Jennifer: Clay had some comments too. See my note in red. · Item 277 has more quantity than what is included in the original contract. Is this an overage? No overage – the current qty should be 0 not 1. · There are two items in stored materials for Items 145-148. · Item 288 in the stored materials has the full price as installed. Stored materials is usually half as much as the full price installed. Did they submit any documentation justifying the price? From: Eric T. Little Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2011 10:14 AM To: 'Jennifer Haynes' Cc: Nick Jacob Subject: RE: January Pay Application Jennifer, We have completed our review of the pay app and have the following comments/questions: #31 – previous amount complete is wrong – should be $132,800 not $16,000 #273 and 274 are billed out at 80% complete but we have not seen any equipment installed – what are these inclusive of? #295 – Billed out 100% - this is described as “site ret wall (0-2’ afg) w/ pole bases – is this the wall at the esplanade? From: Jennifer Haynes [] Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 3:57 PM To: Eric T. Little Subject: January Pay Application Here’s the pay application. I am going to look at it over the weekend and double check it.