-----Original Message----- From: Deiadra Burns [mailto:dburns@UDR.COM] Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 12:57 PM To: Bruce Dunne; Eric T. Little; Nancy Cline; Tom Lamberth Subject: RE: Vitruvian Meeting with Town I wanted to recap for everyone our meeting with North Texas on Monday as a follow up to our meeting last week. 1. North Texas is agreeable to moving the work in 1B that is related to the bridge into the 1C contract. So Bruce can go ahead and prepare the change order. 2. They are in agreement that it would be beneficial for them to demo the Bella bridge and to install a low water crossing. Bruce please contact him to get the specifics of the box sizes that he has in his yard so you can design to fit those parameters. He will give us a price for both the low water crossing and the bridge demo. Tom and I discussed this morning and feel that we need to get the NTP for the Park off and running and follow right behind with this added change order. 3. Once the Park contract receives an NTP, he will start with completing the planting in the medians on Vitruvian Way. 4. He understands they need to do a survey and calculate the soils that are stockpiled on the southside of the creek and that they need to process, spread and compact accordingly. We informed him this does need to happen before he can begin the excavation of the creek. Eric will follow up with him on this. 5. UDR will get a price from N TX or Andres to demuck the small pond on the southside 6. He will be submitting a submittal package for the design build for the retaining wall/fence on the southside by the townhomes. We should see that submittal very soon. 7. We reviewed the sewer pipe work with him. He is verifying the quantities and preliminary pricing that Bruce drafted for us on Monday. He will break out the quantities/cost for work that is to fall under the master infrastructure work and that which is outside of this contract that will be for the Town to fund. We can discuss internally how we want to handle this. They can commit to an April 30th completion, if there are no issues with the gas station, underground tanks, etc… Bruce is staking out the center line of the pipe and we will review in the field this week. Once he verifies the cost/quantities we need to get this change ordered into one of his contracts. He would prefer to have the paving follow behind very quickly…as we all would. So, we need to give him an update on this package. Let me know if there is anything else we needed to address with him, but I think we have it covered. As a recap, we need the change orders drafted by ICON and need the final drawings for the bridge demo and low water crossing for him to price so we can get that change ordered into his contract ASAP. We might need to meet on the sewer pipe in the near future just to make sure we are all on the same page with the work and the coordination of the existing building. I’ll let you know. From: Bruce Dunne [mailto:bdunne@icon-engineers.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 3:13 PM To: Deiadra Burns; Eric T. Little Subject: Vitruvian Meeting with Town Attached are the outstanding issues that we would like to discuss tomorrow in our meeting with the Town (2:00 pm at the Service Center). Please let me know if there any other items you would like me to add to this list. BRUCE F. DUNNE, P.E. President icon Consulting Engineers, Inc. Bicentennial Financial Center 250 W. Southlake Blvd., Suite 117 Southlake, Texas 76092 Phone: (817) 552-6210 Fax: (817) 552-3126 Mobile: (817) 707-9711