Can we discuss before Lea and I have lunch with Tom on Monday? I am here all day tomorrow. Carmen Moran Director of Development Services Town of Addison P.O. Box 9010 Addison, TX 75001 Ph: 972-450-2886 Fax: 972-450-2837 Email: -----Original Message----- From: Tom Lamberth [] Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2009 11:14 AM To: Lea Dunn; Carmen Moran Subject: Consultant payments Lea and Carmen- Victor asked me to reach out to you and help him determine the status of Viewtech’s invoices for the park design and construction administration for the street. I followed up with Bruce and he said the consultants have not been paid for the October, November or December invoices. Bruce says Kevin Sloan is calling him daily as well. My understanding is they have only been paid to the 60% level for the park design, even though the bid package was released for bid a while back and bids have already been received. As we discussed earlier, it is my understanding that Nancy or Clay told Bruce that they would pay the bills for the park but only if Victor’s invoice was withheld out of concern of him completing his obligations regarding the bridge package. I probably don’t understand that issue entirely but that is my understanding. Payment issues between Addison and the consultants may not be something I should be involved in and, frankly, I would prefer not to be. However, in today’s environment, everyone has high anxiety about cash flow and with everything we have going on, we need these guys focused on the right stuff. If there is anything I can do on my end, please let me know. Thanks for your help. Tom Lamberth UDR 972 716 3560 (O) 214 662 1088 (C)