Chad, below are the addresses for the phone drops needed for the irrigation controllers on the Vitruvian Park and Vitruvian Way project. Some of these will not come online until much later and I will make every attempt to coordinate with the contractor to have conduit ran out of the future buildings for these. The first one we looked at on the parking lot and garage roadway at the corner of the 1st Savoye building will have the following address: 3806 Vitruvian Way. I will be working with the irrigation contractor to get the 1” conduit and wiring that you requested ran from near the AT&T box to the controller location; I will let you know when this is done so that the work can be done and the account set up. I have spoken with the contractor of the 2nd building and he will be running conduit for me to the 2nd controller location at Ponte with an address of 3882 Vitruvian Way. This is still some time off though. Thanks so much for your help and call me if you have any questions. Parks Operations Manager Town of Addison Office: 972-450-2863 Cell: 972-672-1817 Fax: 972-450-2834 From: Ronnie Lee Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 5:07 PM To: Ron Lee Subject: RE: Physical Address for 5 Irrigation Phone Lines near Vitruvian? Ron, I just spoke to our AT&T rep. The engineer’s name is Chad Cooper, his e-mail address is Since you are already in contact with him, go ahead and e-mail him any information he needs. When it’s actually time to place the order to install a new line, let me know, I’ll need to send in a new request. Thanks, Ronnie From: Ron Lee Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 10:04 AM To: Ronnie Lee Cc: Clay Barnett; ''; 'Jennifer Haynes'; Slade Strickland; Jim Clark Subject: RE: Physical Address for 5 Irrigation Phone Lines near Vitruvian? I just got with Lynn Chandler in Building Inspection and here are the addresses for the phone services: 1) Southwest corner of park road and Vitruvian Way – 3806 Vitruvian Way 2) Southeast corner of Ponte and Vitruvian Way – 3882 Vitruvian Way 3) North side of grotto – 3958 Vitruvian Way (The intent is to have two controllers master/slave configured so that only one phone line will be needed) 4) South of creek and west of Ponte – 3932 Ponte Most of these will not be able to be installed until future buildings are constructed. Jim Clark and I met with Chad of AT&T and he showed us what we needed to do to get service to #1 above. I spoke with UDR and Andres and they will work to pull me a phone drop out of Savoye 2, their second building under construction. The others will come on line much later; some not until possibly 2014-2015 and will most likely come out of the buildings. Chad asked for us to let him know the address for the 1st location once we determined what is was. Can you please contact him? I will be meeting this week with the landscape company and North Texas Contracting, their boss, to work through the installation of conduit and wiring needed per Chad of AT&T. Parks Operations Manager Town of Addison Office: 972-450-2863 Fax: 972-450-2834 From: Ronnie Lee Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2010 2:38 PM To: Ron Lee; Jim Clark Subject: Physical Address for 5 Irrigation Phone Lines near Vitruvian? Ron/Jim, Can either of you provide a street address for the 5 irrigation lines in the Vitruvian area? If the 5 irrigation lines will be spread out, can you provide street addresses at each end? AT&T needs this information so they can assign the correct engineer to this. Thanks, Ronnie