檯毯淿渏漟瀯_佱彲潳罴뾆㽺⦆拿笏粟綯线翏胟臯￿ྃᾄ⾅辍侇很澉羊误貏麟ḟ旡䀕덷῿癰禺迟鏏钿闏雟￯ラྙ⾛㾜依從澟ꃿꅿꊏꎟ꒯떿ꠏ邏O㾑侒ᆰྫྷᾭ⾮㾯냿녏뉟덯뭿뗟뚟랯﾿쾸�濌ӿ᾽⾾ῂ쏿쐯씿왏읟쵯쥏쪏゚꿋뿌쿍�￐࿒ΐ픏뺏뾏삟횯ퟯ�/Ὶ⿛㿜뿭忞ৰ턖㰯戆á`⥀ꃥ㭥哻-瀠ܺ탠胦䈣䌵㰴䙄瀋䏥⃳턀杮㫤⁂ᜰﻰ゚㿹¢开伙弚弄鿣ェ俥吢桡借懎�鿿퐆牆借༜ミ ᰟཿޏ࠯ि੏ݟ漋缌逞䱓⁎潛ღ胼냼ᑨﭠ䃁渠癡ⵥ耟⹧ή嵁ﴭ僧ᢠ尹ﮀӯןữ厂〛璎�꼑᜙敗ﭤ胠摳祡‬ᑊ⩠礰都␹㋰र⃥㠠ქ‸䵁ᮿ᳏ᷟữ⃿⤏吴胯⇏⋏᧟퐦⃓⡃⚔龿켧�J舲捃漬⵿᥿⼗⑰䧐אּ瓠䥰‴片䅷瀚㽭켯�R༴ᔡ扵檸捥꼡鼶࠙缀熦愔焛䂧냥䉸⁹쀹僼癸?࿯⼎㼏㿲俳忴켼翶㫵んᄔሌ侏像￟�彔�鿫꿬콗䟿䬿䰏䴟丯惯录潖堬奯嵿ッ罞轟齠꽡佒当齮⽣擿政晏瑟畿榏嫯孏⦅ク佫彬潭シ软齰꽱腿玿 磏畟盯蟿膟䧱ꞫꟐ沰၄Ꙣ某ႊ䒗ﰐ䎀敒뀥畢샾賗賰濰䇾꜠ﺰ泀景遼胼ᑷﭰ磠ﺡ矀敥䍫淣瀥䓻䓐摰邌冧큃愥瑸杩ぼ⁄ꂊ䂍뭨䆑谮ꙁ述澁샾諽毀冧샾胼쌤삊秾톌逍퀤Ⲩ轻齼秿穟繯罟聯靿苿莟ᆵ뾄⾞�ネྊྤ澘駿陿霿ꡏ骏鯟鳯곿マᾟ⾠㾡侱徣羥辦띿谯䌱䓐豢ᓠ╠睰㣋鍡朔퀸礠肌遄燜⑵醠玠뀥샧谯辒䓰趠慠元普볏퐡賰鏠氰╬銰�胧䆑莽憿豳ꦐﭠ냥冒﹡ᫀ䍰뷐铗濕灄ᒓ悩遬谤牰郿鈠蹣闑ꮯ갿㩏㭏齟俈忉濊ء琚䰠풇ᯐ─傰䔮┮ﲰ䙃谦龩辭 龮꾯뾰뇿拏뙿햯룯맏柟ᯏ簀䔠僾懧僾뀥i〯ᅤ࿇Ὲ쿐�ᅮ헿ퟏ𛰿�󧱯᝿뿫픓䂿뱨昰∽瓐ꃼ⼯⺠켭ⶒ䇞戛晋癩豥晒ꂌ䃾途{奈䕐䱒义䯌紶象Ҡ獲냬捜ㅦ罜邌褆뻵羴�ᄡ魈。