Joel, Concerning the water line, the contractor has scheduled construction staking for tomorrow and plans to begin construction on Friday or Monday. He did not have a safety plan in his scope of services. Since it is outside of any movement areas, is a safety plan required? If you have an example of a safety plan that has been completed for a similar project, I would be happy to work with Underground Coalition to see that a safety plan is produced. Concerning 15841 Addison Road, I had discussed these issues with Mr. French. I will address each of them: 1. I let Mr. French know that we would not repave the area. I will get an exact number from Underground Coalition. 2. Underground Coalition is required to test, chlorinate and place the line into service prior to payment. In order to do that, they will need to thrust block the plug and backfill the line. Without testing, chlorinating and placing the line into service, it would not be possible to determine if Underground Coalition has completed their scope of services. If the line failed to hold pressure or failed the bac-t sample after IAMS had connected to it, they would simply blame the failed test on the Town’s portion of work which would place the Town in a position of attempting to remedy the problem. It would also violate OSHA requirements to leave an open trench and be a huge liability for not a lot of savings. I have examined the job and do not foresee any additional savings with the exception of leaving out the asphalt. It is problematic having two contractors working in the same area, especially when one of them has been problematic in the past. I recommend that we keep the water line construction as an independent Town of Addison construction project and hold the commingling of the two jobs at an absolute minimum. Concerning Taxiway Romeo, the maintenance bonds are extremely difficult to extract any funds from for any purpose. Basically it comes down to dealing with an insurance company. I am not concerned with the additional cracking or even the joint fillers. What does need to be addressed are the inlets. The inlet on the north side was poured with sackcrete and I do not believe it would support a vehicle. Mr. French has stated that it is too small to test. Therefore, I am requesting that the top be removed and reconstructed. I am also awaiting the results of the other inlet that was not inspected and no tests were conducted on. Thanks, Clay Barnett, P.E. Town Engineer Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive Addison, TX 75001-2818 Office: (972) 450-2857 P Please consider the environment before printing this email. -----Original Message----- From: Jenkinson, Joel [] Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 2:57 PM To: Clay Barnett; Nancy Cline Cc: Mark Acevedo;;; Subject: Water Line and Henley Property Projects Clay, A few questions pertaining to the water line project and then our friends at IAM Construction. First, do we have a projected start date on the water line project? Will there be another meeting before they actually start work? I don’t have a generic safety plan handy, and they are not working on the airside so I’m not sure how much good it might do them to look at AC 150/5370-2E … some of that might pertain, but a lot of it deals specifically with construction on the airport. The safety plan does not need to be elaborate; it may be pretty simple, detailing who is in charge, what personnel will be present, what safety precautions will be in effect and what protective equipment (PPE) will be used, etc. The trench safety plan looks good to me, that is very helpful to have. Second, some of the items in the water line project include “remove and replace” pavement sections. I am wondering whether there might be an opportunity for us in there to save money on this project by merely removing (and not replacing) the pavement in some areas. Specifically, since PlaneSmart has contracted with IAM Construction to repave both the ramp and the parking lot, is there some overlap between the two projects where we might just leave off replacing some of the pavement and let IAM do it? If Underground Coalition puts it in and then IAM comes along and digs it right back up, that makes no sense. Also, is there any potential savings for us in having Underground Coalition leave an excavation open where PlaneSmart will need to tap into the new waterline? Anything we can do to save airport dollars will help. If it also saves our tenant (PlaneSmart) some money, so much the better. Without a doubt, IAM has not been easy to work with and the thought of trying to coordinate something like this with them does not inspire any enthusiasm. Nevertheless, I think we need to take a look at it, certainly out of fairness to PlaneSmart. Finally, on the Taxiway Romeo project, we really need to get that wrapped up before the end of this month (and the fiscal year). Again, I think IAM has been stubborn in not fixing things correctly the first time, but with this dragging out I believe it is also making us look bad. If we can get them to fix the critical items, I believe the project has a warranty period and things like cracking can be addressed before the end of the warranty. I will of course defer to your judgment on this, but I think we will all be better off if we can just bring this project to a close. Regards, Joel Joel Jenkinson Director, Addison Airport main: (972) 392-4850 fax: (972) 788-9334