Eric, Attached is Pay Application 13 for Phase 1B. Please be advised that the following quantities were negative in this pay application: · Item 22: -2 · Item 65: -1015 · Item 117: -125 · Item 261: -219 · Item 269: -318 · Item 272: -1 · Item 273: -2 If these items are correct, please have it executed and returned to me. Thanks, Clay Barnett, P.E. Town Engineer Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive Addison, TX 75001-2818 Office: (972) 450-2857 From: Eric T. Little [] Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2010 6:02 PM To: Clay Barnett Subject: Fw: Vitruvian - May Estimate Clay, The May estimate is finally correct. See Andrew's comments below and let me know when you would like to do the final-final-final walk on 1B. Thanks, ________________________________ From: Andrew Rolph To: Eric T. Little; zackf ; Nick Jacob Cc: ; anord Sent: Thu Jun 24 16:35:51 2010 Subject: RE: Vitruvian - May Estimate Here you go. By the way, Metroplex will be onsite tomorrow to re-work all of the “bubbly striping”, we can expect signage to be installed early next week, Durable has re-adjusted banner arms/plumb poles and would like to request a pole walk (not the gay kind of pole walk, but a pole walk nonetheless…), Durable will have their pole paint touched up by early next too, pull boxes have been addressed, NTC is complete with our inlet rework, TOA logo storm lids should be ready on the 29th, cracks at Bella have been filled with epoxy, and foam under FH is cleaned and sealed. I believe the only hold up will be the 2 additional poles on order for the east end near Bella; Durable has reported a 2-3 week lead time for delivery from their supplier. One last thing, ForceCon is on board to finish their duct run starting next Tuesday or Wednesday at latest; this should just be a 2 day operation at most