What account # should I use in the Council Agenda item? I expect the cost to be $136,000 and recommended we split the cost with UDR as follows. Barbara Kovacevich | Director of Special Events TOWN OF ADDISON | P.O. Box 9010 | Addison TX 75001 ofc 972.450.6221 | fax 972.450.2834 | bkovacevich@addisontx.gov www.addisontexas.net for event information From: Chris Terry Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 8:22 AM To: Barbara Kovacevich Cc: Lea Dunn Subject: Re: Vitruvian Grand Opening In that case, I would recommend it comes out of the Vitruvian construction budget and be handled as a mid-year adjustment. If it becomes part of your season of events then it would move to your budget. Yes; please submit the complete financial recommendation for the Agenda packet. Thank you, Chris -------------------------- Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Device ________________________________ From: Barbara Kovacevich To: Chris Terry Sent: Tue May 03 08:18:00 2011 Subject: Re: Vitruvian Grand Opening For now, yes. The wine stroll could be an event we add to the calendar but when construction is complete. Barbara ________________________________ From: Chris Terry To: Barbara Kovacevich Sent: Tue May 03 08:15:34 2011 Subject: Re: Vitruvian Grand Opening Is this intended to be a one time event? -------------------------- Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Device ________________________________ From: Barbara Kovacevich To: Chris Terry Sent: Tue May 03 05:34:48 2011 Subject: Re: Vitruvian Grand Opening Do you want me to submit with the current financial recommendation? If so, who's budget? Barbara ________________________________ From: Chris Terry To: Barbara Kovacevich Sent: Mon May 02 20:54:07 2011 Subject: Re: Vitruvian Grand Opening No -------------------------- Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Device ________________________________ From: Barbara Kovacevich To: Chris Terry Sent: Mon May 02 20:46:57 2011 Subject: Re: Vitruvian Grand Opening Can we gamble and get David started? $2000? Barbara ________________________________ From: Chris Terry To: Barbara Kovacevich Sent: Mon May 02 20:45:10 2011 Subject: Re: Vitruvian Grand Opening Doubtful but if he calls in while on vacation I will. C -------------------------- Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Device ________________________________ From: Barbara Kovacevich To: Chris Terry Sent: Mon May 02 18:35:48 2011 Subject: RE: Vitruvian Grand Opening In case you talk with Ron, we really need to get David started prior to May 10 , if possible. From: Chris Terry Sent: Monday, May 02, 2011 9:42 AM To: Barbara Kovacevich Subject: RE: Vitruvian Grand Opening OK. Proceed with putting it on the May 10 agenda but hold off on releasing Natinsky to begin work until after Council approval. Thanks, Chris Chris Terry Assistant City Manager Town of Addison PO Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001 (O) 972/450-7010 (M) 972/489-2234 cterry@addisontx.gov From: Barbara Kovacevich Sent: Monday, May 02, 2011 9:34 AM To: Chris Terry Subject: RE: Vitruvian Grand Opening No… Barbara Kovacevich | Director of Special Events TOWN OF ADDISON | P.O. Box 9010 | Addison TX 75001 ofc 972.450.6221 | fax 972.450.2834 | bkovacevich@addisontx.gov www.addisontexas.net for event information From: Chris Terry Sent: Monday, May 02, 2011 9:27 AM To: Barbara Kovacevich Subject: RE: Vitruvian Grand Opening Did you talk to Ron? I never heard back from him. Chris Terry Assistant City Manager Town of Addison PO Box 9010 Addison, Texas 75001 (O) 972/450-7010 (M) 972/489-2234 cterry@addisontx.gov From: Barbara Kovacevich Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 8:22 PM To: Ron Whitehead; Chris Terry Cc: Michele Hilgart Subject: RE: Vitruvian Grand Opening Hi Ron. These are all great questions. The following will provide you with our thoughts but I will be happy to personally discuss anything with you at your convenience. BUDGET: · Addison Circle Park Grand Opening – we spent about $182,000 · Arapaho Bridge Grand Opening – we spent a little less than $50,000 · Kaboom Town Fireworks – budget is $52,000 o The $52,000 for the Vitruvian Light Show / Fireworks breaks out as follows: $32,000 for light display and $20,000 for fireworks · Vitruvian Park Grand Opening – All # are estimates and we will secure firm pricing o I recommend we share some of the cost with UDR; however, we will try to secure as much sponsorship $ as possible but I am not sure how much we can sell on short notice o Tom seemed like UDR would be willing to pay for it; he made the comment that he expected the cost for this type of an event to be double or triple our estimation so maybe we won’t need to share as much as I recommended o Price per event is listed below and we estimate general PR services to be $6,000 plus expenses and as much as $20,000 for advertising materials PEOPLE: · We estimate a total attendance of 10,000 for all events combined · There is a combination of audiences and price points – special guests, residents and general public with a price range of free to $15 or $50 · Special Guest Reception o Budget for this portion is around $30,000 o Half of the budget is for catering, entertainment and invitations; however, we can try to get the invitation cheaper by using the promotion agency for Euforia o Invite 400 o Expect 250 to attend (one day) o List would include: § TOA Dignitaries, Special Guests, Town Executive Staff § UDR Executives and Contractors § Residential and Retail Real Estate Communities – Tom mentioned people like Herb Weitzman, Retail Connection, etc. We can get with Orlando to see who would be important; Tom also mentioned that Cynthia Pharr has a good list · Art & Wine Stroll o Budget for this portion is around $20,000 o Invite the general public, Vitruvian residents and Addison residents (basically anyone who wants to pay a nominal fee of $15 to sample at approx. 3-5 glasses of wine) o Expected attendance is 2,000 to purchase tickets (1,000 each day) o Advertising proposed for the following: § PR (Shiroma team) § Social Media (Facebook, Blog, etc.) § Access Addison database (12,000 names) § Use our connections with sponsors for trade ads: CBS Radio, Time Warner Cable, Quick, Briefing, etc.) but maybe a paid ad in Guide or Facebook § 41 Entertainment is launching their new Troubadour, TX Show and they will be hosting their own Social Media push because their new show is debuting in September · They are the agency for Euforia as well as some Texas singer-songwriters who will be featured at the Art & Wine Stroll · Pop Up Restaurant o Budget for this portion is $5,000 o Expect 1,500 people to attend (750 each day) o Invite the general public, Vitruvian residents and Addison residents (basically anyone who wants to pay for a unique dinner) o Will work with a variety of upscale and casual restaurants to offer a variety of price points (Greenz for $15 or Kenny’s/Chamberlain’s for say $50) · Lights & Fireworks o An element of both the VIP Reception and Art & Wine Stroll o Light Show is a backdrop to both events (both nights) o Fireworks is the finale to both events (Thursday only) o We expect about 6,000 additional people to attend (3,000 each day) PARKING: · VIP Reception (and possibly those with RSVP at Pop Up Restaurant) – valet parking; valet to park in the UDR Tree Farm · Other public events (Stroll, Restaurant and Lights) -- a variety of options o Phase I and II garages (I think Tom said there’s about 500-1,000 spaces) o Tom Thumb shopping center (not sure how many spaces but it’s several hundred) o Loos Stadium (1,000+ spaces) o Complimentary shuttles between these areas (possibly by Addison Midday Rotary) I hope this answers most of your questions and addresses your concerns. Again, I am happy to personally go through this presentation with you at your convenience. From: Ron Whitehead Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 3:36 PM To: Chris Terry; Barbara Kovacevich Cc: Michele Hilgart Subject: RE: Vitruvian Grand Opening Isn’t 52 K more than we spend on Fireworks for KaBoom? I think we need to visit about scope and scale. How many people are we expecting and who are those people? Are we talking about an Addison resident event or a regional event? Where are we going to park them and how do we get them around the site? What is a cost per participant? Any thoughts? Ron From: Chris Terry Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 2:04 PM To: Barbara Kovacevich Cc: Ron Whitehead; Michele Hilgart Subject: Re: Vitruvian Grand Opening Sounds great. I will forward this on to Ron for his review. I will try to get his input before he leaves town so we can put this on the May 10 Agenda. Thank you, Chris Michele - Not sure I will see Ron before he leaves. Can you print this out and show it to him? Thanks! -------------------------- Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Device ________________________________ From: Barbara Kovacevich To: Chris Terry Sent: Thu Apr 28 13:08:21 2011 Subject: Vitruvian Grand Opening We met with Tom Lambreth and Carolyn Fredholm this morning about the Vitruvian Park Grand Opening, and they both really liked the total package of ideas that we presented to them. They want to do it all but Tom wanted to talk with Ron about it. The total cost for all elements is about $140,000; however, some of the expenses may be offset by revenue. I believe Tom’s question for Ron is how much underwriting the Town will provide to the event. Since this is an unbudgeted item, I recommend the following underwriting arrangement; however, it will require Council’s approval of a mid-year budget amendment. I can place this item on the May 10th Council Agenda if you like. Attached is a copy of the presentation along with links to the videos that are in the presentation. We really need to begin working on confirming the details so Tom gave us permission to go ahead and talk with potential partners and sponsors. Since Ron is out of town next week, they won’t be able to talk until the week of May 9th. We really need to get started on planning this event since Taste Addison is right around the corner and that event will consume our attention. David Natinsky needs to start planning the light show portion of this proposal so we would like to authorize the $2,000 expenditure now. We are really excited about this concept and think it is a very unique and innovative event for Addison. The Troubadour, TX show is launching it’s national campaign around the same time so we should get some national exposure through our partnership with Addison-based 41 Entertainment (where John Hill’s daughter’s is working now). Please let me know your thoughts or if you would like to personally discuss this proposal. http://www.dallasnews.com/video/?bcid=883763967001 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qz8WaocZVA Item TTL $ TOA Share UDR Balance Real Estate /VIP Function $ 28,900.00 $14,450.00 $ 14,450.00 Art & Wine Stroll $ 19,250.00 $ 19,250.00 Pop-up Restaurants $ 5,000.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 5,000.00 Light Show / Fireworks $ 52,000.00 $20,000.00 $ 32,000.00 Marketing /Collateral $ 20,000.00 $10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 TOA Staff (police, fire, health, etc.) $ 5,500.00 $ 5,500.00 $ - Public Relations (plus expenses) $ 6,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ - TOTAL $ 136,650.00 $58,450.00 $ 80,700.00 Possible Revenue Vendor % $ 7,500.00 Sponsorship $ 5,000.00 TOTAL $ 12,500.00 $ 6,250.00 $ 6,250.00 NET COST $ 124,150.00 $52,200.00 $ 74,450.00 Barbara Kovacevich | Director of Special Events TOWN OF ADDISON | P.O. Box 9010 | Addison TX 75001 ofc 972.450.6221 | fax 972.450.2834 | bkovacevich@addisontx.gov www.addisontexas.net for event information 嬃⦚ꯜ䈆吗먒콊͢ሿ쮞㽻ߙ