I guess as you may already know the fire hydrant(s) did not work because the plug valve to the hydrants was not open. The contractor quickly turned them on as soon as he noticed the fire department was not receiving water. Another note is the line along BCD dead ended at Marsh (awaiting repairs) this line collapsed while the contractor was performing another service and we were not getting a loop feed. A fire truck had to connect to a hydrant on Marsh approx. 1,000 feet North of BCD in order to get the adequate flow needed to work the fire. We can assist with checking valves to insure they are open but we will need a map or plan on what valves should be open and those that should stay off while waiting on approval i.e. pressure test, bacteriological samples, etc. I suggest Jason Sutton and Cameron Cardwell get information from Dave via email with what's going on out there on a weekly or daily basis as far as what lines should be on and others that are not accepted. This should be the same for any other projects in the city. Jerry Davis, Utilities Superintendent Town of Addison 972-661-1693 jdavis@addisontx.gov P Please consider the environment before printing this email. -----Original Message----- From: Nancy Cline Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2010 10:06 AM To: Jerry Davis; Clay Barnett Subject: Vitruvian fire hydrant Would you two please coordinate investigating whether: 1. The fire hydrants at Vitruvian work now, and 2. Anybody know what happened to the one that wouldn't work yesterday? Please update me on latest by end of day. Nancy