David, Could you field check this please? I will set up a WR # so you can do the estimate. Eric, We do have to maintain certain span length distances between poles. From the pictures it looks like we should relocate the pole more in a southerly direction toward the substation. How far would clear you of this wall? Thank You, Karen Eastman New Construction Manager Oncor Electric Delivery 200 North Ector Euless, Texas 76039 Office 817-355-7050 Fax 817-355-7090 ________________________________ From: Eric T. Little [mailto:ELittle@udr.com] Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 12:44 PM To: Clay Barnett; Eastman, Karen Cc: Nick Jacob Subject: RE: Vitruvian Park city park service jobs Karen, We have a pole that sits on top of an existing gabion wall that is going to be demo’ed (see the attached pictures) next to the Bella Lane bridge. This pole needs to be relocated. Any chance we can visit about this? Thanks, Eric From: Clay Barnett [mailto:cbarnett@addisontx.gov] Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2011 11:29 AM To: 'Karen.Eastman@oncor.com' Cc: Eric T. Little; jmassey@icon-engineers.com Subject: RE: Vitruvian Park city park service jobs Karen, I had asked Finance to forward me the checks so I could include the agreement. Apparently that did not happen. Regardless, I have the agreements and I will get them in the mail today. Thanks, Clay Barnett, P.E. Town Engineer Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive Addison, TX 75001-2818 Office: (972) 450-2857 From: Karen.Eastman@oncor.com [mailto:Karen.Eastman@oncor.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 8:58 PM To: Clay Barnett Cc: ELittle@udr.com; jmassey@icon-engineers.com Subject: FW: Vitruvian Park city park service jobs Clay, I received notice that the check has been received for the city park service jobs however the agreements did not accompany the check. I must have the signed agreement documents also to release the jobs to construction. The agreements are attached. Thank You, Karen Eastman New Construction Manager Oncor Electric Delivery 200 North Ector Euless, Texas 76039 Office 817-355-7050 Fax 817-355-7090 ________________________________ From: Eastman, Karen Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 4:32 PM To: 'Clay Barnett' Cc: 'Eric T. Little'; 'Joel Massey' Subject: FW: Vitruvian Park city park service jobs Correction – Our tax rate decreased and I neglected to make the change on the permanent facilities job. The new cost for the permanent facilities job is $10,424.65 rather than $12,606.60. Taxes are not charged on temporary facilities so this cost is correct. I have updated the statement of charges and the DSA for the permanent facilities. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Thank You, Karen Eastman New Construction Manager Oncor Electric Delivery 200 North Ector Euless, Texas 76039 Office 817-355-7050 Fax 817-355-7090 ________________________________ From: Eastman, Karen Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 2:04 PM To: 'Clay Barnett' Cc: 'Eric T. Little'; 'Joel Massey' Subject: RE: Vitruvian Park city park service jobs Attached are the Discretionary Service Agreements and the Statements of Charges for the Vitruvian Park city service projects. Please sign both DSA’s and return the originals to me at the address below. Once signed and received, I can release the projects to construction. I will need to be informed of the progress of any civil construction the customer is doing for these projects in order to better plan Oncor’s construction schedule. Although there are two jobs as explained in my note below, you may remit one check for the total. Please forward payment to Vickie Coe in Farmers Branch as indicated on the statement of charges. Once the DSA’s are signed and returned to me, the city may make payment at any time between the date of this email and up to one month following construction. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at the number listed below. Thank You, Karen Eastman New Construction Manager Oncor Electric Delivery 200 North Ector Euless, Texas 76039 Office 817-355-7050 Fax 817-355-7090 ________________________________ From: Clay Barnett [mailto:cbarnett@addisontx.gov] Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2011 9:34 AM To: Eastman, Karen Cc: 'Eric T. Little' Subject: RE: Vitruvian Park city park service jobs Karen, Please send a Statement of Charges for this work. We are going to proceed with the plan as proposed. Please recall that we need power to the park by June 1 in order to test the electrical systems. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks, Clay Barnett, P.E. Town Engineer Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive Addison, TX 75001-2818 Office: (972) 450-2857 From: Karen.Eastman@oncor.com [mailto:Karen.Eastman@oncor.com] Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2011 4:38 PM To: Clay Barnett Cc: jmassey@icon-engineers.com Subject: Vitruvian Park city park service jobs Oncor has completed the cost estimates for the city park facilities. Part of the facilities will be permanent and part will be temporary (up and down cost). For this reason I had to set up two projects. Oncor tried to reduce the amount charged to the city as much as possible which is why we planned to serve the three phase transformer from the temporary overhead line running parallel to the new future street Bella Ln. rather than to install the switchgear that will be required later to serve the development. This scenario is what the first cost estimates presented to you back in June were based on. Because the schedule for the construction of Bella Lane has been escalated and the underground from the overhead line going into the duct will be in conflict with the road and duct bank construction, we have had to find another route to feed the three phase transformer. The only source available is from a switchgear located near the intersection of Ponte and Vitruvian Way. This route takes conductor thru 5 manholes to get to the transformer. At each manhole we must set up barriers, pump the water out of the manhole, and check the air quality. Inside the manhole we must install racks to move the conductor around in the manhole and install splices for the cable. The increased distance of the route and the additional work required has increased the cost of the job significantly. The costs are as follows: The installation of the temporary facilities (up and down) is $67,354.56. This cost includes city franchise fees. There is no tax charged on temporary facilities. The installation of the permanent facilities is $12,606.60. This cost includes city franchise fees and it also includes tax that Oncor must pay on money collected. This cost is based on our current tax rate. The tax rate will be reduced because of an economic stimulus package passed last year. At this time we are unsure what the rate will be and cannot provide these figures. The total cost for the city park service is $79,961.16. I can draft a Discretionary Service Agreement for the full amount for the city to sign. Once the DSA is signed, the work can commence. The payment does not have to be made until 30 days after construction. This cost is good for 60 days. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Thank You, Karen Eastman New Construction Manager Oncor Electric Delivery 200 North Ector Euless, Texas 76039 Office 817-355-7050 Fax 817-355-7090 ****************************************************************************************************************** This e-mail and any files or attachments transmitted with it contains Information that is confidential and privileged. This document may contain Protected Health Information (PHI) or other information that is intended only for the use of the individual(s) and entity(ies) to whom it is addressed. If you are the intended recipient, further disclosures are prohibited without proper authorization. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, printing, or use of this information is strictly prohibited and possibly a violation of federal or state law and regulations. If you have received this information in error, please delete it and notify Hamid Khaleghipour at 972-450-2868 immediately. 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