Meeting Minutes For "Construction Meetings" Meeting No. 3 As of 3-Jun-2010 8:24 AM CT Vitruvian Infrastructure Phase 1C Park 4010 Marsh Lane Addison, Texas 75001 Project Number: 1308C Published Date/Place 20-May-2010 7:53 AM CT at Service Center Prepared By Eric Little Attendees Nancy Straub Cline Slade Strickland Clay Barnett Wade Geistweidt Jennifer Haynes Nick Jacob Eric Little Brad Rusk Other Attendees Statement Next Meeting 3-Jul-2010 7:53 AM CT at (place to be determined) Old Business Topic 1.1 Mitigation Requirements In Progress -- Due Now Meeting Date: 6-May-2010 9:00 AM CT Click to view comments There has been some discussion on site with ToA about the mitigation plan and what trees stay and go. This needs to be settled today if possible. We all need to understand what we can and cannot do under the 404 permit and the mitigation plan. Status: In Progress Assigned To: Clay Barnett Brian LaFoy Eric Little Cy Reichert Due Date: 6-May-2010 5:00 PM CT Meeting Date: 13-May-2010 9:00 AM CT Discuss issues with NDM letter discussing ICON's calculations on the n value and the removal of existing vegetation for the park work. Status: In Progress Assigned To: (none) Due Date: - TBA - NEW! Meeting Date: 20-May-2010 7:53 AM CT Team met with John Snowden on site on Friday 5/21/10 to discuss what we should do south of Ponte. Mr. Snowden is an expert in grasses. In this meeting we discussed - anchoring the shoreline with sedges and rushes - mowing down the existing vegetation and hand raking the soil and spraying Inland Sea Oats, Canadian/Virginia Wild Rye and wheats/cerial rye. This work should not be done until September/October. - removing invasive species such as japanese honeysuckle, china berry, ect... Status: In Progress Assigned To: Eric Little Due Date: - TBA - Topic 1.2 Construction Schedule In Progress -- Due Now Meeting Date: 6-May-2010 9:00 AM CT Discuss pre-lim schedule in detail. Per previous conversations - UDR would like to sequence the streetscape work to occur first. In order for this to happen, NTC needs to schedule the tree selection with ToA. Discuss inspections of irrigation and planting by ToA. Also, need to finalize discussion of townhome wall construction and removal of tree. Status: In Progress -- Due Now Assigned To: Clay Barnett Jennifer Haynes Eric Little Slade Strickland Due Date: 6-May-2010 9:00 AM CT Meeting Date: 13-May-2010 9:00 AM CT NTC to schedule tree selection and tagging with Ron Lee. Status: In Progress Assigned To: Jennifer Haynes Due Date: - TBA - NEW! Meeting Date: 20-May-2010 7:53 AM CT Tree tagging is complete. There appears to be a shortage of 3" cal redbuds. American researching. NTC has begun excavation of grotto fountain down to top of pier and has begun tree removal north of Ponte. Status: In Progress Assigned To: Jennifer Haynes Due Date: - TBA - Topic 1.3 Phase IC - Change Order 2 In Progress -- Due Now Meeting Date: 6-May-2010 9:00 AM CT Review CO prepared by Bruce Dunn and advise of status of associated Change Order #6 for Phase IB. Status: In Progress Assigned To: Clay Barnett Bruce Dunne Eric Little Due Date: 7-May-2010 5:00 PM CT Meeting Date: 13-May-2010 9:00 AM CT Have received both CO #6 for Phase IB and CO #2 for 1C. Reviewing for approval. Status: In Progress Assigned To: Clay Barnett Eric Little Due Date: - TBA - Topic 1.4 Street Scapes/Townhome Wall In Progress -- Due Now Meeting Date: 6-May-2010 9:00 AM CT Medians appear to need more fill. JRJ needs to address in Phase IB. UDR requests pricing to add sod to disturbed areas outside of the paving ILO seed. Status: In Progress Assigned To: Jennifer Haynes Eric Little Due Date: 13-May-2010 9:00 AM CT Meeting Date: 13-May-2010 9:00 AM CT NTC would like to remove the top soil from Phase 1B and add to Phase 1C. Status: In Progress Assigned To: Clay Barnett Bruce Dunne Jennifer Haynes Eric Little Due Date: - TBA - NEW! Meeting Date: 20-May-2010 7:53 AM CT CO#6 for 1B requires some revisions. Status: In Progress Assigned To: Bruce Dunne Due Date: - TBA - Topic 2.2 Additional Tree Removal North of Ponte In Progress -- Due Now Meeting Date: 13-May-2010 9:00 AM CT There are approx 55 trees (per Bruce Dunn) north of Ponte that need to be demo'ed for the park construction that are not shown on the drawings. NTC proceeded with removing some without approval or change order. Status: In Progress Assigned To: Clay Barnett Bruce Dunne Jennifer Haynes Nick Jacob Eric Little Due Date: - TBA - Topic 2.3 SWPPP Plan In Progress -- Due Now Meeting Date: 13-May-2010 9:00 AM CT Need: Town signature on delegation and certification. Need copy of Town's NOI. NTC has signed already. Status: In Progress Assigned To: Clay Barnett Due Date: - TBA - NEW! Meeting Date: 20-May-2010 7:53 AM CT UDR and NTC counted the trees. Both agree on the total number of additional trees not shown on the park plans. NTC has priced. UDR and Town have requested revised pricing to reflect trees being mulched onsite ILO hauling off (per the contract). Status: In Progress Assigned To: Jennifer Haynes Due Date: - TBA - New Business No new items to display. Addendum N/A .................................................................................. Copyright (c) 1999-2010, Systemates, Inc. View the User Agreement for legal restrictions and terms of use applicable to this site. 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