Tom L. and Tom F.: Per our conversations earlier, I just finished meeting with Robyn about the change order on the grotto trellis. Although Robyn was insistent about maintaining the original design intent on this trellis by keeping it white, she does understand our issues with the bolted connections and the maintenance issues that will bring for the Town and the cost issue that it brings to UDR. That being said, we have agreed to proceed with the following (as reflected in the attached revised pricing from NTC): 1. Keep the tube steel section on the bottom so the electrical conduits will be hidden. 2. Change the upper section back to welded connections ILO bolted. 3. Change the finish of the entire structure back to hot-dipped galvanized (powder coated is not possible with welded connections). 4. Once the structure is fully erected, if the galvanized look is deemed unacceptable, we will pursue options on field painting over the galvanization with a high quality coating. Robyn made it very clear that she will be looking closely at the welds and the galvanization to insure that they are both aesthetically acceptable. Please let me know if you guys have any questions or concerns about any of this. Thanks, Eric