Lea: Nancy is correct. This is an issue that has been discussed from the beginning but I don't believe any positions have changed. The timing of the mitigation plan execution is still about the same as far as I know. The difference now is that it looks like that creek work will happen concurrently. We can discuss these issues further if necessary and recap our recommendations, but at a minimum, there should be a written plan presented, as originally discussed, before beginning any work anyway. To clarify my response in last week's meeting, I confirmed that NDM's position has not changed since the initial on-site meeting to discuss the mitigation. And to my knowledge, UDR is in concurrance with that position which in general is as follows: 1. NDM recommended leaving the lower bank of the creek alone due to concerns over future erosion and only address the upper bank. John Snowden recommended certain types of plantings that The Town and UDR could consider but NDM recommended against that. 2. There were questions raised about some of the grasses and plantings specified in the mitigation plan. It was agreed that substitutions could be made provided they also were native and similar to that as called out in the mitigation plan. 3. It was agreed that a written plan would be presented showing any changes to the original plan which would include things like scarifying (raking) the bank for planitng, etc. Power raking was discussed as the preferred method at the time. Rudy Reineke, the mitigation consultant who was on-site for the meeting, suggested that only a light raking down to +/1 1/8" was all that was necessary to establish the seed. Brian J. LaFoy, P.E. Vice President Nathan D. Maier Consulting Engineers, Inc. 8080 Park Lane, Suite 600 Dallas, Texas 75231 Ph. 214-739-4741 / Fax 214-739-5961 blafoy@ndmce.com ________________________________ From: Lea Dunn [mailto:ldunn@addisontx.gov] Sent: Friday, September 24, 2010 2:59 PM To: Nancy Cline; Ext_mail Tom Forrest; 'Lynne Murcer' (lmurcer@krauseadvertising.com); 'Brian J. LaFoy'; Ext_mail Tom Forrest Cc: Clay Barnett Subject: RE: Meeting Time Nancy: I understand your concern. Brian was in that meeting and he’s our resource on this issue, and evidently concurred. Tom: could you follow up with Brian just to reconfirm. I’ve copied him on this email so that he’s aware. Thanks, Lea Lea Dunn Deputy City Manager 972-450-7037 ldunn@addisontx.gov From: Nancy Cline Sent: Friday, September 24, 2010 2:52 PM To: Lea Dunn; Ext_mail Tom Forrest Cc: Clay Barnett Subject: Re: Meeting Time Lea and Tom, The concern we have is the removal of existing vegetation to seed and the amount of time required before the vegetation that is planted is as dense and tall as the modeling expects. This often takes one or two years. In the meantime, this section of the creek will be subject to erosion. The creek area downstream of Ponte was committed to be preserved and protected. The impacts of flooding and rain events makes the planting of new grasses in the manner (power rake) presented risky. Nancy ________________________________ From: Lea Dunn To: Ext_mail Tom Forrest Cc: Clay Barnett; Nancy Cline Sent: Fri Sep 24 13:05:32 2010 Subject: RE: Meeting Time Tom: I think that is clear. As long as Slade and Ron L. are happy with the plants selected and Brian is ok, then we’re good to go. Thanks for clearing up. Clay: did you have any other concerns? Lea Lea Dunn Deputy City Manager 972-450-7037 ldunn@addisontx.gov From: Ext_mail Tom Forrest Sent: Friday, September 24, 2010 9:49 AM To: Lea Dunn Subject: Re: Meeting Time Lea: We discussed the planting plan at the meeting on Thursday. Eric said the Corps had approved any grass we want, as long as it is "native," and Brian said he thought everything was clear. We discussed millet and the other grasses planned for the area. We discussed the planting time, and Eric said that he knew how important it is to get the planting done asap, that they had wanted to get the creek work done first, but that the rain had delayed that, and they now may have to do both the creek work and the planting at the same time. Clay said little, but after the meeting, I asked if we needed to follow up on this or any other issue, and he said no. Before I got back to the office, Nancy sent an email to Eric asking for the planting plan (I'll forward Eric's response next), so maybe Clay went back and discussed with Nancy. I followed up and reported our planting discussion with Slade; neither he nor Ron were able to attend the meeting. He was familiar with the planting plan, i.e., types of grasses, and was only concerned about getting the planting done and the Corps requirements. After we talked, he indicated that he was OK. If there are questions about the grass types, we should get with Slade (he said he was satisfied with what has been selected), Eric said he would plant according to the plan asap, and Brian was satisfied that the plan met the Corps requirements. We all agreed that if they could get on the planting quickly, we would not need another meeting. Not sure what confusion still exists, but I will ask Clay what questions remain and maybe you and I can discuss on Monday. Let me know if there is anything else I need to do on this. Tom Forrest & Associates Mobile 512.560.2731 On Sep 24, 2010, at 9:06 AM, Lea Dunn wrote: Thanks, Tom. I’ll follow up. On another note, I asked Clay to follow up with you to make sure we’re all on the same page. He indicated that they were proceeding with the plantings on the creek and I thought we were going to have an off site meeting because there still seemed to be some unresolved issues. They may have been resolved but Clay seemed confused so I wanted to make sure we were straight on that issue. Thanks, Lea Lea Dunn Deputy City Manager 972-450-7037 ldunn@addisontx.gov From: Tom Forrest Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2010 11:35 AM To: Lea Dunn Subject: Meeting Time Lea: Were we able to find a time that Ron might be able to meet with Angela and Suzy with the Craft Guild (CG), Interprise and me (and Chris and Greg, if they want to come) me, at the CG, to discuss final plans going to the architect and engineers for construction drawings. The meeting will be to; · Let them discuss them discuss the restroom in Clay that we are removing and rearranging that space as a work area w/sinks; · Security/doors in Clay; · Preparing specs for the kiln (a DRAFT of which we think should come from the CG; and · Maybe, discuss gas pressures and if we want to add running gas to a potential future glass furnace in the specs to be bid as an Add Alt. From what everyone says, the CG seems much more acceptable of the Town’s efforts when Ron is available, but if he can’t make it, we will make it happen. Also, I understand if you want me (or Chris) to get with him on this. Just didn’t want to have everyone asking him. Thanks. Tom Thomas L. Forrest Special Projects Town of Addison P: (972) 450-2879 M: (512) 560-2731 ****************************************************************************************************************** This e-mail and any files or attachments transmitted with it contains Information that is confidential and privileged. This document may contain Protected Health Information (PHI) or other information that is intended only for the use of the individual(s) and entity(ies) to whom it is addressed. If you are the intended recipient, further disclosures are prohibited without proper authorization. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, printing, or use of this information is strictly prohibited and possibly a violation of federal or state law and regulations. 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