Thanks Ron/Slade. After I walked the site on Sunday, I had similar tree concerns. One comment about the trees on the Vitruvian Way medians opposite the Savoye 2 construction area: The dust at the construction just north of Savoye 2 is a very fine and light powder that is easily spread and coats everything. It seems to me that the trees are covered with this dust, worse than they were just a few days ago, because of the street sweeping. After the trees are watered “similar to rain” as Ron suggests, I would hope we could find a way to better control the construction site dust and use more water to control the dust when sweeping the street. Otherwise we will continue to have this problem. Tom Forrest Tom Forrest Town of Addison Special Projects M: (512) 560-2731 On Aug 11, 2011, at 11:39 AM, Slade Strickland wrote: Clay, Kent and Tom, please see Ron’s email to Nick regarding some landscape observations he made this morning. Thanks Slade Strickland Director of Parks and Recreation O972.450.2869 C972.489.4426 From: Ron Lee Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2011 11:36 AM To: 'Nick Jacob'; 'Tom Lamberth' Cc: Slade Strickland Subject: Vitruvian Park Nick, I looked at the mature trees at both the wildlife observation deck and the tree preservation area. These trees are exhibiting signs of drought stress with twig dieback and general loss of foliage. I checked the moisture content of the tree at the preservation area and the only moisture was close to the trunk with areas further out being totally dry. I spoke with Joe Davila of American and they are going to bring out a water truck and soak the soil all the way out to the trees’ drip line. This really needs to occur once per week minimally. I also observed one of the Redbud trees that had been gnawed off by a beaver or nutria. I mentioned this to Joe as well and he is going to install beaver guards on those Redbuds that are still alive to prevent further damage. I am concerned about the ‘High Rise’ Live Oaks on the Vitruvian Way medians opposite the Savoye 2 construction area. These trees are so coated in dust that I believe that their health is being adversely affected from the inability to properly respire. Subjecting them to a method of watering similar to rain would help to wash the dust off the foliage. However, the dust will only return so this would be a solution that would only last a short period of time and most likely would have to be repeated until the building is completed. Here a couple of things I had been working through Eric to get resolved: 1) The Savoye 1 display fountain being down due to motor issues; this should be a warranty item 2) Concrete transformer/phone pads along Park Rd. and by the park parking lot have deep recesses in them that creates a hazard. One had some sort of a metal plate permanently affixed to it to resolve this issue. The same probably needs to be done to the remainder. 3) When Vitruvian Way was poured, concrete spillage, rock, etc. was left back of curb at the Town’s minipark near Marsh Ln. This never got cleaned up and the grade here was never re-established; a depression exits back of curb which will require backfilling with clean native black clay topsoil once the rock/concrete is removed. Additional sod installation may need to occur as well once the clean up is completed. The grass appears to have now covered over the areas in question. One last item, some of the transplanted mature Live Oak trees that had been dug and held for a long time on the far side of the creek, now appear dead. Not sure what the plans are for removal and if any trees will be put in their place. Parks Operations Manager Town of Addison Office: 972-450-2863 Fax: 972-450-2834 ************************************************************ This e-mail and any files or attachments transmitted with it contain Information that is confidential and privileged. This document may contain Protected Health Information (PHI) or other information that is intended only for the use of the individual(s) and entity(ies) to whom it is addressed. If you are the intended recipient, further disclosures are prohibited without proper authorization. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, printing, or use of this information is strictly prohibited and possibly a violation of federal or state law and regulations. If you have received this information in error, please delete it and notify Hamid Khaleghipour at 972-450-2868 immediately. Thank you. ************************************************************