All, Thanks for a productive phone conference regarding connectivity to Brookhaven College. Based on this discussion we have developed the attached draft agenda for the 7/1 meeting with Brookhaven College. This meeting will be an opportunity to see the recently updated Campus Master Plan and learn about their vision for connectivity to the surrounding community. It will also be an opportunity to update the College on plans, improvements and connectivity opportunities near the College. Alberta Blair from Dallas County will lead this discussion guided by the attached draft agenda. The desired outcome is to obtain permission to continue developing a trail connection and to begin building a partnership for improving connectivity between the College and the surrounding communities. Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions on the agenda. Please reply confirming who will be attending from the City of Farmers Branch and from the Town of Addison. Thank You, Jonathan Toffer Transportation Engineer Dallas County Public Works 411 Elm Street, 4th Floor Dallas, Texas 75202 214.653.6417