including cleanup. Thanks, Andrew D. Rolph North Texas Contracting 4999 Keller Haslet Rd. Keller, TX 76248 (O) 817-430-9500 (F) 817-430-9207 (M) 817-819-0703 From: Eric T. Little [] Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2010 4:57 PM To: Andrew Rolph; zackf; Nick Jacob Cc:; anord Subject: RE: Vitruvian - May Estimate Andrew/Zach: Bruce and I just finished going through your pay app and offer the following COMMENTS BELOW: Basically, you need to change #123, 125, 244 and 272 to the contracted amount and then bill for the overage once the CO 7 is approved. Everything else except #269 is ok. On that one, change #269 to 1131lf (contracted) and 1086lf (installed to date). Call me if you have any questions. Thanks, Eric Little Project Manager, UDR 5430 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1250 Dallas, TX 75240 Ph: 972.774.0552 Fx: 972.991.4113 Cell: 214.641.5761 From: Andrew Rolph [] Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 6:51 PM To: Eric T. Little; zackf; Nick Jacob Cc:; anord Subject: RE: Vitruvian - May Estimate #22 – change billing quantity to $0 – moving to park package - Agreed and changed OK #34 – change billing quantity to $0 – moving to park package – This item was completed as shown on sheet 16 in our 1B contract AGREE #37 – change billing quantity to $0 – moving to park package - This item was completed as shown on sheet 16 in our 1B contract AGREE #59 – overbilled – should be 18,630sf – Change order 6 shows the quantity to be 19,321? I believe our quantities are right through the 25th of last month… Where is this new reduction coming from? AGREE YOU ARE CORRECT #117 – overbilled – should be 1,472lf – Agreed and changed to reflect CO #6 OK #123 – overbilled – this will be addressed in the next CO, but we can bill over without an approved CO right now. – Add to CO#7 