Tom, I have completed my analysis of the Dallas County Contributions for Vitruvian Park. Following is a summary of my findings: · Phase 1C o Change Order #1 (This change order was completed prior to receiving the agreement from Dallas County) § Item 15 – Removed $2,375 in Dallas County contributions. UDR agreed that Andres would take care of this as part of the building construction. § Item 29 – Removed $10,000 in Dallas County contributions. The Town agreed that Parks Department would trim the trees at their expense. § Items 42 & 43 – Removed $152,000 in Dallas County contributions. The lake edge wall was changed from cast-in-place to soil nail walls. Subsequent change orders have reduced this amount to $87,200. If Dallas County will agree to cover the cost of the soil nail wall, it will resolve this issue. o Change Order #6 (Pending) § Item 35 – Removes $9,000 in Dallas County contributions. Apparently native material was used from onsite. If Dallas County was open to contributing to the cost of placing the native material, it would mitigate the loss. § Item 187 – Removes $10,000 in Dallas County contributions. This should have been included in Change Order 1 as UDR had agreed to complete this work and the related items that were included in Change Order 1. · Phase 1D o Change Order #3 § Item 47 – Removed $2,464.44 in Dallas County contributions. § Item 71 – Removed $6,686.90 in Dallas County contributions. These lights were moved to Phase 1C due to time constraints. We also received a lower price per light (a savings of $364), because we selected a standard color. We could either negotiate with Dallas County or just leave the lights in Phase 1D and work with Austin on the time constraints issue and the savings. This totals $127,726.34 in reductions of Dallas County funding for Vitruvian Park. We have had change order items that increase the cost of items that they were willing to fund. However, they added an “estimated not-to-exceed” stipulation on each item that they agreed to fund. If we can increase the “estimated not-to-exceed” amount we could recover $2,669.16 for Phase 1C and $10,678.89 for Phase 1D. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks, Clay Barnett, P.E. Town Engineer Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive Addison, TX 75001-2818 Office: (972) 450-2857