Clay, The May estimate is finally correct. See Andrew's comments below and let me know when you would like to do the final-final-final walk on 1B. Thanks, ________________________________ From: Andrew Rolph To: Eric T. Little; zackf ; Nick Jacob Cc: ; anord Sent: Thu Jun 24 16:35:51 2010 Subject: RE: Vitruvian - May Estimate Here you go. By the way, Metroplex will be onsite tomorrow to re-work all of the “bubbly striping”, we can expect signage to be installed early next week, Durable has re-adjusted banner arms/plumb poles and would like to request a pole walk (not the gay kind of pole walk, but a pole walk nonetheless…), Durable will have their pole paint touched up by early next too, pull boxes have been addressed, NTC is complete with our inlet rework, TOA logo storm lids should be ready on the 29th, cracks at Bella have been filled with epoxy, and foam under FH is cleaned and sealed. I believe the only hold up will be the 2 additional poles on order for the east end near Bella; Durable has reported a 2-3 week lead time for delivery from their supplier. One last thing, ForceCon is on board to finish their duct run starting next Tuesday or Wednesday at latest; this should just be a 2 day operation at most including cleanup. Thanks, Andrew D. Rolph North Texas Contracting 4999 Keller Haslet Rd. Keller, TX 76248 (O) 817-430-9500 (F) 817-430-9207 (M) 817-819-0703 From: Eric T. Little [] Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2010 4:57 PM To: Andrew Rolph; zackf; Nick Jacob Cc:; anord Subject: RE: Vitruvian - May Estimate Andrew/Zach: Bruce and I just finished going through your pay app and offer the following COMMENTS BELOW: Basically, you need to change #123, 125, 244 and 272 to the contracted amount and then bill for the overage once the CO 7 is approved. Everything else except #269 is ok. On that one, change #269 to 1131lf (contracted) and 1086lf (installed to date). Call me if you have any questions. Thanks, Eric Little Project Manager, UDR 5430 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1250 Dallas, TX 75240 Ph: 972.774.0552 Fx: 972.991.4113 Cell: 214.641.5761 From: Andrew Rolph [] Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 6:51 PM To: Eric T. Little; zackf; Nick Jacob Cc:; anord Subject: RE: Vitruvian - May Estimate #22 – change billing quantity to $0 – moving to park package - Agreed and changed OK #34 – change billing quantity to $0 – moving to park package – This item was completed as shown on sheet 16 in our 1B contract AGREE #37 – change billing quantity to $0 – moving to park package - This item was completed as shown on sheet 16 in our 1B contract AGREE #59 – overbilled – should be 18,630sf – Change order 6 shows the quantity to be 19,321? I believe our quantities are right through the 25th of last month… Where is this new reduction coming from? AGREE YOU ARE CORRECT #117 – overbilled – should be 1,472lf – Agreed and changed to reflect CO #6 OK #123 – overbilled – this will be addressed in the next CO, but we can bill over without an approved CO right now. – Add to CO#7 AGREE, BUT WE CANNOT BILL FOR A CHANGE ORDER THAT IS NOT APPROVED YET. REMOVE OVERAGE FROM PAY APP – BILL ON FINAL INVOICE. #125 – overbilled – this was on my list last month too – we need to resolve this overage. – This is total amount of pipe installed and tested on this project (includes the RCB). Please add the overage to CO #7. AGREE, BUT WE CANNOT BILL FOR A CHANGE ORDER THAT IS NOT APPROVED YET. REMOVE OVERAGE FROM PAY APP – BILL ON FINAL INVOICE. #244 – see below – correct contract amount is 20 not 21 as I stated – There are 22 total foundations on the project, this is why we had to order the two extra SL Type 4 light poles. Please approve and add to CO #7. AGREE, BUT WE CANNOT BILL FOR A CHANGE ORDER THAT IS NOT APPROVED YET. REMOVE OVERAGE FROM PAY APP – BILL ON FINAL INVOICE. #251 – overbilled – you billed for 88ea, contract has 86ea – Agreed and changed..type-O in my favor? Ha. OK #261 – overbilled – should be 1,186lf – There is actually 1241 LF installed to date. I believe the difference can be found on sheet 79. ForceCon installed this 4T4 to station 23+45 before the sheet was revised to stop at 23+03. The other difference comes from calculating stations and