Clay, After studying the proposal and the figures with our subs we have two possibilities for money savings we would like you to consider as well as present to the developer. Both of these savings, if accepted will be taken from the Clearing & Grubbing item in change order # 1 or applied to any lump sum item the City desires. 1) If the City and UDR will agree to meet within 3 days after the end of the month to finalize the payment applications monthly and the city agrees to process and subsequently pay North Texas in the next week then we offer a savings of $ 30,000. Realistically based on the ends of the month and the city’s cutoff date we would assume we would be issued payment by roughly the 15th of the following month. Based on normal procedures I think we can make this work as long as all involved parties make it a priority. 2) The incentive bonus described in the plans is $ 50,000 which is an unrealistic incentive to finish early based on the 20 calendar days early requirement. We understand that the bonus was supposed to be $ 250,000 which would require an early finish of 100 calendar days or roughly 3.5 months. To achieve this it will require 6 day workweeks and the contractor will most likely spend approximately 100-150K to obtain this goal. If the City / UDR will incorporate into the change order the incentive bonus increase to the intended $ 250,000 then North Texas will also offer up a voluntary alternate credit of $ 50,000 which can also be deducted from the clearing and grubbing item. This amount will provide real incentive to finish early and allow us to offset the overtime cost if the goal is achieved. If it is not achieved then the funds will never be sent by the City. If it is achieved then UDR will have the park 3.5 months early which probably represents a decent financial offset because the completed Park will attract residents undoubtedly. Please discuss these possibilities with UDR at your convenience and let me know where you would like to apply these credits should we go that direction. These represent an $ 80,000 in savings without taking away any aspect of the physical park construction not counting the incentive to finish 3.5 months earlier. Thanks again. Zach Fusilier North Texas Contracting 4999 Keller Haslet Road Keller, Texas 76248 Office - 817-430-9500 Cell - 817-819-6691