Jennifer, The check for Phase 1C was mailed on Dec. 23. Spring Valley was sent a week earlier. The delay in receiving payment is two fold: 1. We did not receive the spreadsheet from UDR until Dec. 10. These were to be received by UDR on the 25th of each month, reviewed and forwarded to the town by the end of the month. This does not appear to be occurring. I am not sure where the delay is, but we need to get it resolved if payment is to be received by the 15th. 2. I have been having issues with the format in which the spreadsheet is submitted. If we can get these on the same page it will help me in processing them more quickly. Below is a list of comments on the last spreadsheet: a. ROW 346 can be deleted. It is covered by ROW 368. b. All of the formulas in Column K need to be checked. c. The stored materials works until they begin using them. We will need to change the layout or preferably create a separate tab to track them. d. A summary table similar to the one on Phase 1D would be helpful. The mail may be running slow, but if it does not come in tomorrow’s mail let me know. We may need to cancel it and have you pick one up. If you would like to meet and resolve the issues, please let me know. Thanks, Clay Barnett, P.E. Town Engineer Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive Addison, TX 75001-2818 Office: (972) 450-2857 From: Jennifer Haynes [] Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2010 4:07 PM To: Clay Barnett Subject: November Payment We received the check for Spring Valley, but we did not receive one for the park. Can you please let me know the status? Thanks, Jennifer