Bruce: 2. Everyone understands when this work will be done. The problem is, we are taking it out of one scope and would like to be able move it directly into the other phase at the same unit costs we currently have. If we wait a year and do not contractually have this locked down , we open ourselves up to additional costs. 3. North Texas asked directly at the Pre-Con if there were pending changes to the drawings. You guys indicated that there weren't any and they proceeded with spending a ton of money running sets that will be obsolete on Monday. They are pissed off about that and I just wanted you to know that. Thanks, ________________________________ From: Bruce Dunne To: Eric T. Little Cc: Clay Barnett Sent: Fri Apr 30 13:56:33 2010 Subject: RE: Follow Up to Our Phone Call 1. If you look at the proposed grading plan along this fence line, it becomes apparent why the retaining wall is necessary. 2. I can go ahead and fill in the items relating to the construction of Ponte Avenue being moved to the Park Package (Change Order # 2), but keep in mind that all of this is going to change to accommodate the changes that are being made in the Bridge Package. All of the drawings affected by the Bridge re-design will be changed after the Bridge Package is under contract, and that is when the change order could be more accurately prepared. This (change order # 2) seems way too premature, considering none if this will be constructed for at least a year. 3. We have received the revised drawings from Viewtech and Sloan, and therefore have sent the drawings to the printer. They will be submitted to the Town on Monday. 4. Joel has already left a message with Karen to see what the holdup is. From: Eric T. Little [] Sent: Friday, April 30, 2010 12:17 PM To: Bruce Dunne Cc: 'Clay Barnett' Subject: Follow Up to Our Phone Call Bruce, Per our phone conversation, we need to discuss the following items: 1. Wall at townhomes – disregard this conversation. I understand what we are doing now and will discuss with Clay. 2. Phase IC - Change Order #2 a. Town wants this to be done at the same time they execute Phase IB Change Order #6. b. You stated that IC – CO #2 is months out on drawings. 3. Phase 1C Town of Addison drawings a. NTC just had Clay sign off on 15 sets of drawings for their subs. b. You stated that there were changes coming from Sloan and that you would post the new drawings to PM Monday or Tuesday. 4. Meters/Transformers a. Any chance you guys might be able to help us out with Oncor? Thanks, Eric Little Project Manager, UDR 5430 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1250 Dallas, TX 75240 Ph: 972.774.0552 Fx: 972.991.4113 Cell: 214.641.5761