Tom, We have a complete set of plans for the restroom/concession building. Thanks, Clay Barnett, P.E. Town Engineer Town of Addison 16801 Westgrove Drive Addison, TX 75001-2818 Office: (972) 450-2857 From: Tom Forrest Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2011 2:02 PM To: Clay Barnett Cc: Lea Dunn Subject: Vitruvian Well Clay: Kent and I met with Kleinfelder last Friday in Austin to review the progress on the well in hopes of expediting design. We ended up discussing several policy issues related to construction that I am discussing with Lea today. I know you are aware of the construction issues that include the following: 1. Potential contractors (well-diggers) have indicated they will need a 150’ x 150’ area for construction. (They could possibly utilize 60’ x extended length and Kleinfelder is checking on this). Since Vitruvian does not have this space available for construction an additional temporary construction easement (TCE) might be required from college. A TCE presents problems because of existing trees along the property line that no one wants to remove or involve in a construction site. And there is also the ONCOR easement with high line wires that could cause issues with a drilling rig. 2. A possible alternative site that would not be in conflict with Bella and the east property boundary was discussed, and may be the only option if the Town proceeds with the larger well construction. 3. The latest numbers from Parks would indicate that an underground water storage tank larger than the 10,000 gallon one proposed will be needed for irrigation, one as large as 50,000 gallons. The underground storage tank would have allowed the Town to store enough water for irrigation using water from the first or second (and least expensive) aquifers, the Woodbine or Paluxy. The construction issues would essentially go away with the 2” well so it would seem that the Town might want to construct the smaller well to meet TCEQ requirements and use treated water for irrigation, but we are reviewing the cost of that and, since it is more of a policy decision, Lea and Ron will be considering that issue. Kleinfelder is providing some additional information including: 1. The estimated cost and depth of drilling a i. 2“ well to the Wodbine, sufficient for replacing evaporated creek water and meeting the Town’s TCEQ requirements, ii. 4” well to the Paluxy or Trinity, the minimum size to meet TCEQ requirements and irrigation with storage, and iii. 6” to the Trinity, a size large enough to meet TCEQ and irrigation requirements without storage. b. Specifications for wells currently operating in Addison (e.g., the Greenhill School, Les Lacs, etc.). Restrooms were also discussed. Restrooms were in the design specs as an Add Alt should it prove cost effective to build public restrooms as part of this construction project, but there was some confusion as to whether or not there is a design previously completed for this situation, or if Kleinfelder is to design the restroom. Do you have any information on this? As a result of the further discussions, there will be no need to have a meeting on the well this week. I will be in Austin next week, since my wife is having some minor back surgery, and Kent and I will meet with Kleinfelder on Monday or Tuesday to review this information and hopefully get this design back on track. Sorry if this is a little scattered. I will see you at Vitruvian meetings in the morning to discuss further and answer any questions. Tom