AGREE, BUT WE CANNOT BILL FOR A CHANGE ORDER THAT IS NOT APPROVED YET. REMOVE OVERAGE FROM PAY APP – BILL ON FINAL INVOICE. #125 – overbilled – this was on my list last month too – we need to resolve this overage. – This is total amount of pipe installed and tested on this project (includes the RCB). Please add the overage to CO #7. AGREE, BUT WE CANNOT BILL FOR A CHANGE ORDER THAT IS NOT APPROVED YET. REMOVE OVERAGE FROM PAY APP – BILL ON FINAL INVOICE. #244 – see below – correct contract amount is 20 not 21 as I stated – There are 22 total foundations on the project, this is why we had to order the two extra SL Type 4 light poles. Please approve and add to CO #7. AGREE, BUT WE CANNOT BILL FOR A CHANGE ORDER THAT IS NOT APPROVED YET. REMOVE OVERAGE FROM PAY APP – BILL ON FINAL INVOICE. #251 – overbilled – you billed for 88ea, contract has 86ea – Agreed and changed..type-O in my favor? Ha. OK #261 – overbilled – should be 1,186lf – There is actually 1241 LF installed to date. I believe the difference can be found on sheet 79. ForceCon installed this 4T4 to station 23+45 before the sheet was revised to stop at 23+03. The other difference comes from calculating stations and in field verification. Please review the duct bank plans. Just FYI, I believe this quantity was originally so high to account for some 4T4 shown on sheets 50-51. AGREE #269 – overbilled – not sure how I missed this one last month, but you are over on the contract quantity and this duct bank is not complete yet (pending piers). – This is a quantity bust on the plans. I sent you an email back when Jennifer and I addressed this bust for reference. Basically, the installed plan quantity is 1404 minus the 375 LF taken out now for the cul-de-sac. This makes a new contract quantity of 1029 minus the 45 Lf yet to be installed leaves 984 LF installed