I just spoke with Clay and he asked me to provide you with the following commentary: The actual pier depth for those piers specified to be founded in gray shale can vary as much as one foot, plus or minus. It is my opinion the variation is insignificant, however, it can vary. We profiled the gray shale strata based on available pier drilling logs when calculating the pier lengths as I provided in the quantities you requested. Therefore, I am confident in my statement that the variation in the total pier quantities I provided is as accurate as the data we utilized from the subsurface borings. The significant variation in the pier construction process will be the use of casing if necessary. That eventuality should certainly be bid on an add unit cost basis. Clay has stated that it is his opinion the contractor's will "protect" themselves as much as perhaps 30% with the knowledge that the pier quantities are based on an estimate of the exact location of the gray shale. He has stated that it is in the Town's best interest to bid the piers on a unit cost basis to avoid the propensity for the contractors to pad their lump sum pier bid. Victor Lissiak, P.E. Viewtech Inc 4205 Beltway Drive Addison, TX 75001 972-661-8187 voice 972-661-8187 fax