Clay, Nancy: FYI – wanted to make sure you’re in the loop. Thanks, Lea Lea Dunn Deputy City Manager 972-450-7037 -----Original Message----- From: Ext_mail John Hill Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2010 1:33 PM To: Michele Covino Cc: Lea Dunn Subject: Letter - TCEQ Michelle, Bruce Dunne, the engineer who has been working on the public improvements for the Vitruvian development, told me that he needs something showing that Ron and Lea were authorized to sign an Application of Amendment to a Water Right (a copy of that Application is attached) which has been filed with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). Bruce says that the instructions from the TCEQ were: Provide written evidence that Ron Whitehead and Lea Dunn are authorized to sign the application for the applicant pursuant to Title 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §295.14(5), which states: If the applicant is a corporation, public district, county, municipality, or other corporate entity, the application shall be signed by a duly authorized official. Written evidence in the form of bylaws, charters, or resolutions which specify the authority of the official to take such action shall be submitted. A corporation may file a corporate affidavit as evidence of the official’s authority to sign. To try to show that authority, I’ve drafted the attached letter for Ron’s signature. The letter includes three attachments: (1) a copy of the Application, (2) a certified copy of the Council’s February 9, 2010 minutes (in which the Council approved the construction contract for the phase of development for which the Application was submitted), and (3) a copy of a portion of the City Charter. I would appreciate it if you would please present this to Ron for his review, and if it’s acceptable, ask him to sign the letter. I will also need with the letter a certification for the minutes, and I’ve attached a form of certification that can be used, as well as a copy of the minutes of the February 9 meeting. Once I receive the signed letter and the certification for the minutes, I’ll include the Application and the Charter provisions that are referenced in the letter, and forward that on to Bruce. Bruce will then submit that to the TCEQ. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks. John