FYI below… Lauren Lauren B. Clark Assistant to the Director Public Works Department Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Addison, TX 75001 Phone: (972) 450-2879 Fax: (972) 450-2837 Email: From: Marisa Perry Sent: Monday, May 24, 2010 12:31 PM To: Lauren Clark Subject: RE: Wrong Account Numbers - Vitruvian Project 83100 Lauren, I talked to Randy about this and we agree on how to handle these charges. All of the charges for Brookhaven Condemnation were charged to 83100 Vitruvian until we created 03300 Spring Valley/Brookhaven Intersection Improvements a few months ago. For the items you mentioned below that were charged during the current fiscal year, we will do a JE to move them to 03300 (total of $3,871.64). For the items that were charged last fiscal year, we cannot do a JE to move them. Once the fiscal year is closed out, we can’t adjust revenues or expenditures. However, we can do a “budget adjustment” to take money from the 03300 and move it into 83100. In addition to the ones you mentioned below, there was $6,137.02 for Cowles & Thompson charged to the same account on 8/10/09 (you can see past year’s transactions on the GLHSQ screen and put in 10/01/08 for the date). We will do “budget adjustment” for the $6,137.02 to move this amount from 03300 and back into 83100. Therefore our total “budget adjustment” will be $36,393.20 charged to 03300 and moved back into 83100. This is shown in the attached document in the third quarter of FY 2010. Let me know if you need anything else! Thanks, Marisa From: Lauren Clark Sent: Friday, May 21, 2010 10:15 AM To: Marisa Perry Cc: Clay Barnett Subject: Wrong Account Numbers - Vitruvian Project 83100 Marisa: I left a voicemail for you but wanted to go through the invoices that were incorrectly coded to the Vitruvian (83100) account but should be charged to the Brookhaven Condemnation account (03300): Y:\Capital Project Files\83100\Cowles & Thompson 011310.pdf This should be coded to Brookhaven Condemnation not Vitruvian We will do JE to move the $3,451.64 to 03300 instead. Y:\Capital Project Files\83100\Cowles & Thompson 012209.pdf This should be coded to Brookhaven Condemnation not Vitruvian We will do “budget adjustment” for the $105.00 to move this amount from 03300 and back into 83100. Y:\Capital Project Files\83100\Cowles & Thompson 021709.pdf This should be coded to Brookhaven Condemnation not Vitruvian We will do “budget adjustment” for the $930.00 to move this amount from 03300 and back into 83100. Y:\Capital Project Files\83100\Cowles & Thompson 031210.pdf I’m confused on what these charges were for- it doesn’t appear to have any back up Page 5 of the file shows the breakdown of the $240 – 1.6 total hours at $150 per hour. This $240 is charged to 03300 and therefore is correct. Y:\Capital Project Files\83100\Cowles & Thompson 031909.pdf This should be coded to Brookhaven Condemnation not Vitruvian We will do “budget adjustment” for the $1,945.12 to move this amount from 03300 and back into 83100. Y:\Capital Project Files\83100\Cowles & Thompson 042409.pdf This should be coded to Brookhaven Condemnation not Vitruvian We will do “budget adjustment” for the $4,445.00 to move this amount from 03300 and back into 83100. Y:\Capital Project Files\83100\Cowles & Thompson 052109.pdf This should be coded to Brookhaven Condemnation not Vitruvian We will do “budget adjustment” for the $1,396.25 to move this amount from 03300 and back into 83100. Y:\Capital Project Files\83100\Cowles & Thompson 061909.pdf This should be coded to Brookhaven Condemnation not Vitruvian We will do “budget adjustment” for the $10,126.15 to move this amount from 03300 and back into 83100. Y:\Capital Project Files\83100\Cowles & Thompson 082009.pdf This one is only partially wrong, the charge to Brookhaven Condemnation is the wrong account We will do “budget adjustment” for the $3,765.00 to move this amount from 03300 and back into 83100. Y:\Capital Project Files\83100\Cowles & Thompson 091809.pdf This one is only partially wrong, the charge to Brookhaven Condemnation is the wrong account We will do “budget adjustment” for the $4,617.16 to move this amount from 03300 and back into 83100. Y:\Capital Project Files\83100\Cowles & Thompson 093009.pdf This one is only partially wrong, the charge to Brookhaven Condemnation is the wrong account We will do “budget adjustment” for the $816.50 to move this amount from 03300 and back into 83100. Y:\Capital Project Files\83100\Cowles & Thompson 111109.pdf This should be coded to Brookhaven Condemnation not Vitruvian We will do JE to move the $90.00 to 03300 instead. Y:\Capital Project Files\83100\Cowles & Thompson 120709.pdf This one is only partially wrong, the charge to Brookhaven Condemnation is the wrong account We will do JE to move the $330.00 to 03300 instead. Y:\Capital Project Files\83100\Cowles & Thompson 121708.pdf This one is only partially wrong, the charge to Brookhaven Condemnation is the wrong account We will do “budget adjustment” for the $2,110.00 to move this amount from 03300 and back into 83100. That is all for now. I’ll let you know if I come across any others. Thanks, Lauren Lauren B. Clark Assistant to the Director Public Works Department Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Addison, TX 75001 Phone: (972) 450-2879 Fax: (972) 450-2837 Email: