Will do. Tom Forrest & Associates Mobile 512.560.2731 On Sep 24, 2010, at 3:30 PM, Lea Dunn wrote: Tom: Please make sure Nancy’s concerns are addressed. Thanks, Lea Lea Dunn Deputy City Manager 972-450-7037 ldunn@addisontx.gov From: Nancy Cline Sent: Friday, September 24, 2010 3:15 PM To: Ext_mail Tom Forrest Cc: Lea Dunn; Clay Barnett; Slade Strickland Subject: Re: Meeting Time Tom, The day we met in the field with NDMCE, UDR, John Snowden, Rudy Reineke, Tom Lamberth, city staff to discuss the plantings, I brought up each of these comments. They discussed things that sounded like roto-tillers, etc. The last I understood was that the seeding proposed requires the existing vegetation to be lowered to ground level to allow the planting of the seeds. It is difficult to continue to bring up these concerns because we all want to make progress, however I feel responsible to share what will likely occur with planting in the creek. Nancy ________________________________ From: Ext_mail Tom Forrest To: Nancy Cline Cc: Lea Dunn; Clay Barnett; Slade Strickland Sent: Fri Sep 24 15:06:50 2010 Subject: Re: Meeting Time Nancy: I understand, I just hadn't heard this before. Was this concern raised at any of the previous meetings, or with the environmental company Slade mentioned that was consulted on the creek bank vegetation? If so, what was said? Any solutions put forward? Tom. Forrest & Associates Mobile 512.560.2731 On Sep 24, 2010, at 2:51 PM, Nancy Cline wrote: Lea and Tom, The concern we have is the removal of existing vegetation to seed and the amount of time required before the vegetation that is planted is as dense and tall as the modeling expects. This often takes one or two years. In the meantime, this section of the creek will be subject to erosion. The creek area downstream of Ponte was committed to be preserved and protected. The impacts of flooding and rain events makes the planting of new grasses in the manner (power rake) presented risky. Nancy ________________________________ From: Lea Dunn To: Ext_mail Tom Forrest Cc: Clay Barnett; Nancy Cline Sent: Fri Sep 24 13:05:32 2010 Subject: RE: Meeting Time Tom: I think that is clear. As long as Slade and Ron L. are happy with the plants selected and Brian is ok, then we’re good to go. Thanks for clearing up. Clay: did you have any other concerns? Lea Lea Dunn Deputy City Manager 972-450-7037 ldunn@addisontx.gov From: Ext_mail Tom Forrest Sent: Friday, September 24, 2010 9:49 AM To: Lea Dunn Subject: Re: Meeting Time Lea: We discussed the planting plan at the meeting on Thursday. Eric said the Corps had approved any grass we want, as long as it is "native," and Brian said he thought everything was clear. We discussed millet and the other grasses planned for the area. We discussed the planting time, and Eric said that he knew how important it is to get the planting done asap, that they had wanted to get the creek work done first, but that the rain had delayed that, and they now may have to do both the creek work and the planting at the same time. Clay said little, but after the meeting, I asked if we needed to follow up on this or any other issue, and he said no. Before I got back to the office, Nancy sent an email to Eric asking for the planting plan (I'll forward Eric's response next), so maybe Clay went back and discussed with Nancy. I followed up and reported our planting discussion with Slade; neither he nor Ron were able to attend the meeting. He was familiar with the planting plan, i.e., types of grasses, and was only concerned about getting the planting done and the Corps requirements. After we talked, he indicated that he was OK. If there are questions about the grass types, we should get with Slade (he said he was satisfied with what has been selected), Eric said he would plant according to the plan asap, and Brian was satisfied that the plan met the Corps requirements. We all agreed that if they could get on the planting quickly, we would not need another meeting. Not sure what confusion still exists, but I will ask Clay what questions remain and maybe you and I can discuss on Monday. Let me know if there is anything else I need to do on this. Tom Forrest & Associates Mobile 512.560.2731 On Sep 24, 2010, at 9:06 AM, Lea Dunn wrote: Thanks, Tom. I’ll follow up. On another note, I asked Clay to follow up with you to make sure we’re all on the same page. He indicated that they were proceeding with the plantings on the creek and I thought we were going to have an off site meeting because there still seemed to be some unresolved issues. They may have been resolved but Clay seemed confused so I wanted to make sure we were straight on that issue. Thanks, Lea Lea Dunn Deputy City Manager 972-450-7037 ldunn@addisontx.gov From: Tom Forrest Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2010 11:35 AM To: Lea Dunn Subject: Meeting Time Lea: Were we able to find a time that Ron might be able to meet with Angela and Suzy with the Craft Guild (CG), Interprise and me (and Chris and Greg, if they want to come) me, at the CG, to discuss final plans going to the architect and engineers for construction drawings. The meeting will be to; • Let them discuss them discuss the restroom in Clay that we are removing and rearranging that space as a work area w/sinks; • Security/doors in Clay; • Preparing specs for the kiln (a DRAFT of which we think should come from the CG; and • Maybe, discuss gas pressures and if we want to add running gas to a potential future glass furnace in the specs to be bid as an Add Alt. From what everyone says, the CG seems much more acceptable of the Town’s efforts when Ron is available, but if he can’t make it, we will make it happen. Also, I understand if you want me (or Chris) to get with him on this. Just didn’t want to have everyone asking him. Thanks. Tom Thomas L. Forrest Special Projects Town of Addison P: (972) 450-2879 M: (512) 560-2731 ****************************************************************************************************************** This e-mail and any files or attachments transmitted with it contains Information that is confidential and privileged. This document may contain Protected Health Information (PHI) or other information that is intended only for the use of the individual(s) and entity(ies) to whom it is addressed. If you are the intended recipient, further disclosures are prohibited without proper authorization. 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牰獥湥整⁤楲歳⹹戼㹲慎据㱹牢㰾牢弾彟彟彟彟彟彟彟彟彟彟彟彟彟彟彟㱟牢䘾潲㩭䰠慥䐠湵㱮牢吾㩯䔠瑸浟楡潔潆牲獥㱴牢䌾㩣䌠慬⁹慂湲瑥㭴丠湡祣䌠楬敮戼㹲敓瑮›牆⁩敓⁰㐲ㄠ㨳㔰㌺′〲〱戼㹲畓橢捥㩴删㩅䴠敥楴杮吠浩㱥牢吾浯㰺牢㰾牢䤾琠楨歮琠慨⁴獩挠敬牡‮渦獢 㭰渦獢㭰獁氠湯⁧獡匠慬敤愠摮删湯䰠‮渦獢㭰牡⁥慨灰⁹楷桴琠敨瀠慬瑮⁳敳敬瑣摥愠摮䈠楲湡椠⁳歯‬桴湥眠鉥敲朠潯⁤潴朠⹯☠扮灳吻慨歮⁳潦⁲汣慥楲杮甠⹰☠扮灳☻扮灳䌻慬㩹☠扮灳搻摩礠畯栠癡⁥湡⁹瑯敨⁲潣据牥獮㰿牢㰾牢䰾慥戼㹲戼㹲敌⁡畄湮戼㹲敄異祴䌠瑩⁹慍慮敧㱲牢㤾㈷㐭〵㜭㌰㰷牢氾畤湮慀摤獩湯硴朮癯氦㭴愼栠敲㵦洢楡瑬㩯摬湵䁮摡楤潳瑮⹸潧≶派楡瑬㩯摬湵䁮摡楤潳瑮⹸潧㱶愯☾瑧㰻牢㰾牢䘾潲㩭䔠瑸浟楡潔潆牲 獥㱴牢匾湥㩴䘠楲慤ⱹ匠灥整扭牥㈠ⰴ㈠㄰‰㨹㤴䄠㱍牢吾㩯䰠慥䐠湵㱮牢匾扵敪瑣›敒›敍瑥湩⁧楔敭戼㹲戼㹲敌㩡☠扮灳圻⁥楤捳獵敳⁤桴⁥汰湡楴杮瀠慬瑡琠敨洠敥楴杮漠桔牵摳祡‮渦獢㭰牅捩猠楡⁤桴⁥潃灲⁳慨⁤灡牰癯摥愠祮朠慲獳眠⁥慷瑮‬獡氠湯⁧獡椠⁴獩∠慮楴敶∬愠摮䈠楲湡猠楡⁤敨琠潨杵瑨攠敶祲桴湩⁧慷⁳汣慥⹲☠扮灳圻⁥楤捳獵敳⁤業汬瑥愠摮琠敨漠桴牥朠慲獳獥瀠慬湮摥映牯琠敨愠敲⹡☠扮灳圻⁥楤捳獵敳⁤桴⁥汰 湡楴杮琠浩ⱥ愠摮䔠楲⁣慳摩琠慨⁴敨欠敮⁷潨⁷浩潰瑲湡⁴瑩椠⁳潴朠瑥琠敨瀠慬瑮湩⁧潤敮愠慳Ɒ琠慨⁴桴祥栠摡眠湡整⁤潴朠瑥琠敨挠敲步眠牯潤敮映物瑳‬畢⁴桴瑡琠敨爠楡慨⁤敤慬敹⁤桴瑡‬湡⁤桴祥渠睯洠祡栠癡⁥潴搠潢桴琠敨挠敲步眠牯湡⁤桴⁥汰湡楴杮愠⁴桴⁥慳敭琠浩⹥戼㹲戼㹲汃祡猠楡⁤楬瑴敬‬畢⁴晡整⁲桴⁥敭瑥湩Ⱨ䤠愠歳摥椠⁦敷渠敥敤⁤潴映汯潬⁷灵漠桴獩漠⁲湡⁹瑯敨⁲獩畳ⱥ愠摮栠⁥慳摩渠⹯䈠晥牯⁥ ⁉潧⁴慢正琠桴⁥景楦散‬慎据⁹敳瑮愠浥楡潴䔠楲⁣獡楫杮映牯琠敨瀠慬瑮湩⁧汰湡⠠❉汬映牯慷摲䔠楲❣⁳敲灳湯敳渠硥⥴‬潳洠祡敢䌠慬⁹敷瑮戠捡湡⁤楤捳獵敳⁤楷桴丠湡祣㰮牢㰾牢䤾映汯潬敷⁤灵愠摮爠灥牯整⁤畯⁲汰湡楴杮搠獩畣獳潩楷桴匠慬敤※敮瑩敨⁲敨渠牯删湯眠牥⁥扡敬琠瑡整摮琠敨洠敥楴杮‮渦獢㭰效眠獡映浡汩慩⁲楷桴琠敨瀠慬瑮湩⁧汰湡‬⹩⹥‬祴数⁳景朠慲獳獥‬湡⁤慷⁳湯祬挠湯散湲摥愠潢瑵朠瑥楴杮 琠敨瀠慬瑮湩⁧潤敮愠摮琠敨䌠牯獰爠煥極敲敭瑮⹳☠扮灳䄻瑦牥眠⁥慴歬摥‬敨椠摮捩瑡摥琠慨⁴敨眠獡传⹋戼㹲戼㹲晉琠敨敲愠敲焠敵瑳潩獮愠潢瑵琠敨朠慲獳琠灹獥‬敷猠潨汵⁤敧⁴楷桴匠慬敤⠠敨猠楡⁤敨眠獡猠瑡獩楦摥眠瑩⁨桷瑡栠獡戠敥敳敬瑣摥Ⱙ䔠楲⁣慳摩栠⁥潷汵⁤汰湡⁴捡潣摲湩⁧潴琠敨瀠慬獡灡‬湡⁤牂慩慷⁳慳楴晳敩⁤桴瑡琠敨瀠慬敭⁴桴⁥潃灲⁳敲畱物浥湥獴‮渦獢㭰敗愠汬愠牧敥⁤桴瑡椠⁦桴祥挠畯摬朠瑥漠 桴⁥汰湡楴杮焠極正祬‬敷眠畯摬渠瑯渠敥⁤湡瑯敨⁲敭瑥湩⹧戼㹲戼㹲潎⁴畳敲眠慨⁴潣普獵潩瑳汩硥獩獴‬畢⁴⁉楷汬愠歳䌠慬⁹桷瑡焠敵瑳潩獮爠浥楡湡⁤慭批⁥潹⁵湡⁤⁉慣楤捳獵⁳湯䴠湯慤⹹戼㹲戼㹲敌⁴敭欠潮⁷晩琠敨敲椠⁳湡瑹楨杮攠獬⁥⁉敮摥琠潤漠桴獩‮渦獢㭰潔㱭牢㰾牢㰾牢䘾牯敲瑳☠浡㭰䄠獳捯慩整㱳牢䴾扯汩⁥渦獢㭰ㄵ⸲㘵⸰㜲ㄳ戼㹲戼㹲戼㹲戼㹲戼㹲戼㹲湏匠灥㈠ⰴ㈠㄰ⰰ愠⁴㨹㘰䄠ⱍ䰠慥䐠湵牷瑯㩥戼 㹲戼㹲戼㹲戼㹲桔湡獫‬潔⹭☠扮灳䤻沒潦汬睯甠⹰☠扮灳☻扮灳伻湡瑯敨⁲潮整‬⁉獡敫⁤汃祡琠潦汬睯甠⁰楷桴礠畯琠慭敫猠牵⁥敷犒⁥污湯琠敨猠浡⁥慰敧‮渦獢㭰效椠摮捩瑡摥琠慨⁴桴祥眠牥⁥牰捯敥楤杮眠瑩⁨桴⁥汰湡楴杮⁳湯琠敨挠敲步愠摮䤠琠潨杵瑨眠⁥敷敲朠楯杮琠慨敶愠景⁦楳整洠敥楴杮戠捥畡敳琠敨敲猠楴汬猠敥敭⁤潴戠⁥潳敭甠牮獥汯敶⁤獩畳獥‮渦獢㭰渦獢㭰桔祥洠祡栠癡⁥敢湥爠獥汯敶⁤畢⁴汃祡猠敥敭 ⁤潣普獵摥猠⁉慷瑮摥琠慭敫猠牵⁥敷眠牥⁥瑳慲杩瑨漠桴瑡椠獳敵‮渦獢㭰渦獢㭰桔湡獫㰬牢㰾牢䰾慥戼㹲戼㹲敌⁡畄湮戼㹲敄異祴䌠瑩⁹慍慮敧㱲牢㤾㈷㐭〵㜭㌰㰷牢氾畤湮慀摤獩湯硴朮癯氦㭴愼栠敲㵦洢楡瑬㩯摬湵䁮摡楤潳瑮⹸潧≶派楡瑬㩯摬湵䁮摡楤潳瑮⹸潧㱶愯☾瑧㰻牢㰾牢䘾潲㩭吠浯䘠牯敲瑳戼㹲敓瑮›桔牵摳祡‬敓瑰浥敢⁲㌲‬〲〱ㄠ㨱㔳䄠㱍牢吾㩯䰠慥䐠湵㱮牢匾扵敪瑣›敍瑥湩⁧楔敭戼㹲戼㹲敌㩡☠扮灳圻牥⁥敷愠汢⁥潴 映湩⁤⁡楴敭琠慨⁴潒業桧⁴敢愠汢⁥潴洠敥⁴楷桴䄠杮汥⁡湡⁤畓祺眠瑩⁨桴⁥牃晡⁴畇汩⁤䌨⥇‬湉整灲楲敳愠摮洠⁥愨摮䌠牨獩愠摮䜠敲Ⱨ椠⁦桴祥眠湡⁴潴挠浯⥥洠ⱥ愠⁴桴⁥䝃‬潴搠獩畣獳映湩污瀠慬獮朠楯杮琠桴⁥牡档瑩捥⁴湡⁤湥楧敮牥⁳潦⁲潣獮牴捵楴湯搠慲楷杮⹳戼㹲戼㹲桔⁥敭瑥湩⁧楷汬戠⁥潴㰻牢锾☠扮灳☻扮灳☻扮灳☻扮灳☻扮灳☻扮灳☻扮灳☻扮灳䰻瑥琠敨楤捳獵⁳桴浥搠獩畣獳琠敨爠獥牴潯湩䌠慬⁹桴瑡眠⁥ 牡⁥敲潭楶杮愠摮爠慥牲湡楧杮琠慨⁴灳捡⁥獡愠眠牯牡慥眠猯湩獫㰻牢锾☠扮灳☻扮灳☻扮灳☻扮灳☻扮灳☻扮灳☻扮灳☻扮灳医捥牵瑩⽹潤牯⁳湩䌠慬㭹戼㹲ₕ渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰牐灥牡湩⁧灳捥⁳潦⁲桴⁥楫湬⠠⁡剄䙁⁔景眠楨档眠⁥桴湩桳畯摬挠浯⁥牦浯琠敨䌠㭇愠摮戼㹲ₕ渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰渦獢㭰慍批ⱥ搠獩畣獳朠獡瀠敲獳牵獥愠摮椠⁦敷眠湡⁴潴愠摤爠湵楮杮朠獡琠 ⁡潰整瑮慩畦畴敲朠慬獳映牵慮散椠桴⁥灳捥⁳潴戠⁥楢⁤獡愠摁⁤汁⹴戼㹲戼㹲牆浯眠慨⁴癥牥潹敮猠祡ⱳ琠敨䌠⁇敳浥⁳畭档洠牯⁥捡散瑰扡敬漠⁦桴⁥潔湷玒攠晦牯獴眠敨潒獩愠慶汩扡敬‬畢⁴晩栠⁥慣鉮⁴慭敫椠ⱴ眠⁥楷汬洠歡⁥瑩栠灡数⹮戼㹲戼㹲汁潳‬⁉湵敤獲慴摮椠⁦潹⁵慷瑮洠⁥漨⁲桃楲⥳琠敧⁴楷桴栠浩漠桴獩‮渦獢㭰畊瑳搠摩鉮⁴慷瑮琠慨敶攠敶祲湯⁥獡楫杮栠浩㰮牢㰾牢吾慨歮⹳☠扮灳吻浯戼㹲戼㹲桔浯獡 䰠‮潆牲獥㱴牢匾数楣污倠潲敪瑣㱳牢吾睯景䄠摤獩湯戼㹲㩐⠠㜹⤲㐠〵㈭㜸㰹牢䴾›㔨㈱
㘵ⴰ㜲ㄳ戼㹲戼㹲戼㹲⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪戼㹲戼㹲戼㹲戼㹲戼㹲戼㹲桔獩攠洭楡湡⁤湡⁹楦敬⁳牯愠瑴捡浨湥獴琠慲獮業瑴摥眠瑩⁨瑩挠湯慴湩⁳湉潦浲瑡潩桴瑡椠⁳潣普摩湥楴污愠摮瀠楲楶敬敧⹤吠楨⁳潤畣敭瑮洠祡挠湯慴湩倠潲整瑣摥䠠 慥瑬⁨湉潦浲瑡潩倨䥈
潴眠潨瑩椠⁳摡牤獥敳⹤䤠⁦潹⁵牡⁥桴⁥湩整摮摥爠捥灩敩瑮‬畦瑲敨⁲楤捳潬畳敲⁳牡⁥牰桯扩瑩摥眠瑩潨瑵瀠潲数⁲畡桴牯穩瑡潩⹮䤠⁦潹⁵牡⁥潮⁴桴⁥湩整摮摥爠捥灩敩瑮‬湡⁹楤捳潬畳敲‬潣祰湩Ⱨ瀠楲瑮湩Ⱨ漠⁲獵⁥景琠楨⁳湩潦浲瑡潩獩猠牴捩汴⁹牰桯扩瑩摥愠摮瀠獯楳汢⁹⁡楶汯瑡潩景映摥牥 污漠⁲瑳瑡⁥慬⁷湡⁤敲畧慬楴湯⹳䤠⁦潹⁵慨敶爠捥楥敶⁤桴獩椠普牯慭楴湯椠牥潲Ⱳ瀠敬獡⁥敤敬整椠⁴湡⁤潮楴祦䠠浡摩䬠慨敬桧灩畯⁲瑡㤠㈷㐭〵㈭㘸‸浩敭楤瑡汥⹹吠慨歮礠畯㰮牢㰾牢㰾牢㰾牢㰾牢㰾牢㰾牢㰾牢㰾牢㰾牢㰾牢⨾⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪戼㹲戼㹲戼㹲⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪ ⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪戼㹲戼㹲桔獩攠洭楡湡⁤湡⁹楦敬⁳牯愠瑴捡浨湥獴琠慲獮業瑴摥眠瑩⁨瑩挠湯慴湩⁳湉潦浲瑡潩桴瑡椠⁳潣普摩湥楴污愠摮瀠楲楶敬敧⹤吠楨⁳潤畣敭瑮洠祡挠湯慴湩倠潲整瑣摥䠠慥瑬⁨湉潦浲瑡潩倨䥈
潴眠潨瑩椠⁳摡牤獥敳⹤䤠⁦潹⁵牡⁥桴⁥湩整摮摥爠捥灩敩瑮‬畦瑲 敨⁲楤捳潬畳敲⁳牡⁥牰桯扩瑩摥眠瑩潨瑵瀠潲数⁲畡桴牯穩瑡潩⹮䤠⁦潹⁵牡⁥潮⁴桴⁥湩整摮摥爠捥灩敩瑮‬湡⁹楤捳潬畳敲‬潣祰湩Ⱨ瀠楲瑮湩Ⱨ漠⁲獵⁥景琠楨⁳湩潦浲瑡潩獩猠牴捩汴⁹牰桯扩瑩摥愠摮瀠獯楳汢⁹⁡楶汯瑡潩景映摥牥污漠⁲瑳瑡⁥慬⁷湡⁤敲畧慬楴湯⹳䤠⁦潹⁵慨敶爠捥楥敶⁤桴獩椠普牯慭楴湯椠牥潲Ⱳ瀠敬獡⁥敤敬整椠⁴湡⁤潮楴祦䠠浡摩䬠慨敬桧灩畯⁲瑡㤠㈷㐭〵㈭㘸‸浩敭楤瑡汥⹹吠慨歮礠畯㰮牢㰾牢㰾牢㰾 牢⨾⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪戼㹲戼㹲⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪戼㹲桔獩攠洭楡湡⁤湡⁹楦敬⁳牯愠瑴捡浨湥獴琠慲獮業瑴摥眠瑩⁨瑩挠湯慴湩⁳湉潦浲瑡潩桴瑡椠⁳潣普摩湥楴污愠摮瀠楲楶敬敧⹤吠楨⁳潤畣敭瑮洠祡挠湯慴湩倠潲整瑣摥 䠠慥瑬⁨湉潦浲瑡潩倨䥈
潴眠潨瑩椠⁳摡牤獥敳⹤䤠⁦潹⁵牡⁥桴⁥湩整摮摥爠捥灩敩瑮‬畦瑲敨⁲楤捳潬畳敲⁳牡⁥牰桯扩瑩摥眠瑩潨瑵瀠潲数⁲畡桴牯穩瑡潩⹮䤠⁦潹⁵牡⁥潮⁴桴⁥湩整摮摥爠捥灩敩瑮‬湡⁹楤捳潬畳敲‬潣祰湩Ⱨ瀠楲瑮湩Ⱨ漠⁲獵⁥景琠楨⁳湩潦浲瑡潩獩猠牴捩汴⁹牰桯扩瑩摥愠摮瀠獯楳汢⁹⁡楶汯瑡潩景映摥 牥污漠⁲瑳瑡⁥慬⁷湡⁤敲畧慬楴湯⹳䤠⁦潹⁵慨敶爠捥楥敶⁤桴獩椠普牯慭楴湯椠牥潲Ⱳ瀠敬獡⁥敤敬整椠⁴湡⁤潮楴祦䠠浡摩䬠慨敬桧灩畯⁲瑡㤠㈷㐭〵㈭㘸‸浩敭楤瑡汥⹹吠慨歮礠畯㰮牢㰾牢⨾⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪⨪戼㹲猼慰㹮氦㭴楷浮楡⹬慤♴瑧㰻猯慰㹮⼼楤㹶⼼汢捯煫潵整㰾搯癩㰾牢㰾搯癩㰾戯摯㹹⼼瑨汭>