Our Surveyors will be on site around 7:00 in the morning for the final verification of the creek sections upstream of the Ponte bridge that are included in the FEMA submittal. Areas that are inaccessible to the surveyors, i.e. under water, will not be shot. Areas that are found to be outside the allowable grading tolerance (0.3’) within the channel will be noted. If we do indeed have areas that cannot be shot and/or areas out of compliance, it will be the responsibility of North Texas Contracting to correct these areas (if any) and to provide a field verification from a Registered Surveyor that the inaccessible areas and/or the non-conforming areas have been brought up to acceptable tolerances, and then shall provide a signed letter from that Surveyor to that effect. These elevations will be utilized in our final FEMA submittal for our Letter of Map Revision. I am copying Clay and Nancy so that the Town can visually observe the channel one last time before North Texas pulls out and the creek/lake is once again inundated. Please try to get by the site in the morning and let everyone know if the creek is visually acceptable to the Town. From: Eric T. Little [mailto:ELittle@udr.com] Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2011 2:10 PM To: Joel Massey; Jamie Voris Cc: Tom Lamberth; Bruce Dunne Subject: Surveyors Please have them come in the morning to check the creek. Tell them to bring their mud boots as the creek will not be completely dry. Thanks, Eric