to date. ACTUALLY THERE IS 273LF IN THE CUL-DE-SAC. CHANGE YOUR BILLING TO 1131LF – THE REST WILL BE ADDED TO PHASE 1C. #272 – overbilled – should be 1ea – One installed at station 13+75 and the other at station 18+60. This additional 2 way manhole needs to be added to CO#7. AGREE, BUT WE CANNOT BILL FOR A CHANGE ORDER THAT IS NOT APPROVED YET. REMOVE OVERAGE FROM PAY APP – BILL ON FINAL INVOICE. #273 – overbilled – should be 31ea – Agreed and changed per CO #6. OK Please review and let me know if any further changes need to be made to this application. Please remember that I have not yet adjusted the amount shown for the “paid to date”. Thanks, Andrew D. Rolph North Texas Contracting 4999 Keller Haslet Rd. Keller, TX 76248 (O) 817-430-9500 (F) 817-430-9207 (M) 817-819-0703 From: Eric T. Little [] Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 9:46 AM To:; Zach Fusilier (; Nick Jacob Cc: Subject: RE: Vitruvian - May Estimate Bruce found a couple more issues: #22 – change billing quantity to $0 – moving to park package #34 – change billing quantity to $0 – moving to park package #37 – change billing quantity to $0 – moving to park package #59 – overbilled – should be 18,630sf #117 – overbilled – should be 1,472lf #244 – see below – correct contract amount is 20 not 21 as I stated #251 – overbilled – you billed for 88ea, contract has 86ea #261 – overbilled – should be 1,186lf #272 – overbilled – should be 1ea #273 – overbilled – should be 31ea Thanks, Eric Little Project Manager, UDR 5430 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1250 Dallas, TX 75240 Ph: 972.774.0552 Fx: 972.991.4113 Cell: 214.641.5761 From: Eric T. Little Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2010 4:21 PM To:; Zach Fusilier (; Nick Jacob Cc: Subject: FW: Vitruvian - May Estimate Andrew: Have a couple issues with the following items: #123 – overbilled – this will be addressed in the next CO, but we can bill over without an approved CO right now. #125 – overbilled – this was on my list last month too – we need to resolve this overage. #244 – overbilled – you billed for 22ea, contract has 21ea #251 – overbilled – you billed for 88ea, contract has 86ea #269 – overbilled – not sure how I missed this one last month, but you are over on the contract quantity and this duct bank is not complete yet (pending piers). Eric Little Project Manager, UDR 5430 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1250 Dallas, TX 75240 Ph: 972.774.0552 Fx: 972.991.4113 Cell: 214.641.5761 From: Andrew Rolph [] Sent: Monday, June 14, 2010 7:39 PM To: Eric T. Little Cc: Nick Jacob; zackf; anord Subject: Vitruvian - May Estimate Eric, here is our May estimate for your review. The only thing that I still need to modify is the amount NTC has been paid to date, but this will at least get you started on reviewing the quantities. Thanks, Andrew D. Rolph North Texas Contracting 4999 Keller Haslet Rd. Keller, TX 76248 (O) 817-430-9500 (F) 817-430-9207 (M) 817-819-0703 闫駟N谌䧽㣒禥흾繺낗뮧㦛ⴡ赆鈢癛㝐켐㯲粖潈糩�낰褌廪룤罽໦솢鿟㡳搥訛ሃ脞幵そ䐗뀹ꫨ䰚럱牆䶇ᾬ∽蓉皣∵ꓐ復ꀞ괔摁⿍ܭ褍ꥥ팋霴᭽璘刟䱑꺧⪨鬋蚆�볒퀷趉嶘幸㴺点ꭂŔ諤ꇯ䨗珸쭻܀✚熑奮㥳䓹䤾沜㫻뫾䦈䬛뉾ꤔ㵠牎룁檿Ṳ楛櫭秬챬�鄁醲綔邭⼽ꙿ忋꧄ꢺฝ么膭偙袤�卡瀇߿꺷ସ傮刴⭫贤䮈཭䗗塂Ἲ켇믺桅軀皍魚쮞얂炆㌼⽿躸磼◼銋ꦏ쩐⊲֞啒穑欇讈ʪ笧糮ᤰ᫒錏๨턥⪙嵭༳欆㜅볕ҡ暆䔕躃膂⃀ื 噜ꃡ窫⡒⡊ꎖ첪놟໐䈔NJ㚇⦎畬孑遺⎡ꬭ녻촅࣪銫苜作㫑濬됏嚱孡㝑繟で묧皢ቫ䗮㵐楘瞌ꁱ됒ჴ辦�摴蔱蜺뭺틪겺㗒㛵盯㓵͉尻⏖ྱᏽ喽燻ⴶ笔捹ɛﬗꮺષ묹瑻DZ㿄䦇舽ヮ₤礣氡৐쟆붨噹ꤛ槺⢚ᒿ暶뵍㉁䥗赑暀蘸鐬ሷㅺ푄㫅㨪蝙윁㼶瑼્�촖ᔸ劍ᙑ兑鯓驒욪⮬ꠟꜚ酉剺縵锘앲蹓डꖌ鈕젲ھ㒟㓚ꬠ譍蚉梸堡᥮⃗໲剥较驂茴Ɠ㫫쎶迩댅ེ䈠椄�嚾䗶�ꁯ굙읗줢鿨魛发ⵀ漢딓�ၺ浣防䉒⯇ӆ만硢汕ⱡ앚粖懄꬛Ⱗ 䙩㇬㵟絚ꑒ�ߛ춄鿓됩䂬씖䲇훠蟨颈㧋㋞낫荥ﺩ耎捻౦㏔㫊䞚〚⏩﹟�澵蔣弔᷀遪ꮣ짉₹㜏煹塙㵟唊�᜿䪪쿘靮拭�뺡飹눅圂૪⪣ᮏ慭┌䦰齿쇾ኧ簤껿雾떱㡹ꚢ䠝⪠Ⳏ他뵦䬶ᥘ裞צ뷻꺊灥鯞뱇⊧۾膃ᔕ芠჆텂礕ࣷ鉭槡뚮ࡦ慥휻嚽롫討恾쇫ζҵ槞桎桠玠픂�ெ퟼ᓖ䃲ᓸ默顶㾿�猲ದଞ檨줝캔忐ᬧበᓋ习駪쩽뎈ꖟ✣ࠞ虬珖⡁Ḓ㰮娰嬘ﭪ䇽㽫⨑借䰟⵬ჩ挊꼍雃笞闚ځ骛딱肐ﺖ漎䘺顱�壈℄뵞⽩⾰䞫㳜쥢돁飞睁뺿揘쫕ڬ詗嚽 藻蔲씂歼⌐臬޹�买汹귰娊뎳랝垁ℒ鬝嫧쾚쮔ᅢ�⫝馟史馱ⲳ貣㸺⤵編甌垷㱑袓杘뜡ᇡ锩鸦蹣⒎馋ꦧ快볾䀉퀇ฃز䝘ఱ⊘͍Æ㗒順虦㠖讧ỻ俫ﮛ蘀踁쒌㬋⇗텐⿙䯣ꪩः噍≃폛등媑컟彰២楫棱ᚫ簪᱿㎀ᆘ펢豷蚚倀璭ᇃ셢庱얌號আퟻ씿쨬抖঳諘텷ﱝ훫禆㺡ꅯﵩ⛆˙ꐑ亟尰ㅹ⬽敉祀ᦀૅ楿䳎2觙ナ狂낽箾꬈˵샑飓썦㸁駊ᩙ晠蝎쳴ꧯ癚깝茇䶉嫗宽۽䜨紙㢓ꪌ݀瀩䬰ᗁ룍ⷈ⭩⡢┱ৄृ嵙Ụ녈欏村۰赴૷臖 