in field verification. Please review the duct bank plans. Just FYI, I believe this quantity was originally so high to account for some 4T4 shown on sheets 50-51. AGREE #269 – overbilled – not sure how I missed this one last month, but you are over on the contract quantity and this duct bank is not complete yet (pending piers). – This is a quantity bust on the plans. I sent you an email back when Jennifer and I addressed this bust for reference. Basically, the installed plan quantity is 1404 minus the 375 LF taken out now for the cul-de-sac. This makes a new contract quantity of 1029 minus the 45 Lf yet to be installed leaves 984 LF installed to date. ACTUALLY THERE IS 273LF IN THE CUL-DE-SAC. CHANGE YOUR BILLING TO 1131LF – THE REST WILL BE ADDED TO PHASE 1C. #272 – overbilled – should be 1ea – One installed at station 13+75 and the other at station 18+60. This additional 2 way manhole needs to be added to CO#7. AGREE, BUT WE CANNOT BILL FOR A CHANGE ORDER THAT IS NOT APPROVED YET. REMOVE OVERAGE FROM PAY APP – BILL ON FINAL INVOICE. #273 – overbilled – should be 31ea – Agreed and changed per CO #6. OK Please review and let me know if any further changes need to be made to this application. Please remember that I have not yet adjusted the amount shown for the “paid to date”. Thanks, Andrew D. Rolph North Texas Contracting 4999 Keller Haslet Rd. Keller, TX 76248 (O) 817-430-9500 (F) 817-430-9207 (M) 817-819-0703 From: Eric T. Little [] Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 9:46 AM To:; Zach Fusilier (; Nick Jacob Cc: Subject: RE: Vitruvian - May Estimate Bruce found a couple more issues: #22 – change billing quantity to $0 – moving to park package #34 – change billing quantity to $0 – moving to park package #37 – change billing quantity to $0 – moving to park package #59 – overbilled – should be 18,630sf #117 – overbilled – should be 1,472lf #244 – see below – correct contract amount is 20 not 21 as I stated #251 – overbilled – you billed for 88ea, contract has 86ea #261 – overbilled – should be 1,186lf #272 – overbilled – should be 1ea #273 – overbilled – should be 31ea Thanks, Eric Little Project Manager, UDR 5430 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1250 Dallas, TX 75240 Ph: 972.774.0552 Fx: 972.991.4113 Cell: 214.641.5761 From: Eric T. Little Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2010 4:21 PM To:; Zach Fusilier (; Nick Jacob Cc: Subject: FW: Vitruvian - May Estimate Andrew: Have a couple issues with the following items: #123 – overbilled – this will be addressed in the next CO, but we can bill over without an approved CO right now. #125 – overbilled – this was on my list last month too – we need to resolve this overage. #244 – overbilled – you billed for 22ea, contract has 21ea #251 – overbilled – you billed for 88ea, contract has 86ea #269 – overbilled – not sure how I missed this one last month, but you are over on the contract quantity and this duct bank is not complete yet (pending piers). Eric Little Project Manager, UDR 5430 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1250 Dallas, TX 75240 Ph: 972.774.0552 Fx: 972.991.4113 Cell: 214.641.5761 From: Andrew Rolph [] Sent: Monday, June 14, 2010 7:39 PM To: Eric T. Little Cc: Nick Jacob; zackf; anord Subject: Vitruvian - May Estimate Eric, here is our May estimate for your review. The only thing that I still need to modify is the amount NTC has been paid to date, but this will at least get you started on reviewing the quantities. Thanks, Andrew D. Rolph North Texas Contracting 4999 Keller Haslet Rd. Keller, TX 76248 (O) 817-430-9500 (F) 817-430-9207 (M) 817-819-0703 arrWeekdays[(nWeekStart + n) % 7]+"\n"; // Display calendar table var varRow = 1; varToday = ""; varHighlight = varCurDay; strBuffer += "\n"; while ((dtCurrentDay.getMonth() == dtDefault.getMonth()) || (dtCurrentDay.getMonth() == dtFirstDay.getMonth())) { // print row heder strBuffer += "\n"; for (var nCurrentWday = 0; nCurrentWday < 7; nCurrentWday++) { if (dtCurrentDay.getDate() == dtDefault.getDate() && dtCurrentDay.getMonth() == dtDefault.getMonth() // print current date && (varHighlight.length == 0)) varHighlight = "row" + varRow + "col" + (nCurrentWday + 1); if (dtCurrentDay.getDate() == dtToday.getDate() && dtCurrentDay.getMonth() == dtToday.getMonth() && dtCurrentDay.getYear() == dtToday.getYear()) // display today using a special color strBuffer += " "; else if (dtCurrentDay.getDay() == 0 || dtCurrentDay.getDay() == 6) // weekend day strBuffer += " "; else // weekday strBuffer += " "; strBuffer += "\n"; if (dtCurrentDay.getMonth() == dtDefault.getMonth()) // print days of current month strBuffer += ""; else // print days of other months strBuffer += ""; strBuffer += dtCurrentDay.getDate() + "\n"; dtCurrentDay.setDate(dtCurrentDay.getDate() + 1); } // print row footer strBuffer += "\n"; varRow++; } // print calendar footer strBuffer += "\n" + "\n" + ""; var nTop = 300; var nLeft = 200; var varRect = null; if (strPositionElement != null) varRect = window.document.getElementById(strPositionElement).getBoundingClientRect(); if (varRect != null) { nTop = window.screenTop + varRect.bottom; nLeft = window.screenLeft + varRect.right; } vWinCal.hide(); var docCal = vWinCal.document; docCal.write (strBuffer); docCal.close();, nTop, 0, 0); var realWidth = docCal.body.scrollWidth; var realHeight = docCal.body.scrollHeight; vWinCal.hide(); if (varMinWidth == 0) { realWidth += 47; varMinWidth = realWidth; } else if (realWidth < varMinWidth) realWidth = varMinWidth;, nTop, realWidth, realHeight); var vFocus = docCal.getElementById(varHighlight); if ((vFocus == null) && (varHighlight.substr(3, 1) == "6")) { varHighlight = varHighlight.substr(0, 3) + "5" + varHighlight.substr(4); vFocus = docCal.getElementById(varHighlight); } if ((vFocus == null) && (varHighlight.substr(3, 1) == "5")) { varHighlight = varHighlight.substr(0, 3) + "4" + varHighlight.substr(4); vFocus = docCal.getElementById(varHighlight); } if (vFocus != null) vFocus.parentNode.bgColor = "#FFCEDA"; } function show_qura_calendar(begin, strValueElement, strDefault, strFormat, strPositionElement) { var arrMonths = ["ãÍÑã", "ÕÝ", "ÑÈíÚ ÇáÃæá", "ÑÈíÚ ÇáËÇäí", "ÌãÇÏì ÇáÃæá", "ÌãÇÏì ÇáÂÎÑ Ãæ ÌãÇÏì ÇáËÇäí", "ÑÌÈ", "ÔÚÈÇä", "ÑãÖÇä", "ÔæøÇá", "Ðæ ÇáÞÚÏÉ", "Ðæ ÇáÍÌÉ"]; var arrWeekdays = ["Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa"]; var prevMonth = "Previous Month"; var prevYear = "Previous Year"; var nextMonth = "Next Month"; var nextYear = "Next Year"; var nWeekStart = 0; // day week starts from (normally 0 or 1) baseyear = 1318; strFormat.toUpperCase(); var varElement = window.document.getElementById(strValueElement); if ((varElement != null) && (varElement.disabled == true)) return; if ((strDefault == null) && (varElement != null)) strDefault = varElement.value; var varNextMonthSrc = "Assets\\next.gif"; var varNextYearSrc = "Assets\\Next_year.gif"; var varPreviousMonthSrc = "Assets\\prev.gif"; var varPreviousYearSrc = "Assets\\prev_year.gif"; var varElementImg = window.document.getElementById("NextMonth"); if (varElementImg) varNextMonthSrc = varElementImg.src; varElementImg = window.document.getElementById("NextYear"); if (varElementImg) varNextYearSrc = varElementImg.src; varElementImg = window.document.getElementById("PreviousMonth"); if (varElementImg) varPreviousMonthSrc = varElementImg.src; varElementImg = window.document.getElementById("PreviousYear"); if (varElementImg) varPreviousYearSrc = varElementImg.src; var dtDefault = partHijri(window.document.getElementById("HiddenHijri").value, strFormat); temp = partHijri(strDefault, strFormat); var dt = strDefault == "" || temp == null? dtDefault: temp; var month = dt[0]; var date = dt[1]; var year = dt[2]; var nTargetDay = date == 30 ? 29: date; var dtPrevMonth = [month == 1? 12: month - 1, nTargetDay, month == 1 ? year - 1: year]; var dtNextMonth = [month == 12? 1: month + 1, nTargetDay, month == 12 ? year + 1: year]; var dtPrevYear = [month, date == 30? 29: date, year - 1]; var dtNextYear = [month, date == 30? 29: date, year + 1]; var numdays = daysinmonth[year - baseyear][month-1][0]? 30: 29; var dtFirstDay = [month, 1, year]; var dtLastDay = [month, numdays, year]; var strMonthLink = new String("window.document.getElementById(\'"); strMonthLink += strValueElement.replace(/'/g, "\\\'"); strMonthLink += "\')"; // html generation (feel free to tune it for your particular application) // print calendar header var strBuffer = new String ( "\n" + "\n" + " Calendar\n" + " \n" + "