Bruce, I’ve dug through all the plans and the only drawings that references this detail are C301 (Reach 3) and C302. C302 only shows it on the Reach 2 side of the Ponte and not on the Reach 1 area where the limestone boulders are. What am I missing here? Thanks, Eric From: Eric T. Little Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2011 11:36 AM To: 'Bruce Dunne'; Joel Massey Cc: Clay Barnett; Nick Jacob Subject: RE: Issue at Limestone Boulders SP500 indicates that the Enkamat ends where the wall ends. The concern is the erosion that will happen at the transition from wall to natural bank. At least this is what I’m being told. I don’t have a dog in the hunt either way, just passing the concerns along as requested. We can discuss tomorrow at the meeting. Thanks, Eric From: Bruce Dunne [] Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2011 11:32 AM To: Eric T. Little; Joel Massey Cc: Clay Barnett; Nick Jacob Subject: RE: Issue at Limestone Boulders The plan all along has been to use the Enkamat slope protection in areas subject to erosion (up to 15’ from the back of the wall as shown on SP500). The Enkamat was approved by COE and I thought Nancy was fine with this also. Unless she has changed her mind, then we should stick with the Enkamat. From: Eric T. Little [] Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2011 9:08 AM To: Bruce Dunne; Joel Massey Cc: Clay Barnett; Nick Jacob Subject: RE: Issue at Limestone Boulders Reminder – we need a solution to this. Nancy Cline brought it up to me again yesterday. Thanks, Eric From: Eric T. Little Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2011 10:21 AM To: ''; 'Joel Massey' Cc: 'Clay Barnett'; Nick Jacob Subject: Issue at Limestone Boulders Bruce, Several people have brought up that we will have an erosion issue at where the creek walls terminate here: See the attached picture. I’ve been told that we should have something like a gabion, turf mate or grasscrete there or the creek will eventually wash out the back side of the wall. Take a look and me know what you think we should do here. Thanks, Eric