蚲⎬꠳遽嶷띃精⌹嘗楰쁧᭦ೇ듛錆㝑ػ糛됌ઞ큕䔌႗齿挦눤ݖ慂짟옚䱓豠롦ꆞ뒦㶂沭㢯ꏋ朁ꑹ劣⡯퉣鈼脯顎ꬨ⟏漝າ஻䷖힆潈뺑㲉䣻蜉栲১휨貵藦哇毃�䂄ꢉ㙻蠘㺭⤬勂Ⰽ뀽珏嚊䀆叱玤﷘碀㖞墼瘙鎸쑻⨨�齣쵩䀄樭遺°钢볧�慓簔쐅襄澽䜼蟻᪣砭﷣䒾￳騷㕩�ꡨ歟า⇹볣Ⱖ〴⋶碊吭樬훪엘뛑뜦䝧⥼㰬畎勤Ꮧ㄰定⚲‚ꝰ휫圌琘空淭ᕚ焪�矝頯ᬰ�꾄标ﶞ፫ց둏‬뻵⌟ꈡ换❸啚⼵䗲蔡✁꥔莴�騹䘷讍杵汆㚢 뀩㳡ڈ阅쏆줁ᓊ➭⎯ꋄ㯏ശꂱ沸瑱琷洰鞼❥艭괽卲敂檤ʜ㑣蝮ቑ얧襷畯ᜓ몡砇ꏊᬺȬ⶿輞싗ࠓᏔ捍䰩蛛ᔷ䁣供罾⑒∂얭ʛ別ؔ狩Ṉղᰦꦭ湡젰�饬ㇷ�㡒揪ꡁ鱚䗍虬㗈ꐏ䜂ꅴ㗁木৖䮤擯ᅣ창膷퀮쬼㨯곧ᖱⴙ歏ᐪ㾴᧠᤻햁ቖ跤䫖⧘�ﳷꠝޛ焿碔韼⿌馈榕䎅⻊݋礘₻⛊쁺䑸୩ꁘ钃ﳔ뻿㋳㭬뻏兙읡훡硨੺蘗缏폢↰귮♄킉澃趚༣ᥙ謲�藣찱崡슢䡿硸똚㔄櫪敍쐷栗�㠸㰜矌廜찱Ч腥ष䡱᳠ꠡ῵栜췾ꝅ�⠓넱먈앀눦㗎鶶ᚄ ⵒ甄ᨌ긱≱뱢䊢Ⰵ䏋颛攇풺�ꂋ既뿛蕟렘쌔ʚ팝囦㟐픕ᷲ봵㿝뀳꩏팉郰ꚫᶍ�쇰졒䝣䂢敯䔨軅頃ۛﻖ琥﹘�ⴤ赃漐‏⏱淅蝢播㔜⁕戧⦒褀諗Ꮑ鑮꾩ⴓ㬾翡坤釉㣤ﰌᖏ䃭衕伄혳躆ﭏ巿褜暣䩿⊉ ‘㔬᣹㓽쟱ꈅ�됭ộ䴑ყᖐ傇馈䟱땧ಽ肶㗋㵅쑆퓬䞲Ⱪ쒨鑨ꇘ힁꘵䚴䨑遾毵ꍀ舰ၐ�뇀�ﰝ鐈ꥋ뿅㡘䩃竓蟋뮲芚�䍔솢୵䣺蛋걮퉌Ⴘ趽⮉㨷ㅰ勀ⵋ轚榨놤掐�ꕂᆸꮊ्ᕤ䀸ᔿ鄹Ⲝ㺂皆钜ߤ눽嗡蹞⾠꬘꘬乫㕤㾎愸덯 뤜ꅌ䎜ᘂሻ㧩⒑Ꝩ漬冗ﳊ 韭튯㗆㗙档旪촯鋂⡴㑢檽Ƙ㟗꼼娑멧㫸恛ꌈ捠ﶕ렩ʥ먳௝텚쭘駒❚沟釾苦趁ਿ㯎⮦鹾褡环ۍ杵剁ᷣ絝老⋒寍�涚ꊑ�དྷャ㲬댮稰䁕玮ꌭ㒓㎠涁䞬፲⍣㪧븱值ॱ砕쟹츫弟攪踂湎厤藟㕐럭稅츚྇첹ꟶ㔋뻉﹮敉쁅륲ဓℊ摇금ѫྶ쩺᧞毻脪ﭠᰵ౶͑쫣뫷㯞쌪嘅Ᏹ蘼ᾫ汐洔꺦䏌Ṡ窭킽畳➃驓䟔阱썬屑尲挐⸳鲚਻邹䜈컈鱱䷔樎깰㲻爴进귢늩꿨㐬馦ﹲ�린ভ⢽ꉋ醬粂�⡻㛕✟攟怬Ḧ෦꯸폭쌅펔览︠⻮▛옩㓉 紐兴麸聎膐⚫괮၌✤㈐᫰䕛̾쇘ಷ⹫紥贔⪥瞭偡걑특Ⱡ헅ኋ쭺岈⅗躀툶⿾咅籞⿼쨯跶บಷ㰒늷恛寒໐ᔽ⍴ᮛ㋥눸帯痎䩮推쎓콫ꊔ뀪ጥ빑⼶ຨ⫷宋ꔍꁼ흙旂㪘ퟸꢧ硫ߌᬿ훤쥻쉐鏵≧螙ކ⾝뼓嗆襷슦⬯㱻㍆㾻柛ޥ癷墳꧟嬑즘켜釒ᰩ芩嬂䆑̩Յꤛ뾑窱亘廅퍉칺焞쫋閁䕽꺱檏愹招䓸ⷔԹݖី峰∨ᄍ�હ诊摞ᵈ鎔ᅷ냂悶刪깨聉ॢആꋣ䘲쉙ꂵ瀞淝槸쯭⮗䏏蔎ﵰ홱破ힼ霅킞佄௮㖎渋珂楲廤前ꐿ઻扻髮�䂄㊅ꒃ῵㇣揔⌠䚋ﯵ郞㕘 깩郢둔럵秢樗谉ﻼ镱刜⅊벚⃳ᤐ줐質レ濹ⓣ潍ཆ판⁹൉捴䯸㲉껠?⮑ꖰ�쁢䁝蘆뛴컒ꚸ뒡鹁㕏㗷⇄깡櫀误⇊줯ᖃ쏤ڌ햁ৡ㒡걤㑽捹툐史િ靴㇨湎踋㦁于쒝阄Ҭ躍Ꮧﲫ邪㝪蘳踧蟈䕇ꈧ궸ᄀ娛낽慍俺抖൞꿏᧏䪈殰ᓌp㛡䒻憘ᆫ៞耽婱ᾰ聝ⴕ皆㊒恙嫲㸶큉캀룬昇䈩ᢾ귴ঁ⹱츬ꌻ䨑ᢛ፴�ᶬ넱葠✕蚨㙯懢Ⲫ⤽渗䈾愢ꐢ疐䗸뒦권⍼懀Ũ滎ፘ䗧ꂪ蜁䅵㱢誆띫ኳᶦ額᠊ᑣ浸ᠸ쐎솠匰䰁�ﴍ稓筰팃汏ꏝ汕쩓蜘䢀뗽 �瞄䲎暼鮵䣡柡ⶤ문ˮ癯䳰촭㻋ᴜⴞᩈꉻ䲱Ÿ괁�郭읺疂鯈쁐侏수戌ぽ謹頡躁वﴎ颾킉㥫䅜畘ꈽ窨隃꧎塋ȉၐ땛ꄡᡞ�⺘㖦䰓屢Ἁಐ놐䆶鎃뛥頩箫⾣嶕ﷰ왌볓占ӣण틍瀴즡鳇埄鶐ᝋⅰ믣륹澼䢹렷჋ව颞鲦駢干臞良荩▉⥳﬇镻ꗘ怤ﶼ┉ꯄ䀲涙Ᏺ䓇䥛显큱璥봵윆꫱渽廞綥㌻צ뗇㮝ꨣ쵛퐌洽쉞输㯾ꢝ⪓ܮᔦ╬洈䮯뒏귅�䫅㪖鋭ᖙ�㐯篤ꦙ⦠擘똢馗�홋ꮍ臚ﺑ픩塬㵆岧᭰Å㙧゜ᵕ릉插ḹ莭ꭁ栚ꊍघἵ巟륇࿃|鄷⥄ 꽒蛶岺㮕뾨핇熵噀졧㣏㓉嚗履䡢땴袚ވ璆Ḱ碵ﰤ碻安씯㓔ᒧ囜笭臎촛쮸芨詊⑒יִ阷Ģ몟摞팽奴䃷頇悑뢵荼簠銕⣬ꇄ媏텉䔴ﲭ쿷缿ﺾ怓需ഌ攊摮瑳敲浡攍摮扯൪㈱‵‰扯൪㰼䘯汩整⽲汆瑡䑥捥摯⽥楆獲⁴⼴敌杮桴ㄠㄷ丯ㄠ启灹⽥扏卪浴㸾瑳敲浡਍�蹤઱ヂ䵭팆檗䫑ᐩ઻䔅霗ژ萌벦抾篽袋ﮋ燝 斔佚裼僝飯穥朠쟘ㆾ䓬쾳⍐畮冦뵫慛₞弦鏚㼥깰Ⴚ屨졌ꙕ餲挞ῷ泙忲ꖤ䷘釖ⶨ믅桡주о假吨㜈᝽쩍㠹髑퐗Ⴣﶼ艜ꭞ谹겳 랪̀夀㿉ഫ攊摮瑳敲浡攍摮扯൪㈱‶‰扯൪㰼䘯汩整⽲汆瑡䑥捥摯⽥楆獲⁴⼴敌杮桴㔠⼷⁎⼱祔数伯橢瑓㹭猾牴慥൭栊닞ぐ끐톱칷촯儫됰䳎踩ㄶ訆⤆题⡀ၓꬕ刟遙ᾪ颐媞杬ဇ`肄缎਍湥獤牴慥൭湥潤橢ㄍ㜲〠漠橢㰍⼼敄潣敤慐浲㱳⼼潃畬湭⁳⼴牐摥捩潴⁲㈱㸾䘯汩整⽲汆瑡䑥捥摯⽥䑉㱛㠰㑄䉂㘲㤱㕆䘴㐷㍅㠴䌶䙅䄵ぃ㜸あ㰾㌸㙂㐱㐷㐷䙁㐴㤴䉁㈷㠲䐳㜷㤳ㄶ㝃崾䤯摮硥㉛ㄠ㠠㈠ㄠ′‱㌳㤠崵䤯普‹‰⽒敌杮桴㈠㜶倯敲⁶ㄱ⼶潒瑯ㄠ‱‰⽒楓敺ㄠ 㠲启灹⽥剘晥圯ㅛ㌠〠㹝猾牴慥൭栊拞摢묖쓆૕ئ蘆䳿駿罕夀完쑁⁑擁∁耞彤境瀪̉ℐɮ꼑䑀䠖ᱝ⢈鮆೒㛢揣墂肻뼄䠃᥂灈肷袁₯ৢ쉈䠗胄끝覘ㆁẬⶦᓖ拊ﺌ刈ሇ휋놇ὢ퓁긱ሃ옢逥ؐ撳扁䆿逬蕿舞뜔ಂ셨⹰껣すӳ쉷쮜嘅爇遟찥B類덋䁍▬≀ٸ얌Ᾰ랤쐍䍪ㅦ荦ᬃ⒤Ҡ૆඙웕渆竀䮐聝梄젹勵⸠逿焆蹁樂⠑ᥪ䂹瓄€쐡顂਍湥獤牴慥൭湥潤橢猍慴瑲牸晥਍㤶ㄹ㌶਍┥佅െ