Lea, I e-mailed Jonathan again first thing this morning. I called, they said he was in, but got voice mail. I left message and will try again this afternoon. I sent him everything he requested but we still do not have the completed Project Specific Agreement. Regarding proceeding with construction of the park, Bruce dropped off the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. (SWPPP) It is a revision to the one for the road and it is inadequate and does not address the items you and I discussed with John Hill regarding the responsibility for managing the erosion of the stream during construction and its travel downstream. Clay is going to request that Bruce include these items and request help if he needs it from someone who has done creek construction before. Thank you, Nancy -----Original Message----- From: Lea Dunn Sent: Friday, April 16, 2010 10:55 AM To: Nancy Cline Subject: County update Nancy: Please let me know where we are regarding the County. Thanks, Lea Lea Dunn Deputy City Manager 972-450-7037 ldunn@addisontx.gov