John, On Friday, October 8, 2010 at 2:21pm, I received a voice message from Mr. Everett Spencer at the EPA requesting to speak with one of our storm water inspectors. Since the volunteer had answered the phone, I was unsure if he was informed whether or not I was in the office. Thinking that that she had told him that I was in the office and just stepped away from my desk and not wanting to let him go into the weekend thinking I had evaded his phone call, I returned the phone call at 3:42pm. When he picked up the phone he stated that he wanted to speak with one of our storm water inspectors. I informed him that the Town of Addison was only 4 sq miles in size and could not employ a storm water inspector full time, but that I should be able to assist him. He asked for a copy of our storm water reports for Vitruvian Park. I said that the town had not conducted any formal storm water inspections at Vitruvian Park. He asked if we were a Phase II city. I told him that we were a Phase 2 city. He asked if we were required by our permit to conduct storm water inspections. I told him that we were required, but that we were also the operator for the Vitruvian Park Project and that UDR, who we had contracted with to perform the construction management, had a contractor conducting the storm water inspections on our behalf. He asked if Enviroserve was conducting the inspections for the city as both the operator and under our Phase 2 permit. I told him yes. He replied with “I don’t see anything wrong with this.” He then asked about the creek and if it was very linear. I told him it was and that I did not see an opportunity to add a sedimentation basin without making matters worse. I informed him that the excavations for the lake were functioning as a sedimentation basin although we were unaware that the Corps of Engineers would take exception to this. He said “I am aware of this issue.” I added that there were continuous efforts to keep a rock check dam in place at the termination point of the project, but that it had not been without problems. He stated “I am aware of this issue as well.” He then asked me if I had visited the site and noticed any problems in regards to erosion protection measures. I informed him that I had requested that some silt fence be put up. He stated that he was unaware that any silt fence had not been put up. I told him that I had been told that all of the silt fence shown on the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan ( SWPPP) had been erected and that the silt fence I had requested was not shown in the SWPPP. He asked for any documentation that we may have on this issue. That was the end of the phone conversation. In regards to the documentation that he requested, I was going to send the attached emails. This is all of the documentation that I am aware of. Additionally, I was going to include the following information. “Mr. Spencer, As requested, I have attached the emails I sent in regards to my request to erect some additional silt fence on the Vitruvian Park construction site. As we discussed on Friday, the silt fence I had requested was not shown on the SWPPP and was requested in a limited area. I stated that it was shown on the SWPPP in the correspondence, however, I stated this in error. It was shown in the bid documents for the project. Therefore, I was requesting a measure beyond that shown in the SWPPP, which generated some discussion also included in the emails. The problem was that at that time the creek area lake was being excavated. UDR and the contractor felt that the silt fence would have inhibited construction traffic and the erection of the lake edge walls. The precipitating question was why would we add something that would inhibit construction if it was not indicated on the SWPPP. My response to this question was that it would offer some sediment control while allowing construction of the creek area park and that it could be added along the top of bank in order to avoid becoming dislodged and sent downstream during a rain event. Additionally, I recommended adding some openings in the fence with some rock at ground level in the openings in order to give the contractor an area to enter and exit the construction site. The silt fence was erected shortly after I had explained this to all parties. If you need any additional information, please feel free to contact me.” Please let me know if you have any questions or comments pertaining to this information. Thanks, Clay Barnett, P.E. Town Engineer Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive Addison, TX 75001-2818 Office: (972) 450-2857