軣ΰ⿤㿥俦忧濨翩ʏڿ㡼㜱ⵄԵⶀ㔷個伨ﴩ﹯ソƟᆵ뼂켃�缑༈Ἁⴊ㥂၉㠭㌰&︨ୃ೏ෟ໯ჿᄏሟOླᾴ뼟꼓㼘켕�鼥⚏㶯䧃⡢愕灰႑ⶺ惴ⱹ䥢⥼叉ꅃ䒍爠烹犐偩뽨ーᇋ潈罉I�<༞῿‟ℯ∿ㅏ㦏㫯㳿/Ἵ⼾㼿佀彁潂罃轄┿⤟➯⠿運Ⲡ㶢攧 �ⵡ鍢辀浐㨀㈱〮瑰弧�꿌뿍怸쑏䩰뷉ㄑ퀸㈰倰큐鄰凂㨵㤰偠큍忟킽肓ꧠ栢퀝쩀濤罔轕ᕏ佔䨦㲩仫∟䩩㏀梠㷐赀䠠⢠슐砀ﴮ炎廆徟ᅬ�彣ᅠ彆꿺꽜쿼죟未縉夾矉整㫾輲鼳꼴뼵켶�䐏䛿琏䠏戦潬빣填賂䳠转㕰퉍㯾�獻὎㽸佈齽꽾罟肿䫏䳿⠌ⶐ졺턭ꃄ㩴赡濰쁻梆䶟蝄紷栏쪕㏠츶ﻇ測澏炟熯犿珏瓟￯�ナ྇ᾈ⾉㾊|豯负踯輿遏鵟_羒输龔꾕뾖쾗�粊䧒ꂜ潰倨祩쾠⃅ꊾ썫ꦠ뿰豈Á畣倨偌烹ꃃ죂쿇백䰁畐浢타釄뵳썲摑 �魏鳏⃛埖퇃㊼扶懱ᆭ㊮꾻봐救탕ㆮ쁭⵰୷뒐摰胞摳볕⦰탄湦牐⃏㇏쉭㉑큓肣⽰쀐㍱룻쾨䘱냞熷벷䖹羱닻뎏䒜傮ֶ鄯냅ꂜ끵猑↮꽩숐얠昣맻냁㿱꾝뾞쾟�ꋿ꓿ꔏꘟꜯ꠿ꥏ꩟ッ羫뾚�뿁쿂�엿틿죟줟쨯쬿챏쵟ﭯ翎粊譔쁡냐诱퓏o忕濖翗还鿙꿚뿛쿜���嘏￿࿦ῧ⿨㿩俪快濬翭킯텟퉯ッ翴迵鿶缃뿸쿹�ﳿ/⨯꾯䳰쁥뀮耬穩恮ꁶ荻ꌔ昄끡沀㩹䄢멃ူ≰∬⵳猐Ᵽ란槰≦0꩖㑓牴뀐坢協偰︮뭅ボ瞟ҿԟدܿo弈缊輋鼌 꼍뼎켏ჿᇟዯᓿᔏᘟᜯ舿瓜楄䁞⥣린ˑ僠냛兠掀悴뇀ᩳᮯ﾿켢�?༡ἢ꼶㼤◿♏❟⡯⥿㆏⭟ⲯ�켭�P䠼뙔꿐ﷰ놿彁㒄㔯㰿㝏㡟ッ缹輺鼻齏뼽켾�䇿䏿䨏䗟䘯䜿䡏䥟药罊㡕㘱〸됱핡炯湧瘰邿멄攰¢Ὅ⽎㽕佐彑潒罓轔棿囯垯墿姏嫟寯揿ᅬ὞⽟㽠佡形潣衮ꕌ괹呀Řȏ댟㞫脵낸ⴱ㠲㠱潦柿湿榏檟殯沿淏藟Oッཱὲ⽳㽴併ώ潷砿祿窏箟粯調俈湦㍦隠뚠㧰れꂷהּႂ冂舷莟蒯薿蛏￟ネྊ羞⾌㾍侎徏郿酯饿鍏羟聯ꑿ齟ッ羠辡龢꾣뾤쾥�ꢿ꫿꬏갟괯鐿拦뮽 ᥿뗐铿闏뇝陠旯扰䰁滀獧挻汯㌁㫠㌣㤳㘹㛶꾽퓁鱐鴏섟즟I髀쿊￀�ῃ⟄�엿웏擟쭚쥯춿쭟�㿟꿐࿏⿑�俓䜢듷霠䲐擰劘�젿맀攰頀榠ᅤ琠敨旰癮㈋䲰淰胧⁴敢音㈰⃀顰霐푐Q큌烧䂼낗鼚㿘�忚낟놏늟뎯뒿뗏뛟￯ᄋྐྵᾺ⾻㾼侽徾῟껿꾯¿゚�￷࿹Ὼ⿻㿼俽⦅ٯſʏΟүֿᅬ꼒(༊Ἃ⼌㼍伎࿿ၟᅯ᡿ᎏᒟᖯᚿ忏�9ꃡꄥ䰯盀⫯Ɐ苀᭠₀⠋踱⡤ᬠ尀ㅦ耱珞⃓觞⼠㠡㐪㕯ソ輶鼷꼸뼹示బၥ燝狶ठ愡普䭑ᵓ锁 낗搰ㄿ⁹삚ᱰ㼀ἰ愠档瑰ãꂘꂗ‟怿䅷桰䄠▢é烩湉懨逞䀱䉐骱忡ㄜ䈿뇨ꃧ샠䅧⺠㻡摴捯ỳ㾐꾠啂ユ쁥遁䅣䢒惦᪇䋀䈀⣪䡐魉⦆⅀ဟ僧⃧éགྷ䅊遁䅀䦡霰㿀䂰畂澁뀣䋧éㄭ祵瀟猨悛䈿艄ꃠ�敩鮀ὠ䄰检䀟ቂ慡灾胨逛뉅⍉潹㽵䶁䭤㢀楣佰霰繐曐콵連ቊ腾怛獯偓凫澰僩䅢䅰冥筐⃨셔ἑ侱飀稐䏻偃滻ဟ뽑왒舿졓绳瀀縁纶￐⅀捋硊懩遥႘䱟呁䓉哳扐䅌�䌐䵄昱ꁁᲿ䀱攡䂐敐ᯰ睰 ㌿枀恵猴끃勽斑ㅦ怿齜慇샧狾ㅛ哦ç샠녡⅂䈿墷餁䘀䣰醗怿䍋徰腅僩偟偓䅀鬠ⴱ鯥㚄뀯浩聾ꅡ韷䗀欰㉑弼漽⻿沽浿㪏牿玟璯疿ᅬ�뼺D༦ἧ⸨బ逡⯿⾢⻻Ⱏ繯羯肿忄偆煫䝵膱⥛⻏￯O༱ἲ�뽷羌辍龎迿邯碿渏濯㷿㿿䀏?⽁㽂佃彄潅罆轇齈䧿䪯䮿䳏䷟仯僿儏?꽘㽓佔录潖罗ᾩ齙嫿宯岿巏廟忯懿戏?⽣㽤佥彦潧罨轩齪鋿鎯涿싏쏯諿짟쨏?⿋㿌俍忎㾒罹轺齻糿綯膿蚏蜯蠿襏詟ッ쿎㿝俞忟濠翡῏ᅤ쟿锏阏霟頯餿驏魟ッ羜辝龞꾟뾠쾡�꓿꛿ ꜏ꠟ꼯꪿ꭏ걟ッ羭辮�꾰뾱쾲�뗿럿렏뤟먯묿뱏뵟ッ羾辿鿀꿁濣翤�꼓ᓿ�ᦟ᫏ᯟᳯỿἏ?¬运鿑꿒뿓쿔�龂耷⟯∏㕖킃摯禺☷ᜁ⇒締逭