Clay, We are done with our review. I made one change to Item #211 (fixed the previous and current qty). Thanks, Eric From: Jennifer Haynes [] Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 4:42 PM To: Eric T. Little Subject: RE: Tire See comments below. From: Eric T. Little [] Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 3:06 PM To: Jennifer Haynes Subject: RE: Tire #33 – you are only leaving 2200 cy to complete the project – not enough…. ok #116 – billing out 100%?They added 1-1/4” conduit in Change Order 4 #211 – billing out over 100%? It was one of those Change Order items that needs to be billed in Change Order #1. #273/274 – no equipment has been set, what is the billing for this month? removed #278 – billing out 90% but no control panel is even set yet???? removed #309 – billing out 100%, but the rail isn’t installed yet. reduced #334/335 – billing out 100% of 8” walks – are these done? Where are they at? This is for the Belvedere only and they are installed. CO2-39-44 – billing out 100%, but I am not interested in paying any of this until the concrete is removed from our property. The channel is what is what is out in the field. Can we bill the beams at least? CO2-49-52 – where was this work done at? removed CO5-8 – billing 100%, but the cabinet is not on site or installed…..removed Thanks, Eric