Please see Seth of Irritech’s e-mail below about pipe sizing for the use of a well on this project. Is a well still in the mix? If so, this will have an influence of the size of the mainline. Parks Operations Manager Town of Addison Office: 972-450-2863 Fax: 972-450-2834 From: Robyn Jacobson [] Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 6:36 PM To: Ron Lee Cc: Eric T. Little; Jennifer Haynes; Bruce Dunne; Seth Heidman Subject: Vitruvian Park Ron – Do you want to go ahead and schedule a meeting with Irri-tech for this Thursday or Friday? I can do Thursday afternoon after our tree field trip, or we could meet with Seth at 10 and then do the trees immediately after. Or I can do Friday AM at 10 or 11. I am not sure of the time line on this issue, but I don’t want to drag it out another 10 days as I am out tomorrow and on vacation next week. Thanks. All – Who (in addition to Ron, Irri*tech and me) needs to attend this meeting? ________________________________ From: Seth Heidman [] Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 3:07 PM To: Robyn Jacobson Subject: Vitruvian Park Robyn, It will be feasible for the Town of Addison to isolate the irrigation system into four independent systems per their request. According to my records, the static pressure at the site is 81 psi, which is very good. We would need to adjust some rotary zone sizes throughout the project, add new 1-1/2” water meter on northeast side, and possibly add a second 1-1/2” water meter on northwest side. Still have not consulted with Rainmaster rep on what it would take to isolate the controllers, but will keep pursuing. PS. One question I have is if Addison still wants the mainline to be oversized to allow for future well and pump station. We can discuss this with Ron Lee at the appropriate time. IRRI*TECH, LLC Seth Heidman Vice President Phone: 972-2315151 Fax: 972-231-5172 E-Mail: